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Suicide Squad (David Ayer, 2016) Movie • Page 64

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    He was okay
  2. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I thought the cast was pretty damn great. I don't think the actors were the problem.
    Colby Searcy, coleslawed and Davjs like this.
  3. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    I don't think anything was the problem I loved it :shrug:
  4. Allpwrtoslaves


    Captain Boomerang was the only character I wanted to come back. Probably the only time I thought Courtney nailed a role. Perfectly hammed it up.
  5. Allpwrtoslaves


    Viola Davis and Joel Kinnaman confirmed to be back as well. I hope they bring back the entire cast only to have the opening mission go horribly wrong and they all die, bringing in the C-team.
    Davjs likes this.
  6. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    Davjs likes this.
  7. Davjs


    I love that it seems like the whole cast will be back, esp Viola Davis. Her scenes were so good. Also glad Deadshot will just be removed from the movie, but still keeping Idris. Seems like the best of both worlds.
  8. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I never understood why they were initially pitching The Suicide Squad as a full reboot when there were actors in the first movie that were actually worth keeping around (Robbie, Davis, shockingly Jai Courtney). Even Will Smith was fine in it. It just makes more sense to lean in to the fact that the Suicide Squad's line-up is a mutable thing and swap out the elements that didn't work for new ones while keeping the ones that did. Also it doesn't have to be a full reboot to completely ignore everything that happened in the first one, they're doing it in Wonder Woman 1984 after all.
    thenewmatthewperry and Davjs like this.
  9. Davjs


    The next time we see Harley will be in Birds of Prey and I doubt they even mention the Joker, so yeah they can def just ignore what happened in the first one.
  10. wordzanddreamz

    and a millions screams...

    There is a set picture with Joker in it from BoP
    Davjs likes this.
  11. Davjs



    I'm excited but I know I am one of the few who liked Leto's Joker. I figured due to reception they were just going to ghost him.
  12. wordzanddreamz

    and a millions screams...

    Its not him I don't think. Looks like they might shoot it to not see his face. Maybe a dream sequence or flash back or something.
  13. Davjs


    Man, hopefully DC doesn't make it a habit of shooting characters from the neck down for characters whose actors they have lost lol.
  14. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I didn't really have a problem with the way Leto played the Joker in SS, didn't hate it but didn't love it, as it was at least a different take on the character than what we've seen in the past. My problem is with Leto as a person, specifically the troubling allegations that have come out against him since SS's release and that have seemingly been forgotten by the press, so I don't want him anywhere near these movies in the future. Unrelated to DC but I also won't be paying to see the Morbius movie either.
    awakeohsleeper likes this.
  15. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Jared Leto is a bad actor and man
  16. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I hated the romanticizing of The Joker and Harley Quinn's clearly abusive relationship.
    awakeohsleeper and Tim like this.
  17. Davjs


    Isn't that their characters though?

    For her to go from a normal person to Harley Quinn, Joker had to manipulate and control her. It's suppose to be abusive in nature.

    I could be wrong I guess, but I thought their scenes were spot on from what I've seen in the comics and whatnot. I think the problem was fans romanticizing it, not the film. The film did it's job of telling the story.
    chewbacca110 and Colby Searcy like this.
  18. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I took the movie framing Harley Quinn as this playful, snarky character basically saying The Joker's abuse to her made her a better villain/character. It turned the scene of him manipulating her jumping into the vat of acid as their big romantic set piece.

    This goes without mentioning the advertising and merchandise that centered around their relationship in a positive light.
    Davjs likes this.
  19. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    If I remember that mess of a story correctly, the betrayal could've been a tipping point towards the comics status quo of Harley moving on from Joker. Which, is an angle I'm hoping for out of Birds of Prey (which is why a very small Joker appearance wouldn't ruin the movie, if it's just a small part to tell that tale of escaping an abusive relationship). However, the ending of Joker breaking Harley out reframes their relationship in a yucky way, to say the least. Basically just depicting abuse as a surface level edgy aesthetic choice, w/out an arc or any meaningful commentary.

    Which, sure, it is in a way faithful to her comics & television history. Not completely unlike the ending of Mad Love. But, I'd argue the ending of Mad Love is also not good.

    And then, yes, the marketing team leaned into gross "relationship goals" type stuff. Which, it's debatable how much a film should be judged by its marketing (I'd usually err towards as little as possible), but they certainly do overlap into an overall, uh, problematic (at best) whole.
    awakeohsleeper, Davjs and Zilla like this.
  20. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I think the full title of the movie pretty much confirms this is the case
    Tim likes this.
  21. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Really hoping they don't mess up Birds of Prey. It has so much incredible potential.
  22. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    Anyways, on a different note, I do wonder who Idris Elba is gonna play. He's too big an actor, likely in too central a role, to be a super deep cut or whatever. And, even with the possibility of race-bending like they did w/ Deadshot, not sure what good candidates are available.

    My first thought is maybe Bronze Tiger, like updated the way a lot of dated comics characters have been updated (Black Panther having some of the best examples).
  23. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    It's my most anticipated DC film.

    And Gunn's Suicide Squad is my second most anticipated. Both over Wonder Woman & Batman, etc. I wouldn't have believed that two followups to Suicide Squad would be my top if you told me in August 2016.
  24. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Yeah I would say the same, only I would put TSS as my #1 solely because of Gunn.

    I will say, though, that I have high hopes that Jenkins & Co. took the WW criticisms to heart and that WW1984 will fix the problems WW had, specifically its lackluster finale. And having Matt Reeves involved in Batman is a great thing as well.

    Basically I'm just glad Snyder is out. With Shazam being as good as it was and with how bright the future of DC's movies appears to be, I think it's become clear that removing him from the equation was the best business decision WB/DC has made since they hired Nolan to do Batman Begins.
  25. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    Oh sure, no shade at those projects. But, my favorite live action comic book franchise is Guardians, so Gunn doing Suicide Squad is awesome. And, something about the cast & feel of Birds of Prey, the general voice of that film (from the very little we know) really speaks to me.

    The only thing that could excite me more is if Ava DuVernay's New Gods gets real traction. That'd immediately shoot to the top.