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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (J.J. Abrams, December 20, 2019) Movie • Page 437

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Also the best decision Kennedy made was throwing out Lucas’s treatments. They would have been terrible.

    The worst decision she made was basically every decision after that.
  2. tomdelonge


    Ya probably, but I would much prefer something terrible and interesting
  3. Furry Werthers


    There is a vast distance between what we got and "stuff about the Whills" and in that distance there are plenty of wonderful screenplays that would have made wonderful films.
    Brother Beck likes this.
  4. tomdelonge


    I dunno stuff about whills sounds pretty cool to me. Like the Tao Te Jedi
  5. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I would have taken any story that was planned out ahead of time and purposefully written over the last minute scramble of incident that is TROS. Things just happen because scenes need beats, and it's all vaguely Star Wars looking I suppose, but there really isn't anything behind any of it.

    The Trevorrow treatment is a perfect example of this. Do I think it is amazing? No, not particularly. Would it have been better than what we got? Yes, absolutely. It at least tried to conclude the story that was started and cont'd in the other two films in a satisfying and logical way.
  6. bodkins


    I’m with you and at times assumed similar, but Lucasfilm didn’t begin to use the language or even hint at it being “the end of the Skywalker Saga” until after Solo flopped. It wasn’t planned or set up at all thus the clusterfuck of IX. If none of the films were panned I doubt they have the restraint to not go into X and beyond.
    Edit: also you’re not making up the three trilogies idea. That was Lucas’ idea long ago, but Disney never expressed any real interest in fulfilling his vision in that regard lol.
  7. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I haven't read anything about the Lucas treatment(s) or what he would have planned the story to be, but throwing them out completely and then not having a story and never writing one was really fucking stupid.
    coleslawed likes this.
  8. Furry Werthers


    The whole thing is extra baffling to me cause Marvel is like right down the hall lol
  9. Crazy they couldn't replicate marvel. Most marvel movies suck but atleast they all seem to work together. Really no excuse to not have an overall vision for three movies when you can do it with another property over 20+ movies.
    Furry Werthers likes this.
  10. Ahh you beat me
    Furry Werthers likes this.
  11. Furry Werthers


    only by a minute lol

    it really is just so glaring though, Marvel was well into Phase 2 by the time the Star Wars trilogy started, right?
  12. phaynes12 Prestigious

    movies, bad?
  13. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    How has nobody brought up the bafflingly stupid decision to bring back Palpatine as a reason this was shit
  14. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    Yeah that was pretty terrible
  15. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Hiring JJ to write and direct the Force Awakens was the original mistake. It told you right away this trilogy had purely commercial ambition and wasn't thinking about a cohesive, story-minded trilogy (not that Lucas was exactly thinking that either, but A New Hope is better than anything JJ has ever directed so at least in the early days he sort of knew what he was doing and there were people there who could navigate his ideas better than he could). JJ was a safe choice but he's a writer whose strategy is mysteries to draw audiences in, worry about the payoff later, and that tactic is so wrongheaded. The move could have been to consult with him on the story, maybe he does a draft of a script, and then have other people take the reigns and work on the script after JJ's draft, and definitely hire someone else to direct it. That way you could still have Kylo Ren and Rey and these characters, but it would probably be a better movie. Then obviously keep Rian Johnson and make The Last Jedi, but then the other mistake is hiring Colin Treverrow for the third movie in the first place (again, it's that commercial ambition because Jurassic World is a shit movie that made a billion dollars), and then the next mistake is going back to JJ and hiring Chris Terrio to salvage a problem that should have never been a problem in the first place. Someone should have been overseeing and thinking about where the trilogy was going to end up from the get go and it should not have been JJ Abrams, nice a guy as he seems to be.
  16. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    I’ll never forget how I felt the second I read that opening crawl, knew the movie was going to be shit immediately.
    Matt, Crisp X, awakeohsleeper and 3 others like this.
  17. oncenowagain Apr 24, 2021
    (Last edited: Apr 24, 2021)

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    The reveal of Palpatine is just so sudden and graceless. If you had telegraphed his survival earlier in the trilogy and not tried to jam all of the exposition surrounding his return into what feels like the first 5 minutes, I probably would like his involvement more.
    coleslawed and awakeohsleeper like this.
  18. bodkins


    This is the main thing I think of when I talk about the abrupt decision to “tie it all together” and conclude the entire saga versus finishing the trilogy in a sensible manner.
  19. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Nobody had any idea of what this whole story would be. They needed a Kevin Feige overseeing things and making sure everything got together. Someone who had a vision for a three-part story that would have seen it through from start to finish. Instead we got one guy who set up a bunch of stuff, another guy who took that setup and went in a wildly inventive direction with it, and then the first guy brought back at the last minute who decided he didn’t like what the second guy did and just did whatever he wanted anyway. With a Feige overseeing things, that wouldn’t have happened.

    Also a big ol’ “lol” directed at anyone who thinks a Lucas sequel trilogy wouldn’t have been a mainly commercial-minded endeavor. Guess y’all haven’t seen the prequels.
  20. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    I think JJ was the perfect option to write and direct TFA. That’s exactly what he’s good at. He should not have been able to touch anything after
    bodkins and EntryLevelDave like this.
  21. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    The simplest thing they could have done was made Snoke Darth Plageuis (if they really wanted to tie everything together) but JJ and Kasdan didn’t even know who that was lol. Rey’s story is more intriguing when she is a nobody and Kylo shouldn’t have died. They nuked every interesting storyline and didn’t develop anyone outside of those 2 for us to care what the hell happens.
  22. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I wouldn’t say “the perfect option” but I do agree that the setup is what he’s good at and I don’t mind him as an action director like some people do so yeah I mostly agree with this. I like TFA a lot.
    DrAlanGrant likes this.

    Trusted Supporter

    I loved TFA

    really got me into the universe personally. I was never a big fan until I saw that and went back and revisited the rest of the series

    so JJ is not all bad haha
    awakeohsleeper likes this.
  24. phaynes12 Prestigious

    WanderingSquall likes this.
  25. phaynes12 Prestigious

    JJ is quite literally all bad. he has never made a good movie and has made the worst entrant of multiple franchises now. his crowning achievement is a tv show from nearly 30 years ago now
    tomdelonge and Furry Werthers like this.