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Story of the Year - Tear Me to Pieces (March 10th 2023) • Page 3

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Cmoney86, Oct 6, 2022.

  1. 333 GANG Nov 9, 2022
    (Last edited: Nov 10, 2022)
    333 GANG


    We live in a streaming world where labels definitely think it’s better to push out a number of singles X number of weeks apart in hopes of having multiple different songs playlisted etc
    Crisp X and The Emologist like this.
  2. Cmoney86


    pbueddi likes this.
  3. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    What's also funny is that this isn't the first time they've done this.
  4. pbueddi


    The Emologist and Phantoms like this.
  5. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire


    Dan is an incredible singer, just let the man sing without drenching it in pitch-shifting effects!
    BlackwingE likes this.
  6. pbueddi


    is this in reference to a specific song?
  7. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    The teaser for "Take the Ride" on Twitter.
  8. 333 GANG


    That just seems like the very beginning of the track. I wouldn’t read too much into it…
    The Emologist and Phantoms like this.
  9. Cmoney86


    Mcrx, Phantoms and pbueddi like this.
  10. T E A L


    Hmmm, almost as poppy as SOTY gets. I -think- I like it? Probably going to file this one under "cute song" but not nearly as good as the first two singles.
  11. Eva89

    Trusted Prestigious

    Parts of this sounds A LOT like that Marshmello and ADTR song.
  12. Nolessthanblink

    Are You Watching Closely?

    Meh, 2/3 now for me
  13. pbueddi


    Yeah definitely the weakest of the 3 so far, but I dont mind it.
    BlackwingE likes this.
  14. BlackwingE


    Does anyone have the livestreams from 2020? DM me.
  15. Mcrx


    Getting caught up on these singles. Really awesome! At first listen, i liked the title track best, but now i think Real Life is going to grow on me. Those screams!! Take the Ride is in third place, but it's good too. So excited for the album!
    Phantoms, T E A L and pbueddi like this.
  16. Cmoney86


    War is the next single out on the 18th
    Phantoms, Mcrx, pbueddi and 1 other person like this.
  17. SFguitar


    War is a pretty dope song with a super catchy chorus, but damn that breakdown is way too short. Giving me some blue balls there boys haha
  18. 333 GANG


    Any word on a tour from these guys?
  19. Nolessthanblink

    Are You Watching Closely?

    I was wondering the same... Surely itd be a late spring tour id think... Fingers crossed they dont ignore Austin!
    333 GANG likes this.
  20. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Not sure yet
    They are doing a record release show in STL though
    333 GANG likes this.
  21. 333 GANG


    They haven’t been here since 2013, so I’d love to finally get a date lol
    DarkHotline likes this.
  22. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah they hardly tour anymore. I think the last big tour they did was Scream It Like You Mean it in 2013 for the Page Avenue 10 year tour. I highly doubt they do much except random festivals and maybe a small east coast/Midwest tour.
  23. Cmoney86


    War is pretty sweet! Agreed with the breakdown being way too short. Love dans screams on all theses new songs! Best he’s sounded in years imo
  24. pbueddi


    Yeah, War is another banger. Interesting that a lot of these songs are on the shorter side overall.
    Phantoms and T E A L like this.
  25. 333 GANG


    Yeah new song is great. Record is shaping up nicely