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Story of the Year Band • Page 42

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by inwaves, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. pbueddi


    Oh for sure. I just always assumed there has to be more to the whole story.
  2. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    Anyone here a patron? On last week's Page Avenue Crew they said they announced the producer of their next record and I really wanna know.
  3. Nolessthanblink

    Are You Watching Closely?

    After all the talk of him, I was really thinking they were going back with Feldy on this one... although I hope thats not the case
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  4. DarkHotline

    Proud To Bathe With A Rag On A Stick Prestigious

    It’s some producer in Nashville is all I can remember at the moment
  5. mmhmm

    Trusted Prestigious

    Aaron Sprinkle is from Nashville
  6. pbueddi


    I'd love for them to work with Feldman again.
  7. SFguitar


    It's Colin Brittain
    chewbacca110 and pbueddi like this.
  8. morken

    Not everything means something, honey Supporter

    Hmmmm.. Interesting choise, but also a little worrisome. The stuff he's done with A day to remember and Hands Like Houses hasn't exactly been their best stuff.
  9. Cmoney86


    for their upcoming shows next week

  10. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Welp the shows were amazing.
    pbueddi and chewbacca110 like this.
  11. pbueddi


  12. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Tbh I’m not sure, by the time I saw the merch table it was cleared out.
    pbueddi likes this.
  13. pbueddi


    For those that have listened to all the podcast episodes. Have they talked about the constant at all? Ive only heard episodes here and there.
  14. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    They spice it in every once in a while and they all pretty much loathe it and the relationships within the band at that time.
    pbueddi likes this.
  15. pbueddi


    any interesting bits in particular?
  16. Tomozaurus


    That is a bit of a shame. Its nowhere near their best, but it has a bunch of tracks I really like.
    pbueddi likes this.
  17. SFguitar


    I remember Ryan said he hadn't listened to the album in long time and when he eventually did, he didn't even remember writing some of the songs

    I think their career was in a low point during that album and that probably has something to do with why they don't look upon it fondly. It is also their weakest album I think, but it's not bad
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  18. pbueddi


    I remember there being some message board back then that some of the guys posted some updates to during the recording of that album. Not sure what it was. But yeah it's always interesting to hear the stories and process behind each album, however different they may be. The fact that the band isn't as big on it makes it more intriguing.
  19. pbueddi


    Interesting enough, I found this old interview where Dan talks a bit about the album. Certainly seems to have good things to say about it. There was another I found with Adam saying its their best record (I know bands always say that). Wonder if it's more of an issue of time passing and seeing things differently or what.

    With its fourth album, The Constant, Story of the Year stays the course

    Here is the one part:

    When you said that the songs came fast for the album, I could hear that once I listened to it. Everything feels like it flowsit doesn't feel forced at all.

    Yeah, it was all real natural, and it just happened, and we just had a lot of fun making it. The last record [2008's The Black Swan] was still fun to make, but we took a year to write it, between changing labels and doing all the stuff we were going through. It was quite a process, and it became a little un-fun toward the end, when you were like, "I just want to record these songs and get it done." So this time, we were just like, "Cool, let's just take a couple months, write some songs, record it and not worry about it." It was way more fun that way.
  20. ross senack


    I think their Wolves record is their best. EXTREMELY underrated.

    -- Ross Senack
  21. SFguitar


    When a band is promoting a new album, they're always gonna say positive things about it. lol
  22. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    New pod dropped today. Touching a lot on the writing process for the new album. It’s a good one.
    pbueddi likes this.
  23. Nolessthanblink

    Are You Watching Closely?

    Open hate (albeit for 15 seconds) for the Constant from the band too... namely Ryan
    pbueddi likes this.
  24. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    I find The Constant to be a better album than Wolves, personally. It has more of what I want from a SOTY record on it.
  25. pbueddi


    i probably enjoy the constant more than most, but wolves is still so much better for me.