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Tancred - Out of the Garden Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Threads, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm loving this so far. I can't get enough of Pens and Poise.
  2. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

  3. vein.ftm

    Trusted Prestigious

    Pretty Girls is the jam
    Threads likes this.
  4. Orla

    little old lady Prestigious

    Tons of listens over the past week. Definite leaps forward in songwriting, but I've been having a tough time getting over how messy the EQ on this record sounds, especially compared to her s/t.
    Meerkat likes this.
  5. MrRobot

    Twitter/IG: @scott325

    Audiotree session is up.

    Essie and Meerkat like this.
  6. SayHello


    This album is incredible.
  7. RobbieBerns

    @robbieberns Prestigious

    First time listening to them, and I like the album. Don't see if I see myself coming back to it much though? The songs sound nice, and the riffs are great, I just don't feel that extra bit that pulls me in.
  8. feeling this

    edit: oh, Pens is amazing, love everything about it
  9. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Saw these guys last night, they were great. They have such a grungy garage-rock feel. Very entertaining,
  10. permanentann

    we'll kick it when I hit the ground

    I think one is my favorite, too.

    I really love this album more than I expected to.
  11. SayHello


    Pens is definitely the album's pinnacle.
  12. Ainsley&MyWhetstone


    I've really been loving this record. Can someone help me though, I don't have a physical copy of the record yet so I just want to know if I'm hearing this lyric correctly. At the beginning of Poise does she sing, "wanna fine a darker way to fuck?" I can't tell if I'm just hearing this incorrectly or not.
  13. TheBaroness

    a burst and I'm awake now Supporter

    Couldn't get into this after the first couple of spins, then I listened through some good quality headphones and it suddenly clicked. Good album.
  14. GooberSandwich Apr 4, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 4, 2016)

    Regular Supporter

    Listening to this as my introduction to Tancred, and I am loving the vibe. "Bed Case" to "Not Likely" are a great sequence of songs that leads perfectly into the slower "Pens." Like Julien Baker meets Cat Power.

    EDIT: After listening to "Sell My Head", Julien Baker meets Cat Power meets classic Tegan & Sara

    Yeah :-|Let's go with that
  15. Threads

    Regular Prestigious

    I'm so glad people seem to be into this/are listening. I was afraid when I made this thread it would get like 2 replies.

    "Wanna find a darker way to fuck." is the correct line according to the lyric page. That was one of the first things I checked when my copy arrived so you aren't alone in being unsure about it.
  16. Ainsley&MyWhetstone


    Thank you! I wasn't going to be surprised if that was the actual lyric. but at the same time it threw me off.
  17. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    gave this another shot. it's catchy and i like some songs but i'm still not too into it. soundwise the garage rock feel isn't something i ever like
  18. AndrewSoup

    It's A Secret To Everyone Prestigious

    LP sounds so gooooood
    GooberSandwich likes this.
  19. morgantayler

    Human Typo Prestigious

    She did a short interview with Rookie and released a video for "Bed Case".

    Selma Blair would have been the best band name, she should have done it haha.
    Rookie ยป Tancred: Bed Case

  20. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    I wanna be Jess Abbott when I grow up
    Threads, AndrewSoup and morgantayler like this.
  21. Threads

    Regular Prestigious

    Great video for a great song. I wonder if we will see anymore touring anytime soon.

    Swimming has been hitting me pretty hard recently.
  22. vein.ftm

    Trusted Prestigious

    Cool trippy video, jess is such a shredder. My favorites from the album are Pens, Sell My Head, Not Likely and Pretty Girls
  23. MrRobot

    Twitter/IG: @scott325

    This thread deserves more love. I adore this album. I think Bed Case might be my favorite song of 2016 so far.
    Threads likes this.
  24. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Didn't like this much on my first listen, but I quite like this now.
  25. MrRobot

    Twitter/IG: @scott325

    Little off-topic, but does anyone know if Jess is still involved with Now, Now in any capacity? I've always gotten the impression she left the band, but I could be making that up in my head. I've never seen anything official about their status.