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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (J.J. Abrams, December 20, 2019) Movie • Page 12

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Hell yes ! Was hoping for some sort of set photo today too.
    David Parke and ship90 like this.
  2. ship90


  3. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I want this film to be a mystery
    David Parke and Dodger like this.
  4. NitrateDawn


    I mean JJ was more open with the TFA production process than he'd ever been up to that point, so I feel like we can expect about the same level of secrecy as that one. Maybe just a little bit less secretive since we know the characters this time around.
  5. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I need title predictions.
  6. GBlades


  7. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    Wow. Knowing that they have begun filming has me feeling ridiculously excited. I feel kinda like a little kid. I am definitely gonna try to avoid negativity in the build up to this until my butt is in a seat watching it play out . I can't wait .
    ship90 and Dodger like this.
  8. Watching 30 rock and carrie Fisher is on this episode :tear:
  9. stars143


    aoftbsten likes this.
  10. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Star Wars IX: Ernest goes to Coruscant
  11. Sate Wars IX: How Kylo Got His Groove Back
    aoftbsten, Jason Tate and Dodger like this.
  12. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    Episode IX: Requiem for the ______ . [<-- a short but powerful Star Warsy word.].

    It echoes both ROTJ & ROTS and follows a similar naming convention. I can't come up with the word though... 'Jedi' seems too easy, 'Rebellion' is too long, too specific and too narrow in focus. 'Whills' would sound cool but I have only the foggiest notion what that means and only know it's a word George Lucas kicked around for a long time.
  13. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Rise of the Jedi
    David Parke likes this.
  14. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Rise of the Resistance
  15. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    I keep coming back to A New Order. First Order hasn’t been mentioned in a title. It combines that with the New Jedi Order and also A New Hope.
    stars143 and David Parke like this.
  16. FrenzalRob

    34 / Melbourne, Australia Supporter

    Star Wars IX: Fall Of The Order

    Star Wars IX: A Resistance Hopes (I like this one because if this is indeed the final Saga film, it throws right back to A New Hope)

    Star Wars IX: The Fallen Order

    or my personal favourite:

    Star Wars IX: J.J Makes Fanboys Cry
    David Parke likes this.
  17. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    JJ is more than likely to please the “fanboys”, if you’re referring to people who like VII but not VIII.
    FrenzalRob likes this.
  18. FrenzalRob

    34 / Melbourne, Australia Supporter

    We'll see what he does, but I loved everything about VII. I think it'll be a great mix of everything great about both VII and VIII, with a lot of emotion, being the finale and all.
    oakhurst likes this.
  19. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I just hope he doesn’t go too safe.
  20. ship90


    Some insanely light spoilerly shooting locations if ya interested. I don’t mind this kind of info as it’s not really much but I know a lot of people here are particular/don’t want to risk upsetting anyone ha. When I say light spoiler, it really is

    Jordan — where they were going to film Jakku before Adu Dhabi and filmed Jedha in RO & Cardington Sheds — where they filmed Yavin 4 in RO. More than likely are new sets/locations as they are popular shooting locations in general. I think Dumbo just filmed in Cardington Sheds.
  21. LessThanTrevor

    Trusted Prestigious

    I apologize if this has been posted somewhere already before.

  22. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    oakhurst likes this.
  23. Nooooooo
  24. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    Part of me thinks it would be nice and fitting to have him have some small part in the conclusion of the stories he created, but the other, larger fatter part of me wants him as far away as remotely possible from this.
    GrantCloud and coleslawed like this.
  25. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    “...and it was all a midichlorian daydream in the mind of the Lord of the Whills, Jar Jar Binks