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State Champs – “Dead and Gone”

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    That’s gonna be a no from me dog. Sucks because The Finer Things rocks. This sounds flat and like a bad all time low cover band. Which is crazy considering Mark Hoppus helped write this one.
  3. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Not as much of a banger as I was wanting or expecting, but I still dig it. Pumped for the album.
  4. Kuri44


    Haven’t listened to this song yet, but I am digging the early morning news posts today!

    Edit: Song is ok, like the verses
  5. SmithBerryCrunch

    Trusted Prestigious

    Bleh. Not a big fan of this. Anyone know who produced this album?

    Edit: John Feldmann. Of course.
  6. Heh. Sounds exactly like State Champs.
    Butinsmallsteps and smowashere like this.
  7. dorfmac


    I haven't been too impressed with stuff that Hoppus has helped out on, either producing or cowriting, going all the way back to Motion City Soundtrack. IATM had a raw energy that I think set them apart, and I feel like Hoppus took away that punch. Seems to me like the same thing happened here. I'm sure Hoppus has done some great things behind the scenes too given his reach and influence, but I wouldn't count this as an example.

    And the Feldman thing makes sense too.
  8. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    That’s a valid point. However, MDL and CTM are my two favorite MCS records and he produced those.
  9. dorfmac


    Well, MCS is great. I like all of their albums. I don't think Hoppus ruined them by any means, but I attribute them losing that punch in favor of a more polished and reserved pop-sound to his influence.
  10. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    I think ATWAB is a total letdown but this song fucks.
  11. No, that would be more working with Ric Ocasek and Adam Schlesinger, because they wanted to write more polished songs.
    dorfmac likes this.
  12. BleedingDodgerBlue


    This song does not do it for me, sounds like it should have been a B side that was rightfully left off the last album. I was hoping for a song that had the same impact as Secrets or All you are is History when they were released.
    earthlight likes this.
  13. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    I like this. I don’t love this.
  14. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

  15. Tylar


    Just before I started the song I thought to myself, it’d be pretty funny if there was some “woah oh oh’s”.
    sawhney[rusted]2 and Arry like this.
  16. TDenverFan


    Good but not great song. I hope there's some more uptempo stuff on the album
  17. shawnhyphenray


    This is so catchy, I love it!!
  18. joebosslet


    Didn't Feldman already write this song for All Time Low on Future Hearts? I am so happy ATL decided to work with different producer on Last Young Renegade.
  19. heymynameisjoe

    when the days have no numbers Prestigious

    reminds me a lot of 'nothing personal' era all time low
  20. BleedingDodgerBlue


    The ending with the girl in the car is just like Yellowcard's Ocean Avenue's music video
  21. dorfmac


    I was referencing Hoppus/CTTM, but I didn't know either of them were involved at any point in the discography. I could never blame anything on one of the greatest new wave/early pop-punk musicians of all time and local Baltimore hero in Ric Ocasek, so in a blatant disregard to the facts your laying out, Adam is going to have to take the fall here.
  22. manoverboard679

    If you have to ask, you can't afford it

    holy John Feldmann..5 Champs of Summer
  23. Honeymagnolia

    Regular Supporter

    I like it but not as good as any of their other leading songs.
  24. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    It's decent, not bad. I think the "problem" is that it doesn't come off as catchy as their previous stuff, I'll definitely check out this record tho.
    earthlight likes this.
  25. daldalian

    this is all there is

    Just sounds like the same era of pop punk we've been in forever. Not bad, not great.