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Star Wars Universe (Rebels, Clone Wars, Comics, Books, Video Games) • Page 60

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. NitrateDawn


    TV has a much quicker turnaround than film, I’d place my bet on fall 2020
    bodkins and aoftbsten like this.
  2. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

  3. NitrateDawn


    Ugh come on EA. I'm tired of them having the exclusive rights to Star Wars games.
    BackyardHero11 likes this.
  4. bodkins


    Lucasfilm needs to cancel EA
    BackyardHero11 likes this.
  5. bodkins


    Also give me kotor 3
    Joe4th likes this.
  6. BackyardHero11


    been getting into some of the books at work with audible. listened to Thrawn Trilogy, Hand of Thrawn, now I'm on the Darth Bane Trilogy. really enjoying these so far. and they have music and sound effects so that's pretty sweet haha.
    stars143 and ChaseTx like this.
  7. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    Yeah production quality on Star Wars audiobooks is great. I've only read new canon stuff but I might eventually check out some old stuff after I've exhausted the new
    BackyardHero11 likes this.
  8. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Just finished up Volume 4 of Dr. Aphra. Really liked it. Though I didn't love the Dr. Evazan reveal. Overall The Remastered book (volumes 3 & 4) was pretty fantastic. Fun and definitely grew the character. I'm quietly hoping she shows up in one of the new shows. Timeline-wise, it could happen in either The Mandalorian or the Cassian Andor show.
  9. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I'm still reading her arc in Darth Vader but yeah I'd love to see her in live action. Or even an animated show
  10. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I just watched the end of season 2 of Rebels and wow
  11. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    The Malachor episodes are so damn good.
    ChaseTx likes this.
  12. Darthjojo

    Holy forkin' shirtballs

    For some reason I hadn't started Resistance yet. Just watched the first episode last night and really enjoyed it. They do such a good job with their animated shows.
  13. ship90


    Pretty insane.

    I love Resistance too! Such a fun show. That mid season trailer they posted not that long ago looked kinda intense.
    Darthjojo likes this.
  14. Damn can't wait
  15. Dodge725


    Upcoming book Alphabet Squadron was announced to be the first in a trilogy and a TIE-in series was also announced about the Elite TIE pilots they’ll be after. Even more excited for this because it seems there’s a lot of push behind it, takes place post Return of the Jedi, and Alexander Freed writes battles really well (Twilight Company, Rogue One Novelization). Also they confined Hera will be the general who sends them on the mission so more Hera is always welcome.
  16. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    There are, imo, at least 3 other moments to come that blow that one out of the water. Hang tight and enjoy!
    bodkins and aoftbsten like this.
  17. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Obi-wan v Maul, Kanan's death, and the World Between Worlds?
    RJ Knorr, Dodger and bodkins like this.
  18. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Fuck yea
  19. Does anyone like resistance? I'm 5 episodes in and it's a slog.
  20. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I have not watched yet. Would be cool to see what more people think though.
  21. bodkins


    Well. It is a bit slow, for sure. Episode 6 with Poe was a nice one. Episodes 9&10 prior to the midseason break were also good. The episode with Yeeger’s brother was good. Two since the break have been pretty whatever. It’s up and down. Definitely geared towards an even younger audience than the past two animated series, but overall I enjoy the vibe enough to keep watching, especially for all the tie-ins to the sequel trilogy. When it digs deeper into the spy stuff it’s at its best. I predict it’s gonna ramp up into a slightly (emphasis on slightly) darker tone with TFA getting closer and closer. Presumably it will end up beyond episode 8 and fill in prior to 9. I guess we’ll see. I have enjoyed small tie ins between this, the comics, and films.
    ship90 and spiffa0 like this.
  22. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I haven’t kept up with, but what I’ve seen I liked.
  23. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Finished my first SW comic (and first comic ever actually) in AOR: Qui Gon 1. Wasn’t expecting it to be so short but I guess that’s why they are comic runs lol I’m definitely invested. Looks like it’s going to be very Force/Jedi philosophy heavy
  24. Dodge725


    The Age of Republic series is all one-shots so that issue is all of Qui-Gonn’s story and the Jango Fett issue is the entire Jango Fett story and they don’t connect at all. Ive really liked what they’ve been doing with that series and am excited for Age of Rebellion and Age of Resistance later this year. I’ve read all of the new comic series so if you want any recs, let me know!
    Dodger likes this.
  25. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Gotcha. I guess I thought that story with him helping out of the tree lady was going to continue. Also I figured if it was #1 there would be more. Thanks for informing me though! as far as recs Im going to hold off on comics it for awhile. Im currently reading Harry Potter and by the time Im done with that Ill need to read the new Padme/Master & Apprentice.

    Theres too much content!!