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Story of the Year - Tear Me to Pieces (March 10th 2023) • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Cmoney86, Oct 6, 2022.

  1. The Emologist


    In the Wake and Black Swan aren’t poppy. Mayyyyybe some vocal elements, but that’s about it.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  2. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    lol boy yea that vocal effect they do at the end of the chorus on Afterglow is pretty goofy haha
  3. Cmoney86


  4. Cmoney86 Mar 9, 2023
    (Last edited: Mar 9, 2023)


    Aaron from underoath is credited on use me
    Mcrx likes this.
  5. Cmoney86


  6. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Damn, the way some of you were bad-mouthing this thing leading up the release almost made me worry going into this but this thing is a banger lol, guess it helps that I'm actually quite a fan of Wolves and poppy SOTY in general. Of course I love heavier SOTY as well but they can generally do either well for me
  7. Cmoney86


    The entire album is in Dolby Atmos on Apple Music
  8. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m digging this quite a bit. Probably my favorite since the Black Swan. I’ve always loved their melodic, poppy side. I will say that the vocal effects on some of the songs is a bit much. Afterglow is a banger but he vocal effect at the end of the chorus is so out of place and almost takes me out of the song.
  9. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Yea I noticed some of the vocal adjustments on Dan's voice are a liiiittle more noticeable than I would want but it doesn't detract too much from the album as a whole
    earthlight likes this.
  10. Cmoney86


    I prefer heavy Soty over poppy soty but this album is an absolute banger. I’ve had it on repeat all day
    earthlight likes this.
  11. 333 GANG


    I like this a lot. Fun record
    Mcrx likes this.
    Mcrx, Bane, The Emologist and 3 others like this.
  13. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah this was fine
  14. Clicked play

    Why does Dan sound like this on Afterglow?

    trevorshmevor likes this.
  15. pbueddi


    Im even more excited to see them for the first time in July. Loving this album a lot.
    Mcrx and 333 GANG like this.
  16. The Emologist


    The album is just fine. I’d say it’s pretty on par with Wolves.
  17. Badtasteinmusic


    Really enjoying this. A lot more than I was expecting to.
    333 GANG and Phantoms like this.
  18. morken

    Not everything means something, honey Supporter

    Short, sweet and well done, but pretty harmless and bland compared to Wolves and earlier material. I'm just happy to have a new SOTY-album. Hope they get the opportunity to tour europe this fall or next year, and maybe crank out new music a little more often than every 6-10 years going forward.
    BornToRun and T E A L like this.
  19. pbueddi


    They would have had an album out sooner if it wasn't for coviid. Ended up scrapping those songs. None of them made the new record. I think originally they were going to record with feldman?
  20. morken

    Not everything means something, honey Supporter

    Yeah been following Ryan on socials for years, and based all the demoing he's been doing, I'm sure they have like 50-100 demos of songs from the last 6 years. Interesting to hear what a feldman-produced record would sound like again, but I guess it would something pretty similar to what we got, considering Colin Britain is the same type of producer.
    Phantoms and pbueddi like this.
  21. inwaves


    Selfishly, it's not what I want from a SOTY record, but I really hope this album is successful for them because they definitely deserve it. There are definitely some cool moments and goddamn can this band write a chorus.
  22. David-


    Use Me is the best song on the album for me. Def love Tear me to Pieces and War
    Phantoms likes this.
  23. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    This absolutely rips
    Mcrx, Phantoms and David- like this.
  24. David-


    Sorry About Me and 2005 also rip.
    pbueddi likes this.
  25. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    Real Life
    Sorry About Me
    Use Me

    All certified bangers. Also the production on this is absolutely ridiculous - sounds incredible.