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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (J.J. Abrams, December 20, 2019) Movie • Page 438

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. phaynes12 Prestigious

    all this being said, i really don’t know who in hollywood in 2014 would have been the right person. there are people who have come around since and there are people who were prominent in the years before but have faded. tough time. perhaps they just shouldn’t have made the movies lol. i’m glad it wasn’t zack snyder, at least
    Furry Werthers and TSLROCKS like this.
  2. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Hmmm I really like TFA and I think his reboot of Star Trek is ok. That’s about it
  3. phaynes12 Prestigious

    star trek might be worse than ROS
  4. awakeohsleeper

    I do not exist.

    Wow, I forgot Kylo died. Maybe my brain is beginning to erase this sorry film, haha.
    Crisp X and Kyle Max like this.
  5. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    I almost wish it was, in retrospect. That would’ve prepared me for tros and also been funny as hell
  6. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Not much is worse than ROS
    Leftandleaving likes this.
  7. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i agree
  8. emojedi


    I don’t like Star Trek but it’s better than TROS
  9. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    I like Super 8. Perfectly good Spielberg worship.
    Surfwax likes this.
  10. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    TFA, Star Trek 2009, and MI:3 are all good movies
  11. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I thoroughly enjoyed Star Trek '09 whereas The Rise of Skywalker is honestly one of the worst movies I've ever tried to watch in my entire life.
  12. phaynes12 Prestigious

    it’s honestly wild how cynical you are about politics and stuff, and rightfully so, but you love every blockbuster movie that’s ever been made
  13. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I mean those are all 3 very fun movies
    coleslawed likes this.
  14. phaynes12 Prestigious

    nah lol

    the only fun part about those movies combined is the first sighting of the falcon back and PSH’s monologues
  15. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I actually think JJ Abrams is a really good to great director when it comes to putting together the actual scenes themselves. Like the filmmaking within a given scene. And he has a great eye for casting and talent in finding great actors for the parts in his films. I can't say he is a good filmmaker overall though because I honestly think the story is the most crucial part of almost any movie and he has a fundamentally flawed approach to storytelling. Like on par with Zack Snyder. BAD. And he's a guy who has tremendous clout and power in Hollywood and he's often involved as producer, writer and director, so he's able to royally fuck stories up something fierce on his movies.

    I think he was a decent choice for The Force Awakens, and I'll go so far as to say he would have been *alright* as a choice to direct the third film in the trilogy had there been a solid guiding hand from a strong producer overseeing the overall project / story and a solid script written by a good writer that JJ Abrams had minimal to no input on. Like if Kathleen Kennedy had agreed to let Rian Johnson write the third film and continue where he was gonna bring the story, and then she made sure JJ Abrams stuck to the script and the story, I think he would've been a solid director for it. I mean, I can think of dozens and dozens of people who would have been better right off the top of my head, but under those specific circumstances I think he could've been good.

    I've tried a couple times to just let go of any baggage and preconceived expectations and just watch The Rise of Skywalker as a movie and just try to enjoy it and I can't get by the first few scenes. Palpatine just being back in the opening crawl because Star Wars, combined with the abrupt and choppy scenes of Kylo Ren raging against who the fuck even knows who for who knows why just do me in. When Palpatine actually shows up I just shut it off. The closest analogue I can think of in recent years are Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies, where all of the parts and ingredients are seemingly in place except for an actual fucking story that is well written and makes even a modicum of sense. The superficial trappings are all there but there's absolutely nothing going on.
  16. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    I thought Cloverfield was pretty dope
    Surfwax likes this.
  17. phaynes12 Prestigious

    he didn’t write or direct that. he’s fine as a producer.
    Cameron likes this.
  18. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I don’t love every blockbuster movie that’s ever been made lol what

    also I’m cynical enough about 90% of the things in my life, why should movies be one of them too
  19. tomdelonge


    Cuz hollywood melts brains
  20. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    He makes likable movies. But they’re all surface level and on any level of artistic analysis they are usually grievously flawed from their DNA. But yes he can orchestrate moments that are pleasing to watch. That (and his eye for casting) is a talent. The story/core ambition matters more to me.
    awakeohsleeper likes this.
  21. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    I said it recently but I can't think of another movie that actively pisses me off as much as this one does. It would have been SO easy to churn out a good movie and give us a solid ending to the timeline of the series just following what Johnson set up in TLJ but JJ had to shit this out instead. Like I actually hate his choices on this movie so much that I don't really ever want to watch something he writes ever again in the future
  22. That was him? 2 was a trainwreck but at least it's memorable. 4 is where the series really starts to find itself. Yeah 3 isn't bad but it's kind of just there
  23. phaynes12 Prestigious

    yes. 3 was jj. it’s the worst of the series.
  24. Grapevine_Twine

    It's a Chunky! Supporter

    I hate this movie so much but I also love talking shit about it
  25. Lol at MI3 being the worst of the series.