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Ten Year Anniversary Pressing of Thrice’s ‘Beggars’

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    macbethfan likes this.
  2. KyleK Jun 21, 2019
    (Last edited: Jun 21, 2019)

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    Is this an exclusive to Bull Moose? I've been keeping my eyes out for this as the one Thrice album I'm missing from my vinyl collection.

    UPDATE: Nooooooo, they only ship within the US!
  3. So totally immediately scooped this up
  4. macbethfan

    Trusted Supporter

    Same here. I also posted it in a Thrice fan group on Facebook because this vinyl is the one that's notoriously hard to get because it hasn't ever been repressed and the prices were crazy on it.
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  5. Was it In Exile? It might very well be your Facebook post that I saw!! hahah
    macbethfan likes this.
  6. trevorshmevor Jun 21, 2019
    (Last edited: Jun 21, 2019)
  7. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Had no idea this went for so much, just randomly bought a signed copy at Hot Topic and haven't thought about it since.
  8. macbethfan

    Trusted Supporter

    That was it! ;-)
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  9. macbethfan

    Trusted Supporter

    Just curious, how much was it? Sounds like you got a steal for it.
  10. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Can't remember exactly but I don't think I would've paid more than $15 for it at the time.
    macbethfan likes this.
  11. shogunTORTOISE


    I was going to buy but my old fridge decided to be an asshole and breakdown this morning. There goes a good chunk of change.
  12. Guilherme Brandao


    So I guess I won't be adding this vinyl to my collection.
  13. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    Thankfully I've since seen the pre-order pop up on other stores (like SRCV).
  14. rxbandit89

    probably over-caffeinated. Supporter

    Are you also in the "In Exile" group? The group's a bit of a cluster, but I can't bring myself to leave it...
    macbethfan likes this.
  15. Sybil


    I think this is my favorite album of theirs actually.
    Guilherme Brandao likes this.
  16. macbethfan

    Trusted Supporter

    Same here. It can be a bit of an echo-chamber, but overall it’s a generally good vibe there and it’s definitely the first place I ever find out about new Thrice info at. It felt great contributing for once with having the early scoop on the Beggars vinyl. I never get to post those sorts of things.
  17. Guilherme Brandao


    Probably my favorite as well.
    I love the raw production and the track list is incredible.
    Sybil likes this.
  18. sayitaintjoe


    It's gone! Noooooo! I have a signed copy of the green vinyl. Kind of kick started my collection, honestly. Favorite Thrice record hands down.
  19. sayitaintjoe likes this.
  20. bestofmoss


    wtf im old
  21. Guilherme Brandao


    Does it come with the "You are listening to a Vagrant Records advance promotional stream" watermak?
  22. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    Only if you play it backwards.