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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (J.J. Abrams, December 20, 2019) Movie • Page 2

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Ive seen a handful of people saying they dont care about the knights either. I think considering they could be Lukes students as well they could be very interesting characters. Also would love to see the dynamic with Kylo and them. Are they subservient to him? Are they just as powerful and hes just the leader? Would they try to overthrow him once they found out he killed Snoke?

    In my mind the "legions" that Snoke sent to take over the galaxy were led by the Knights and considering JJ created them, I could definitely see them popping up. Even if they arent, I really hope there is some other big antagonist(s) besides Kylo.
  2. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    yeah I know its throwing me

    is it going to be a flashback or are they just going to let that be a hole in the script?
  3. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I want the Knights of Ren to be wear red helmets a la MAGA hats.
  4. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    is this where we start title speculation, too?
    Episode IX: The End of the Resistance
    Episode IX: Knight(s) of (the Resistance? the Republic? Ren?)
    Episode IX: Snoke’s Revenge
  5. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The First Knight
    coleslawed likes this.
  6. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    i can't begin to speculate the title, but my guess is that it will have some ultimate sense of finality.
    beachdude42, coleslawed and Dodger like this.
  7. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    Star Wars: A New Order

    idk I hate speculation things but I always do it lol

    Would be interesting if Kerri is a *former* Knight of Ren who Rey can bounce off of ideologically
  8. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi II

    just for the ultimate trolling
  9. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I would definitely like to see the Knights of Ren brought up again other than the vision in Ep VII
  10. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    I would be down for that title. I don’t know why but I feel like “galaxy” or “galactic” or something all-encompassing could be in it.d

    Also I think it’s fine to speculate as long as you don’t take it seriously or grow attached to these things. It’s fun!
    beachdude42, coleslawed and aoftbsten like this.
  11. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Star Wars IX: Underwater Bimbos from Outer Space
  12. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    when has anyone anywhere ever grown seriously attached to what their hopes for future SW movies would be?

    people don't do that, people are reasonable ;)
    beachdude42, coleslawed and Dodger like this.
  13. Dodger Jul 6, 2018
    (Last edited: Jul 6, 2018)

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Star Wars: The Final Countdown

    and then have Luke's force ghost doing this in the trailer:
    Dinosaurs Dish likes this.
  14. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    Unless Billy Dee is going to cameo, I think I’d like a movie without any OT characters, including a force ghost Luke (even though I think it’s fair to assume we will get that). These characters have developed so well over the last 2 films I want to see THEIR story and THEIR adventures without any assistance or interaction with the older generation.

    edit: chewie and r2 can stay
    beachdude42 and Dinosaurs Dish like this.
  15. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    I definitely agree with your sentiments about it being their story and I think we’re pretty safe there. Hans gone,Carries gone, and I think Luke won’t be a huge character just as Obi-Wans ghost wasn’t. Just there for some guidance.
    beachdude42 and coleslawed like this.
  16. I’m already so excited for this. It’s going to be weird to not have a new Star Wars movie this Christmas season though.
  17. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Do we think there's anyway Luke is NOT in this?
  18. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    my feeling is that we will absolutely see him in some form.
    beachdude42 and Jason Tate like this.
  19. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    I’m definitely not watching any promos or trailers for this. Made everything for TLJ so fresh
    awakeohsleeper and Dodger like this.
  20. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I probably going to watch every trailer for this haha. The marketing for these has been so vague that I can never actually figure out plot points from the trailers anyway.
    beachdude42, Connor, bodkins and 2 others like this.
  21. Pseudo!


    I just hope force ghost Luke taunts Kylo Ren the entire movie, playing some classic jedi ghost pranks
    beachdude42 and Connor like this.
  22. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Hell yea! Kerri Russel! Fuck yes!

    I need more Star Wars!!!!
    Connor likes this.
  23. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Ep 9: Mad Online
    beachdude42 and Connor like this.
  24. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Star Wars Episode IX: A Star Wars Story

    Star Wars Episode IX: You’re Getting Spiritually Enlightened At 29 So Just Give Yourself A Try Won’t You Give Yourself A Try?

    And then all the shitty fans complain about the guitar.
    beachdude42, Connor and Tim like this.
  25. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Star Wars Episode IX: End Game
