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Sweet 16 (Old Dramas): The Sopranos vs. Twin Peaks

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Morrissey, Feb 8, 2022.


Which show should advance?

Poll closed Feb 11, 2022.
  1. The Sopranos

  2. Twin Peaks

  1. Morrissey


    Both shows are landmarks in making television compete against film. Which do you choose?
  2. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    F U C K
  3. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I'm going with my heart on this one, sorry Tone
    Victor Eremita likes this.
  4. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This sucks.
    Victor Eremita and Anthony_ like this.
  5. foolton

    1x Wrestling Thread Predictions World Champion Prestigious

    man this is so fucked
  6. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This should have been split so both could go farther. This could have been the final two and been completely worthy. Sopranos has to take it all so I can’t go against it, but ugh.
  7. Morrissey


    I think Breaking Bad/Mad Men/The Wire all would probably take down Twin Peaks.
    Ken, Jason Tolpin and Victor Eremita like this.
  8. foolton

    1x Wrestling Thread Predictions World Champion Prestigious

    I have a twin peaks tattoo and still felt like I needed to vote for the sopranos but stood my ground

    goat against goat
  9. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    Only one of them would deserve to
  10. phaynes12 Prestigious

    get twin peaks the fuck outta here
  11. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    yeah, this should be another blowout
  12. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I made it to the "bad" part of Twin Peaks, and there is no "bad" part of The Sopranos
    soggytime, CarpetElf and Aaron Mook like this.
  13. Jason Tolpin


    When Twin Peaks came out, there was nothing like it - so it was Must See TV

    When Sopranos came out, ditto.... But there was social media at this point.

    If there was social media when Twin Peaks came out, it'd have been wild.

    This is a tough choice - which had the most impact on me, when it arrived...

    I was younger when Twin Peaks was out.
  14. Morrissey


    What social media was there for most of the Sopranos run? AOL Instant Messenger?
    Victor Eremita likes this.
  15. Jason Tolpin


    Oh... FB or Twitter? No?
  16. Morrissey


    Those were pretty new, especially Twitter. We were all using MySpace in 2004 until Facebook overtook it but the only way to share something with your friends was the bulletin feature which was used for stuff like dumb surveys.
  17. the rural juror

    carried in the arms of cheerleaders

    You guys weren't putting Sopranos quotes as your AIM away messages when you were in middle school?
    Jason Tolpin likes this.
  18. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    I like the sopranos a lot and I recognize it will win, but it really doesn’t come close to my all time favorites. Twin Peaks does.
  19. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

  20. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Twin Peaks for me.
    Contender likes this.
  21. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    Twin Peaks is so hard to compare to other shows. When it’s at its peak (no pun intended) I think I am more impressed by it than any other show. But as was mentioned it does have a significant stretch in season 2 where it is not very good. Still there are very few shows I feel comfortable saying are better, Sopranos just happens to be one of them.
  22. Morrissey


    Part of this comes down to legacy. Twin Peaks has a tremendous legacy, but The Sopranos is what people think of when you talk about the evolution of television from mindless entertainment to serious long-form storytelling. It is the Godfather of TV shows, and I doubt it will ever be surpassed.
  23. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Sopranos is obviously one of the greatest shows of all time but The Return alone is better than any season or seasons of Sopranos imo. It's pretty much the greatest thing I've ever experienced on television and I don't know how anything could top it.
    Contender likes this.
  24. Jason Tolpin


    Talking to people my age, if I asked them which one they liked more -TP or Sopranos, they would think back to 1990 and what they were doing - most were in college at that time, and were listening to new wave/alternative music, college music, etc... and into TP at exactly the right time.

    Sopranos, their kids were being born, maybe the parents were up in the middle of the night, feeding them, and watching the show on demand (yeah, TP, you could not - you HAD to watch it then, right?)

    SO things have changed a bit from one to another - TP meant a lot at the time. If I Had to binge one now, with my wife, it'd be Sopranos, but I could definitely stay awake for both.

    Different times, 10 years apart, but socially, Sopranos meant more, I guess. A lot more people were watching/dissecting it.

    But alas - the question is - which am I choosing as better. Which meant more to me?

    It won't win. But I choose Twin Peaks. Sitting in college lunch room, discussing it over coffee felt better
  25. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Honestly surprised someone who was in college in 1990 is on Chorus