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Star Wars Universe (Rebels, Clone Wars, Comics, Books, Video Games) • Page 250

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. justin.


    Really excited to see how visually different this will be

    It has to be, right?
    Michael Belt likes this.
  2. iamNex

    I just replayed Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Both fantastic.
  3. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    edit: goddamnit, why is it always Jeff Sneider when I’m not paying attention? lol
    David87, Lepi182, Azz and 1 other person like this.
  4. Michael Belt Jan 9, 2025
    (Last edited: Jan 10, 2025 at 6:08 AM)
    Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    *sigh* let's see what happens. Celebration announcement, i take it?

    update: The Hollywood Reporter has said they've been able to confirm the casting
    digitalsea likes this.
  5. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Stevenson ended up being one of the only interesting parts of the show and it was clear there was more to do with the character so it’s not surprising. It’ll be sad to see someone else though.
  6. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    @dylan thinks the Last Jedi sucks and The Rise of Skywalker is better than Empire btw. Flame accordingly.
    Penlab likes this.
  7. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    digitalsea likes this.
  8. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    yesterday in a work meeting Star Wars came up, and my boss and co-worker were like 'we don't talk about The Last Jedi' to which I said 'I'll talk about that movie all day, but I won't talk about the movie that came after that.'
  9. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I’ll talk about any Star Wars.
  10. Taketimeandfind


    I like replying to random sentences that finish a quote to Star Wars. The other day I was talking to someone and they said “I’ll be careful” so I had to yell back in my best Dr Evazan voice “You’ll be dead!”
    Penlab likes this.
  11. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    similarly, i'll respond to quips about myself from my partner with "of course i know him, he's me"
  12. Taketimeandfind


    Or “now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time…long time” whenever someone tells me they saw someone