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Survivor (CBS) TV Show • Page 26

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by irthesteve, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wow, that was a pretty crazy result. Poor Michaela, if Cirie hadn't blown the advantage none of that would have happened...
  2. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I'm still confused a to WHY it happened the way it did in the end
  3. devenstonow


    sarah gives advantage to cirie because giving an advantage/idol is probably the biggest "i trust you" move you can do in survivor; i personally think she was completely aware of the "non-transferrable"

    sarah is the swing/"where is she really?" vote

    cirie uses advantage to ensure sarah's swing doesn't matter (or, alternatively, to get out Sarah. don't entirely remember)

    (reportedly, not shown) troyzan points out the "non-transferrable" part (i assume he was also in on the plan)

    sarah goes with it, getting the advantage back and making Cirie look like a total fool

    sarah starts the chatter, telling tai not to play his idol (essentially securing his full trust for the rest of the game when it turned out to be true) and telling brad that she was targeting tai, to ensure that he would unquestionably go michaela (to save Tai, if he was unsure of it)and also banking on Cirie having her group go after Tai (though I guess Tai vs Brad are fairly interchangeable in this, other than that I think Brad wouldn't hold back on playing an idol)

    she took Tai's vote (as opposed to anyone else's) to fake out Cirie's alliance into thinking she was using it to vote out Tai.

    this is how I assumed the whole situation went down (or at least the intentions behind everything), although I have zero memory of the tone/what Sarah actually said when giving Cirie the advantage. So, in summary, Sarah basically showed why you should absolutely never trust a cop in the game of Survivor.

    Essentially, a power move by Sarah to make sure that Cirie and co. would go a certain way, to ensure Brad/Troyzan were misled to go a certain way. She had to trick Cirie to make her think that she was going after Tai and make everyone think Tai was her target.

    michaela was the target because we're reaching obstacle course immunities
    irthesteve likes this.
  4. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    The whole thing was seriously insane
  5. NewSurrender

    Regular Prestigious

  6. Kyle is hk

    Not Kyle Shanahan Prestigious

    This editing this season is just so bad.

    We never got any perspective on why Tai/Brad/Troy voted the way they did in both cases.

    It feels like the trend now is to make the results a surprise rather than a 50/50. If that makes sense.
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  7. devenstonow


    S35 title:
    Survivor: Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers
  8. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    wtf does that even mean
  9. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm assuming its something like cops, doctors, entrepreneurs
  10. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I read a bit at Inside Survivor and it seems like Heroes (cops, firefighters, etc)
    Healers (doctors, yoga instructors, etc)
    Hustlers (business people) so yeah basically what you are getting at
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  11. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    interesting concept but it doesn't sound like there will be many relatable players as there were on MvGX. At least for me personally... Hopefully I'm wrong. I also dislike the "we're both cops, bro, we need to stick together" storyline they're inevitably going to run into.
  12. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Honestly, these days I don't really care what the theme is, it's just marketing lingo that they lean on for like 3 episodes and then it's just a regular season again. Once they do a tribe shakeup, the theme doesn't matter anymore. All I hope for, as with every season, is that the cast is good
  13. devenstonow


    Internet's gonna be piiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssed
  14. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    lol wow. the jury even gave a standing ovation.
  15. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    Culpepper is the worst. Luckily, choosing Sarah over Tai for the final three is the dumbest choice he could have made.
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  16. devenstonow


    Troy's confidence during FTC gives me life
    irthesteve, yeahrightdude and kbeef2 like this.
  17. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    So...we're supposed to be applauding Sarah because her family was supportive of her tolerating a trans person?

    Also that "worried about how my state would react" thing is BS. We were the fourth state to legalize gay marriage! We're not hicksville, I swear!
    irthesteve and yeahrightdude like this.
  18. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wonder how much money (or free candy) Culpepper will get from that Snickers drop.
  19. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    Glad we could fit Varner's book at the end there. Kinda icky tbh
    Kyle is hk and yeahrightdude like this.
  20. Kyle is hk

    Not Kyle Shanahan Prestigious

    Varner stuff didn't sit well
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  21. Kyle is hk

    Not Kyle Shanahan Prestigious

    Brads a dumb cocky idiot. Confirmed his first season edit
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  22. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Not my favorite ending, but glad it was Sarah over Brad in the end. Honestly, before tonight I was more ready for Brad to win but he became quite an asshole in the last few episodes.

    Varner started off OK, then fucked it up by the end of his speech thing and then the book, ugh

    Next season theme is whatever, but I'm ready for an all new cast!
  23. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    ALSO that Cirie ending was heartbreaking, and kinda shows how fucking IDOL crazy this show has become. Hopefully they tone down the idols and advantages for a bit.

    new Final Tribal format was horrible.

    Lastly, I can't believe Probst spoiled the big secret of what they would do in a tie!!!!! It's a genius solve, but I am a little sad that it was spoiled after so many seasons for no reason
    Kyle is hk and yeahrightdude like this.
  24. devenstonow


    yeah, I'm disappointed because if it eventually happens it won't be as much of a surprise. The 3rd place finalist deciding who wins has pretty much always been the leading theory on what they do, but I wish there still was that mystery.

    Also thought that showing all the votes during the reunion (which they did, right? I was in and out of the room at that point) was odd.

    I kinda enjoyed the new FTC format. They did it this way in response to Michele's win last year and the internet rage over the influence Scot, Jason, and Julia had at Ponderosa (keep in mind the finale for that season was in between filming of MvGX and this) towards pushing Michele's gameplay over Aubry's (which RedditRage calls bullying and abuse shrugemoji.jpg). Jeff said in all the preseason press that they had plans to "eliminate or minimize Ponderosa jury influence", so I see this as them sorta just putting it out in the open by treating FTC like a normal tribal (which is a perspective that kinda makes me not like it).

    I feel like there's an overall shift beginning towards recognizing the "meta" of Survivor (ie. pregame alliances, jury going into FTC already decided, Sarah showing pretty much no excitement over winning because they probably knew beforehand) that's influenced by the new "go up and whisper to everyone and strategize in a huddle the last second" that's slowly happening more and more.

    and jesus christ the vitriol people (including former survivors on twitter cough eliza when she eventually livetweets it cough) hold towards Ozzy's view of the game is awful. Succeeding via challenges is a perfectly valid way to succeed in the game of Survivor. In that vein, I love that Brad is a member of the 5-wins club. And that he at least got some votes at FTC
  25. devenstonow


    Wait, here's something kinda bullshit:

    (s35 preview spoilers I guess)

    'Survivor' Season 35: An Early Look at 6 New Castaways

    The Hollywood Reporter was the only media outlet on location for Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers, speaking with all of the contestants before the game's launch, and observing the first three days that will form the basis of the season premiere. We'll have much more to share about the visit closer to the season premiere in the fall, but first, we're taking a page out of Probst's playbook, and offering a tiny taste of what's ahead.