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Survivor (CBS) TV Show • Page 61

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by irthesteve, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    The start of Second Chances is absolutely ridiculous
    Analog Drummer likes this.
  2. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Just finished S31 Second Chances. I might have said it before but Spencer was too young in his first season. His actions in Cagayan were still hurting him (Kass going in at FTC) here. He's a great player but his perception has already been decided by fellow contestants.

    Tony did a deep dive on WaW and it just got released.
    Survivor 40 DEEP DIVE | Tony Vlachos –
    Analog Drummer likes this.
  3. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

  4. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Analog Drummer likes this.
  5. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Have really become obsessed with this over the last week or so.

    I watched season 1 a few months ago and found it to be interesting but nothing super exciting. Didn’t scratch the same itch as The Challenge did for me and I hated the idea of the winner being decided by a vote. A vote! Blah!

    however, over the last week or so I watched Cagayan, Samoa, China, Villains vs Heroes and now have started Africa.

    I no longer dislike the winner being decided by a vote, I really like it and I get the dynamic it adds to the game.

    Ironically enough I was gonna post in here yesterday about how disappointed I was in Russell after 3 episodes of Villains vs Heroes because he seemed off his game, lazy and just out of it compared to Samoa. Well that changed pretty quickly lol and my opinion changed.

    kind of tempted to watch all the seasons in order as V vs H had people I hadn’t seen before so some context and knowledge was missing, but idk it’s enjoyable to just jump around.

    And here’s a big unpopular opinion / activity that probably no one else does: for some seasons I start it by seeing who wins before getting past episode 4-5. I don’t know the full vote off order, just the winner so everything else is a complete surprise but sometimes it’s easier to digest if knowing someone I really dislike or really like ISN’T gonna make it to the end lol

    *don't do this for all seasons, just some if either no one really grabs my interest or if there is strong like/dislike. I’m not good with the anticipation and unknown*
    VanMastaIteHab likes this.
  6. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I love Survivor gaining new fans :-)
  7. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    It’s called Edgic. I watched the opening of WaW and it was hilarious who they open the season with. And what that contestant says.
  8. Analog Drummer


    I’ve been doing all season since lockdown too
    Up to s9 Vanuatu now
  9. @@ron


    Not reading much of this thread to avoid any spoilers. Just popping in to say my wife and I are on season 3 and loving the show. Don’t love this season as much as 2 but it’s getting better towards the end. I’m looking forward to some all star seasons in the future.
  10. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Analog Drummer likes this.
  11. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    I know I shouldn’t but I started watching season 40 today even though I’ve only seen a few seasons. I know the logic would be that this would ruin previous seasons for me since this season is only winners but my memory is shit I probably won’t remember when I go back and start watching in chronological order.

    hell, I looked up the season 3 winner when I started that season and by the sixth episode I had forgotten who it was lol
    Analog Drummer, Groogz and irthesteve like this.
  12. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Idk. I watched season 40 only knowing like 6 of the contestants. I’ve gone back and watched most of the seasons since 28. Knowing who wins let’s you focus on the actual gameplay. Currently watching finale of David v Goliath. Still don’t see how winner pulls this off.
    Groogz likes this.
  13. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Yeah not gonna lie I had the winner of season 40 spoiled for me in some random ass interview that had nothing to do with reality tv or Survivor and I was a little peeved but wasn’t that upset since I sometimes do look ahead at who won. And like you said, knowing in advance allows you to watch the gameplay unfold more and focus on other dimensions of the show and interactions.
    Groogz likes this.
  14. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    What I seriously can’t wrap my head around is just what the fuck do you do for 39 days on a goddamn island. How long does a challenge take? 15 minutes for some, maybe an hour or so for others? And then you sit in your camp for the next 20-30 hours until the next challenge or tribal counsel? We see 3 days in 45 minutes but the other day I was really thinking through how many conversations have to take place to pass the time and how fucking annoyed people have to get with each other when that’s all there is lol I get you’re also looking for firewood and fishing and such but goddamn I would be sleeping 24/7 just to pass the time
    Groogz, irthesteve and yeahrightdude like this.
  15. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    I remember reading an interview from a cameraman and he said all they do is talk about food for the whole day lol
    marsupial jones and Groogz like this.
  16. Groogz

    Tranquilo Prestigious

    I mentioned when season 40 finished that it was the first season I watched, and have since gone back and watched the first 8 seasons I believe. It really only gets underwhelming on the last episode of each season with someone from season 40. Up until then even if you know who wins the season, you can still enjoy and focus on the gameplay (as others have said) and can still enjoy the drama of seeing who else gets how far into the season. Plus with the idea that not all season 40 players won on their first season, there is still some uncertainty in each season.
    PatRFinley likes this.
  17. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    sorry to be "that guy" that talks about something months old as if it's new but my god the moves that Denise pulled in episode 6 of season 40 deserves a post. goddamn what a thing of beauty that was. this is only the 5th season or so that i've watched but that's easily so far the greatest tribal counsel twist i've seen yet. sheer magnificence.

  18. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    I assume this is the Sandra blindside? Amazing moment for sure
  19. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    correct! When they were talking about swapping immunity idol for the fire token I was like... wait... doesn’t she have one already? And then thought, “well it doesn’t hurt to have two” but didn’t really get what was happening until the very end lmao so I was legit stunned. I’m not a huge fan of Sandra (seen her in her second winning season) but I have learned to respect her more and more, so it was cool to see “the Queen” get played and also cool to see her respect the move and realize she played herself into it.
    VanMastaIteHab likes this.
  20. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    This show is super fascinating in that you can suck at the challenges (Sandra) or not appear to be physically intimidating / strong (lots of people) and still be super vital and important and kept around. Like, I still don’t quite get it. Sandra sits out every challenge she can so... how does that help anyone? lol I’m learning obviously as each season progresses but it’s very interesting how physical strength really doesn’t matter if you have the gift of gab or people making mistakes around you.
    bobby_runs and VanMastaIteHab like this.
  21. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    You don’t want to win individual immunity until the end.
  22. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Not true at all, there are countless times individual immunity had saved someone way before the end
    Analog Drummer likes this.
  23. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    I really don’t understand how Nick (or Adam) won their seasons. Maybe they played with a weak cast and when you put them in a stacked season their weaknesses show more vividly, but my god every time Nick is on screen all I see are the dull incomprehensible eyes of someone who looks way out of place lol

    One of my favorite scenes is the montage of Nick wandering up to conversations to try and get in with what is happening early in the season :crylaugh:
    Analog Drummer and yeahrightdude like this.
  24. Analog Drummer


    I rewatched the entire Vanuatu season and had forgotten who wins from my original watching in 2007
  25. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Granted I’ve already watched 5 seasons or so but I now have Prime again and signed up for the CBS All Access add on so I can watch the first dozen or so seasons. Let’s gooooo.
    Analog Drummer likes this.