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The All-American Rejects Band • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Davjs


    Got done listening to Kids and disagree completely. Say what you will about how you like it better, but it's definitely not more rock than the first two albums.

    Kids was pretty decent though. A step up from Worlds. I think they still lost me overall with their popier direction.

    As for the best singles I'd have to say their self titled because Time Stands Still and Last Song. Move Along has Top of the World though, so I can see the argument
  2. Jesse West

    Cursed by my ancestry

    Hmm... The first two albums always came across as standard power pop/pop punk to me. Where KITS has a songs with some pretty rocking guitar solos. To each their own!
  3. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Yeah I'd say the first two albums are poppier than Kids too. Kids definitely goes in a lot of different directions though which is partly why it's my favourite.
    Jesse West likes this.
  4. Davjs


    Man, maybe I'm just not hearing it and will on repeat listens. I think you can rock out a more to the old stuff like Last Song and Top of the World. I def dig rock more than pop so I'm going to keep relistening and see if my mind changes.
  5. Davjs


    Oh and about the solos, the one at the end of Kids was really good
  6. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    WTWCD isn't a good album, Move Along and KITS are very solid
  7. Davjs


    From everyone's comments, I feel like the self titled isn't looked too well upon...
  8. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    S/T is good stuff
  9. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Also, I used to really dislike WTWCD but in actuality it's just a standard pop rock album with only a couple gems like Real World and Damn Girl. Not bad, just not exactly special
  10. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    It's so bland compared to the album on either side of it.
  11. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I can agree with that, but those albums are great
  12. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Those are easily my two least favourites on there, haha. Really dislike those songs.

    "Another Heart Calls", "I Wanna" and "Mona Lisa" are three of my favourite songs by them though so I still enjoy that album. I probably like it about as much as the self titled if not more.
  13. Kuri44


    Anybody have any updates? It looked like they were gearing up to release an album last year, releasing a single in 2015, opening for blink, and teasing a new single (which they played live) "DGAF" and then no mention of anything besides some shows coming up this year
  14. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Supporter

    They were the band that got me into music when I was 10 and Kids in the Street is an all time favorite for me but honestly I feel like they'll probably never release another album. I'd love to be wrong, though
  15. Davjs


    I only really liked their first two all the way through, but I'd love for them to keep doing music if only just to see if they can recapture that magic again :-D That single they played during the Blink tour is not a good sign though.
  16. Steve_JustAGuy


    "Swing, Swing" still rules.
  17. Davjs


    I listened to the first two albums before seeing them open for Blink and I'd say both those still holds up completely. Not a fan of anything after. Just like other poppier rock bands like Fallout Boy and Paramore, I loved the earlier albums that had more of rock presence which you can tell when all three of those bands play songs live from their first albums how much more they move around compared to their later stuff.
  18. Jason Tolpin


    Move along and dirty little secret - when they come on, I stop and sing.
  19. Jason Tolpin


    ok. swing swing rocks it too.... This could be one of those hidden gems, to me, like 3rd eye blind....
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  20. Jesse West

    Cursed by my ancestry

    Late reply, but their third studio album was basically all rock. They ditched the pop punk thing for a much more straightforward rock sound.
  21. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

  22. Big co-headliner impending
  23. trevorshmevor likes this.
  24. Davjs


    I would be happy if they expanded that and did a lot more dates.
  25. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I just want another album as good as Kids in the Street. It's been five damn years.
    FTank, goation and Contender like this.