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Suicide Squad (David Ayer, 2016) Movie • Page 59

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Mel Gibson makes no sense to me, but I'm having trouble thinking of anyone that would make sense to me other than Ayer
  2. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    This was a mediocre movie and I dislike Will
    Smith more with everything he does but I thought he was really good in this. Would like to see more of his character in something.
  3. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    i thought this movie was terrible. just cringed all the way throughout. the editing flaws were pretty obvious in certain parts as well. i loved will and margot, but even they couldn't save it.
  4. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I really wanted to like Leto's Joker but I hated it.
    a nice person likes this.
  5. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Mel Gibson. Wow. Um. It makes sense, given the trainwreck.
  6. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I would much rather Mel Gibson make another movie besides a sequel to Suicide Squad. I like his films but I don't even see him being able to redeem suicide squad.
  7. Allpwrtoslaves


    Gibson? I thought Ayer was already locked in for the sequel? I guess not...
  8. Davjs


    Ayer is doing Gotham City Sirens, which is a Harley/Poison Ivy/Catwoman movie I think. I think they should scrap that and let Ayer do SS2 since he's already familiar with it all and I thought given his honestly about what went wrong with the movie, he'd make a good sequel hopefully.

    This made me LOL. For sure, as much bad press as DC is getting every day, how is throwing Gibson's name out going to make it better?

    Yes, I like all of his movies and he is a hell of a film maker, but I'd rather him do something of his own and not take on superheroes. Esp when he doesn't even seem to like the DCEU movies. Also who wants to see a PG13 Gibson movie?
  9. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

  10. michael_gatto


    Ayer wasn't necessarily the problem on the first film, but here's hoping the sequel is decent I guess.
  11. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    Ehhh...Ayer certainly didn't help by creating a toxic set.
  12. a nice person

    Trusted Prestigious

    The script was baaaaad
    Whatjuliansaid likes this.
  13. michael_gatto


    I was honestly not aware of a toxic set, so that does definitely add to things.
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  14. ghostedaway

    itchy, tasty Prestigious

    Wonder if Ivy and Catwoman will be in the sequel to set up Gotham City Sirens. If that's still happening...

    Edit: Guess GCS will be out before SS2
  15. Whatjuliansaid

    News on once the clouds are gone. Prestigious

    This can't be as bad as the first
    michael_gatto likes this.
  16. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Whyyyyyyy. There are so many other things DC could do instead of making a sequel to this.
  17. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Pretty sure the first movie did VERY well for them financially
    coleslawed and Colby Searcy like this.
  18. musicandlyrics

    Xaxa Mckenzie

    I am honestly not impressed with this movie, I just hope that they give justice to the story of this villain. Something is missing in this film the reason why it didn't receive great reviews.
  19. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    I enjoyed this movie but it definitely want without faults
  20. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Ayer wrote this awful script. He's absolutely at fault.
  21. Unfortunate that they are making a sequel. First one is just about unwatchable. I can honestly say there's literally nothing I liked about it save for the Batman cameos. Don't know off hand whats on deck for DC but I'd rather have another go at Green Lantern than this.
    Jusscali likes this.
  22. The first one was terrible but it was a lot of fun and all of my issues with it were pretty specific. A sequel could be great if it fixes issues with the script (less "we need to stop the apocalypse" and more character moments) and edit it in a way that makes competent sense.
    awakeohsleeper likes this.
  23. Davjs


    This absolutely needs a sequel, what are you guys on about? We have such a fantastic cast and characters to explore. Sucks Ayer may not be involved since he made that statement about how he should have made it a smaller, personal story instead of a save the world story. I'd love to see him back and give all the characters some good moments.
    Colby Searcy and younglikeme like this.
  24. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I turned my brain off and enjoyed watching the first one, but I have zero interest in a sequel unless it changes A LOT about the writing/characters.
  25. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    Yeah, I don't really want a sequel. Put Harley Quinn in her own film (which is basically what that Gotham City Sirens film in development is, but I think the film should be called "Harley Quinn" and should have a woman at the helm who can give us a compelling arc for Harley abandoning the Joker).

    None of the other characters really need used again anytime soon, considering how many characters and potential franchises DC is juggling at the moment. This cast just shouldn't be a top priority. But, if they REALLY need to have the characters show up again soon, do so outside of Suicide Squad. Put Boomerang in the Flash film. Waller can make an appearance in a Batman, Justice League, or Harley Quinn. Deadshot is the only character besides Harley who's really worth returning to in any significant way, but he's also a character that'd be fine to put on the shelf for a little while as DC develops some of their other characters.
    Alba and awakeohsleeper like this.