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Stranger Things (Netflix) TV Show • Page 58

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Joe, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

  2. Zilla

    Trusted Supporter

  3. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Some days I wish we could just dis-invent the internet.
    airik625 likes this.
  4. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    The only good thing to ever come out of the internet is keyboard cat and the rest is pure shit.
  5. Davjs


    *ahem Wednesday Frog my dudes ahem*
    Kyle Max likes this.
  6. EarlyMorningRiser

    Keep on the sunny side.

    BackyardHero11 and Davjs like this.
  7. BackyardHero11


    EarlyMorningRiser likes this.
  8. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Finally watched and finished season 2. I'm obsessed with this show. Can't wait for more.
    Ferrari333SP and theagentcoma like this.
  9. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Gonna start Beyond Stranger Things tonight.
    Ferrari333SP and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
  10. SmithBerryCrunch

    Trusted Prestigious

  11. TedSchmosby


    Having a mall as a primary set is such a great idea
    ship90 and coleslawed like this.
  12. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

  13. Matt Who

    Space Cadet Prestigious

    Next summer, huh? Damn.
  14. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

  15. Matt Who

    Space Cadet Prestigious

    I guess next summer makes sense, if the prequel novel is coming next spring.
  16. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Show needs to be in October
  17. Matt Who

    Space Cadet Prestigious

    I bet the season is set during summer break.
    coleslawed likes this.
  18. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    The showrunners said it will take place in the Summer of '85.
  19. Lucas27


    I live less than ten minutes from that mall. I explored it a few times and got to see them film a little bit. It used to be the place to be in the 80's and 90's and I pretty much equate it with my childhood. Now it's pretty much abandoned and they found a dead body in the food court not too long ago.

    Also, very random fact, but the mall is on Pleasant Hill Rd in Duluth, GA which is also sung about in "The Alien" by Manchester Orchestra. I spend a ton of time studying in that area and it's now played a role in my favorite TV show and favorite album of last year. I feel privileged. :)
    zigbigwig, cybele, ChaseTx and 4 others like this.
  20. EarlyMorningRiser

    Keep on the sunny side.

    Yet another piece of Stranger Things that reminds me of the Paper Girls comics, love them both.
    BackyardHero11 likes this.
  21. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    Guaranteed Dawn of the Dead references.
    ChaseTx likes this.
  22. supernovagirl

    Poetic and noble land mermaid

    huh, interesting
  23. Ferrari333SP Sep 6, 2018
    (Last edited: Sep 7, 2018)

    Prestigious Supporter

    If you guys want to check out some Stranger Things/80's-esque music, you should really check out The Midnight

    Trailer for their new album "Kids" out on the 21st

    First two songs off the new album, next two are from their debut album "Endless Summer"

  24. Thanks for the rec! My favorite Stranger Things-like artist is PILOTPRIEST at the moment:

    Ferrari333SP and oakhurst like this.
  25. EarlyMorningRiser

    Keep on the sunny side.

    Thank you so much for those recs, that could not be any more up my alley right now.