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The 1975 - I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It (Feb 26, 2016) Album • Page 124

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    it might just have been because i didn't know the song as well, but it felt a little less soft rock then
  2. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    that was after the album came out, this was on the very small venue tours they did in early 2013. it just felt more energetic. i'm listening to this video from the same tour and it sounds similar to the album version but idk.

    bobby_runs likes this.
  3. unbornwhiskey


    oh yeah i got thrown off bc the itunes set opens with "" and is generally identical to set i saw at music hall that year (months before the album came out)
  4. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    speaking of that tour, seeing chocolate live on that tour and everyone was freaking out singing along and matty was in shock and messed up a bit because of that. so amazing.

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  6. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Im still mad at myself for feeling lazy and not seeing them in November 2013. Played a 250 cap venue.
    sawhney[rusted]2 and smowashere like this.
  7. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    yeah i saw them in a 200 cap, a 500 cap, and a 750 cap all in 2013, hahaha.

    think it was like march, june, november
  8. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    that first show only sold out like two days before, was on a date too haha. date didn't go so well from a date perspective but hey, i can at least say i was at that show haha
    sophos34 and carrytheweird like this.
  9. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    That iTunes performance is what totally sold me on this band and I was counting down for the self-titled release. Bought it in Edinburgh on release day when I was on my first trip outside of the US.
  10. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I saw them Nov. 2016 in a 1200 cap
  11. carrytheweird

    I saw them this past summer in an arena that was barely halfway filled lol. My seats were amazing though and I had a blast.
  12. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Just watched the old demo version again. The thing I don't like about that era are his vocals. I like his British accent more than his American one.
  13. RyanRyan Nov 9, 2017
    (Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2017)


    What’s all this about an EP I’m hearing? Any time any one of the band post anything it’s all ‘WHAT A SHAME EP TELL US MORE’ in the comments.

    EDIT: I’ve had some seriously negative experiences at The 1975 concerts, due to inconsiderate fans recently. I miss the EP eras where you could see them in tiny venues and not have to worry about that.
    Jusscali and carrytheweird like this.
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  15. Wall Of Arms


    Matty confirmed there would be a new EP coming titled What A Shame on Twitter.

    Their manager tweeted this in past 24 hours re: it.

    chewbacca110 and RyanRyan like this.
  16. RyanRyan


  17. Bryan Diem


    Fans at the concerts the first time I went were fine aside from some macho douche dudes. Second time there were a lot of sucky annoying ones.
    RyanRyan likes this.
  18. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    The one time I saw the 1975 everyone was 14 except for me. Still a good show though, they're amazing live.
    carrytheweird and RyanRyan like this.
  19. RyanRyan


    Sucky annoying ones is more in-line with what I experienced, multiple times unfortunately haha.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  20. Bryan Diem


    Really? There's been a pretty even distribution of ages when I've seen them. Even seen an older couple wearing their shirts haha.

    It's mainly just the kids that are annoying and like, way too pushy or just have no sense of space and spill drinks on you, etc. But one time, this group of bro-y dudes was behind me, and one called "fallingforyou" "the gayest song they made" and his bro friend told him off. It was a MAGICAL moment.
    RyanRyan and jorbjorb like this.
  21. Richard

    Trusted Supporter

    Similar to me, I saw them at a 250 cap, then 600, then didn't see them again until then saw them at a festival in New York, and a 4000 cap venue in 2015. Its safe to say the vibe at their shows changed pretty drastically between the first two times I saw them. Lot more screaming and me feeling like a creepy old guy :ok:
    RyanRyan likes this.
  22. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    it's never really gotten in the way of my enjoyment for them, best show i saw them was the fourth time i saw them, in a 1200 cap. six in total.
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  24. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Seen them 3 times. Coachella 2014 which was honestly pretty bad, and then once in 2016 and 2017 at the same 5k seated venue.

    I'm glad to live in San Diego because the LA date was a 20k cap I believe for the same tour
  25. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I've seen them in 3k+ venues twice and once at a 1k venue. The 3k venue shows were better because of the full light show
    Deathco_019 likes this.
  26. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    smallest show for me was at a 500 cap in boston in 2013, largest was probably boston calling this year
  27. RyanRyan


    This x1000. And I'm only 23. Turning up early to queue for those gigs is just becoming weird, standing between a load of girls in sleeping bags hahaha. Any time anybody walks past I just feel like I have to inform them I'm not one of them. But I am one of them...because I'm there three hours early.
    Matt Chylak and Bryan Diem like this.
  28. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    How To Draw is too underrated. So beautiful.
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