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Story of the Year Reflect on ‘Page Avenue’

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Story of the Year and John Feldmann talked with Billboard about Page Avenue 15 years later:

    I don’t want to take credit for the success of the record — but I mean, I have to, to a certain extent, because Ryan and I fought a lot. He wanted it to be a metal record, and if it would’ve been the record he wanted, it would’ve never connected the way it did. The record needed to have the melodies and the vocals the way that they were, in order for people to really understand how great the songs were. That probably took 10 years for Ryan to really understand.

    If you look back, they didn’t hire me to do the second record. That’s how bummed Ryan was on how the first record sounded. He was really upset. He was like, “This record is a pop record.” He wanted to make something heavy, so they hired a metal producer to do the second record, which failed horrifically. It got them dropped [from the label] and it didn’t connect. I think in hindsight, Ryan understands it. But when he was a kid, he was so defiant on my process. It was really challenging for me. He worked at Papa John’s pizza. My job was to make sure he didn’t have to work at a pizza store anymore. I was really trying to give him a career.

  2. LessThanTrevor

    Trusted Prestigious

    He really sounds like a douche in that quote. Ugh
  3. kyleadams

    formerly thisisalchemy Prestigious

    Page Avenue is iconic for what it is, but In The Wake of Determination is actually the album I connected with most and still frequent most out of their catalog.
  4. tobytobes


    Page Avenue is that one for me, haha.

    It came out when I was in my prime of college (and first started getting into what I guess we'll call screamo/post-hardcore for that time), and this was a perfect mix of everything for me.

    As refined as all of their CDs sounded after this one (and while I liked all of them), Page Avenue is still my go to :)
  5. kyleadams

    formerly thisisalchemy Prestigious

    Page Avenue is what got me into them, but I've always been a sucker for Sophomore albums, not sure why. Probably always feels like a more authentic effort.
  6. nsgob22

    Newbie Supporter

    I remember seeing FOB and my chemical romance open for Taking back Sunday and Story of the year who were co-headlining.
    SOTY played really bad metal covers and used strobe lights throughout their set.
  7. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    Maybe fewer people connected with the second album because they were expecting more like the first? Establishing those expectations means it's impossible to know how they would have done had the band led with the sound they wanted from the start. And I say that as someone who loved Page Avenue at the time and never really got into their following releases.
  8. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    He reminded me of Trump in that second paragraph.

    “He wanted to make something heavy, so they hired a metal producer to do the second record, which failed horrifically. It got them dropped [from the label] and it didn’t connect.”
    BornToRun likes this.
  9. RileyWitiw

    more like Supporter

    Maybe a tinge but I think he has a point tbh.
  10. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Ha, but that is essentially what happened. I remember people being super pissy about this band when they first seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Their debut was definitely a streamlined version of what a lot of bands in that scene were doing at the time but had some good songs and solid hooks. It helped that they had a super tight live show. This record hasn't aged particularly well, very much of its time, but still a good listen.

    I fell off after their 2010 release. How does their most recent material compare?
  11. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    I owned that same exact Letter Kills shirt (but change the red coloring for silver in the letters).
  12. I'll never understand the appeal for that particular album. The following ones are so much better and made them stand out in the scene among their peers (Senses Fail, Finch, Silverstein, The Used, Hawthorne Heights, etc.).
    Davjs likes this.
  13. Their newest album was a continuation of the 2010 release mixed with the poppiness of Page Avenue. Not as good as I expected after the hiatus, but it was great to hear it after all these years of waiting I guess? Moreover, Aaron Sprinkle's fingerprints are all over it. Don't expect any metal riffs though.
  14. BornToRun

    Regular Supporter

    I love "in the wake" but Feldmann definitely isn't wrong.
  15. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Check out their new album.
  16. Analog Drummer


    The new album is brilliant. Maybe my favourite yet
  17. manoverboard679

    If you have to ask, you can't afford it

    Wolves is fantastic but it took me awhile to really appreciate it.
    Davjs likes this.
  18. manoverboard679

    If you have to ask, you can't afford it

    Also the 2004 Nintendo Fusion Tour is still my all-time fave show. Letterkills, SOTY and Lostprophets
    Davjs and mattylikesfilms like this.
  19. Analog Drummer


    Really. My first thoughts immediately was the catchiness of it
  20. sirata107


    It's weird to be so proud of forcing a band to completely change their sound/what they want so they could fit into the current soundscape of bands to sell records. I believe that's the definition of "selling out." That said, I really did like Page Avenue.
    SuNDaYSTaR and ihaveblink like this.
  21. Pooch


    That was my first concert. Except it was SOTY, My Chemical Romance, Letterkills and Autopilot off. Lostprophets were my favorite bands at the time and the reason I bought the tix, but I was young and stupid and didn't check which dates they were going to be on. Looking back, I'm not too upset about missing them haha.
    manoverboard679 likes this.
  22. daldalian

    this is all there is

    Yeah, it's interesting to get this kind of perspective on a writing/recording process 15 years later. I'd be interested in hearing how they got signed to do the album in the first place if their original ideas were a lot different from the finished product. The guys are all crazy talented and obviously the potential was there either way, I just wonder how they decided that "this" band was the one to clean up and send to the radio.

    Also, I remember thinking it was funny that "Anthem" had a radio version and a slightly more screamy version on the album. Guess this explains that.
    BornToRun likes this.
  23. BornToRun

    Regular Supporter

    This is what they sounded like before getting signed
  24. mattylikesfilms


    In The Wake is fantastic. It’s the only record I still listen to.
  25. SFguitar


    Do you know if the radio version is available anywhere? Couldn't find it on youtube