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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (J.J. Abrams, December 20, 2019) Movie • Page 9

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    I'd be fine with that too
  2. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    Still speculating that there's a possibility we see a tenth film. Again, pretty baseless, but we have so much set up for these characters that I feel we'd need a lot of time to devote to tying up their loose ends. Not that I want anything "unnecessary" but I'd really like them to have as much breathing room as possible. Then again, I'm sure IX will be great, so this speculation is more wishful thinking, but who knows.
    Dodger likes this.
  3. LessThanTrevor

    Trusted Prestigious

    I don't know if it's actually true - but I thought I read they had up to episode XII planned. Not exactly written - but planned.
  4. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    Wouldn't surprise me. My thought is that I do love The Last Jedi and what it did for every character involved, but its pacing is vastly different than maybe what I expected and it leads me to feel like there are a lot of things to be tied up in one movie. I'm really excited nonetheless, but I'd be pretty tickled if they announced with the title/teaser something like "Oh, also, we really want these characters to breathe so episode IX will exist in two parts" or something.
  5. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I don’t really see an any other episodes after IX being necessary for a while. Idk what Abrams has in store for the characters but personally I don’t see characters other than Rey and Ben having much more stories to tell or the need to continue out their stories.
  6. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'll be bummed if this is the last we seen of Kylo Ren. He's the best character to me since Han Solo.
    coleslawed likes this.
  7. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Apparently episode IX be the the end of the Skywalker saga and with Ben being the only member of the family left (unless Abrams changes Rey’s parentage) then I’m not expecting him to survive. I’d like for Ben to be redeemed and be a good guy, but with the way Rian handled him I doubt he will.
  8. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    I don't think I want a Kylo redemption story, that said, I also don't think I want to see him die.
    coleslawed likes this.
  9. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I don't want him redeemed either. I want him to go scorched earth and become more evil than anyone in Star Wars history.
    Mrplum5089, Greg and David Parke like this.
  10. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    Yeah, I'm more for this personally. I think the end of TLJ solidified his arc. There doesn't seem to be any going back now for him. Especially if there's a significant time jump and he has had 3-5 years to just get more and more evil.
  11. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I don’t see him sticking around if he remains evil and unfortunately that’s how I see it playing out. I really wish we could see him more on the fence on which side of the force to choose.
    nomemorial likes this.
  12. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    Agreed with all above. I definitely stood up and cheered when Rey and Kylo started fighting Snoke's guards and I was in full hype for the idea of Kylo going "good," but I knew it couldn't last and the more critical side of me would much rather see him go full evil. Alternatively, I do think there's a good dynamic happening with the "greyness" of Rey and Kylo's stories. (Not that Rey seems to show shreds of "evil," but that she has been pitched as a more "grey" type Jedi character, I think.) Having them both pushed to fight solely for their ideologies would make sense to me, too, with Kylo being the kind of character that is passionate, yet deeply misguided.
    ship90, oakhurst and Sean Murphy like this.
  13. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    I wouldn’t have minded Solo getting pushed to Christmas, just to keep all the new films December releases. but with all the press of the drama behind it already out there, I don’t think it would have benefitted Solo’s reception at all.
  14. ship90


    “You cannot deny the truth that is your family” I think that will have payoff with Kylo, accepting the Han/Luke/Leia side and rejecting the Vader side. I’m kinda bored at the idea of Kylo just being super-Vader and I have a hard time seeing the Skywalker saga ending so cynically. I do need to think about this more tho ha!
  15. Time might have been kind to that drama - let it cool off a little. I was just glad to be pleasantly surprised by the film. Ron Howard made me kinda cringe as a choice but hell if he didn't make a great picture.
  16. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The opposite sounds so boring to me, haha
    ship90 likes this.
  17. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    I dont want Kylo redeemed. He killed Lor San Tekka, Han, kids in Luke's academy, collected ashes of his victims to put his helmet in in TFA. That’s a lot of killing. It’s not okay if he just changes sides and if they do the Vader thing where he sacrifices himself for the hero’s, expecting people to ignore/forgive him for killing thousands of people or more. It’s not only derivative, but also ethically irresponsible imo.

    if they somehow find a way to redeem him that involves addressing those things in a moral way, I’m all for it, but it’s hard to imagine.

    I’d much rather his story being one of tragedy, kind of like Maul’s but obviously in a different way. There could be powerful commentary on the archetype of the entitled prince now in the position of highest power in the galaxy. A lot could be said about parenting and how he got to this point. Ben saying about Han, “he would’ve disappointed you.” What Han did to make him say that. Addressing maybe how leaving his parents affected him.

    I think using Rey who came from nothing from nowhere as Bens counterpoint with his bloodline and where they end up is more intriguing and better than trying to contrive a way to redeem somebody that you’ve been going out of your way to make unredeemable.

    Rey, Finn, and all the other characters arcs can wrap up with a happy ending to not make it so depressing.
    sawhney[rusted]2, tvck and coleslawed like this.
  18. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

  19. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    Impossible not to love Hamill.
  20. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Did it bug anyone else how outspoken he was about not liking the direction Luke took before The Last Jedi came out?
    Connor likes this.
  21. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    It didn’t bother me. If that’s how he felt about it then it’s good he gave an honest answer when asked.
    coleslawed likes this.
  22. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    Nope, I saw it as a very weird marketing strategy, honestly. The SW franchise is so secretive and protected when it comes to spoilers and accidentally leaking plot details, him continuously speaking out about that beforehand only made me more interested in seeing it.
  23. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    It didn't bug me, but it did strike me as a weird situation for a company / companies with such tightly controlled PR machines.

    Being basically *the* actor from the original trilogy and such a huge legacy character does put him in a little bit of a different spot than the newer actors though. I don't think we would ever have heard say Daisy Ridley or John Boyega or Adam Driver saying they were unhappy with the direction their charcaters took in the new film.

    I saw an amazing glow-in-the-dark poster by Mark Englert that shows Luke sitting on the small island planet but then the glow-in-the-dark ink shows his force projection battling Kylo Ren on the salty desert planet. Its a beautiful poster and it made me appreciate that scene more than I already did.

    I am trying to remain hopeful but to me Episode IX is all going to boil down to the script and the story. What they choose to do to wrap these characters up. I try not to get too caught up in the negativity, but I am very glad that JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio are writing or rewriting Ep IX. I hope they discarded everything and started from scratch. I actually think Colin Trevorow is a worse writer than he is director, and I think he is a very bad director. At least as a director he seems to be able to run a set where usable footage eventually comes out at the end. I didn't see any boom mics in frame on Jurassic World. I don't think his writing is even up to that incredibly low bar. I would feel a lot better if they had someone on par with Rian Johnson writing this. Right now I am hoping that Oscar-winning writer of Argo Chris Terrio shows up at the typewriter for this and not the guy who helped write Batman v. Superman: The Dawn of Justice or Justice League. I know modern Hollywood screenwriting is a convoluted process and it's not fair to hold those last 2 films against the guy, but the fact that he is one of the writers and now he is writing this does not instill a ton of confidence.
    Dodger and ship90 like this.
  24. ship90


    Mark is definitely a strange one. His ideas on Luke in the past have made me scratch my head. It does come off as unprofessional and I think they just let Mark be Mark.
    I had to get that Englert print, it’s too good!
    coleslawed likes this.
  25. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I wish we were at the point where a SW trilogy could be released as seasons in a series. That would rule hard. Well be living in that world at some point.
    nomemorial likes this.