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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson, December 15, 2017) Movie • Page 393

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    I’m sort of in the “pretend TLJ was the ending” boat
  2. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Rogue One above all 4 lyfe
  3. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    Sequel trilogy ends about 80 minutes into TFA, what a shame we’ll never get the full Rey story, her setup was brilliant.

    Still wild to me people here go to bat for this one as hard as they do. It’s not the disaster the internet makes it out to be, but when I think about the sequel trilogy being a letdown it’s for sure part of why.
  4. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Especially after Andor.

    I still *like* ROS, but it requires a lot more "turning my brain off, enjoy cool space stuff", especially with the dagger that shows where to go on the downed Death Star. It got them to that set, which I think was a super cool idea, it was just really dumb how they got there.

    I dunno. The sequel trilogy is fun to look at, but not fun to actually analyze from a plot standpoint. I'm fine with it residing there.
  5. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Sean Murphy, Zilla and Ferrari333SP like this.
  6. tomtom94


    ROS brings the same problem as Game of Thrones, it's so bad that retroactively I'm not that interested in what TFA and TLJ were setting up
  7. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    But the Beaty of TLJ is that it set it up to go pretty much anywhere. You can watch 7 and 8 and let your imagination go where you like.
  8. tomtom94


    Yeah, I will have to give that a try!
  9. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I think where I’m at is that if I could have had a trilogy that was all planned out, but also still keep The Last Jedi as the middle film that’d be cool. I do like The Force Awakens a lot even if I understand the criticisms, so I guess retain some elements from that for the first film and you’re good. It really does blow my mind how badly they botched this whole thing in the end. Absolutely massive franchise and you’re presented with the opportunity to bring the legacy characters back while introducing some new intriguing ones and wrapping up the whole thing with a pretty bow and oh my god did they blow it.
  10. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    TFA is as far from a perfect movie as you can get, and is well deserving of its many, many criticisms, but, the feeling of overwhelming elation i felt leaving that theater that night knowing that star wars was fuckin BACK, and loving the new characters and stories they were setting up, makes it such a great one for me.
  11. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    100%, it was like seeing an old friend again and a perfect setup for TLJ
  12. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    i think i saw TFA 6x in theaters. it was such a great time to be alive hah.
  13. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I saw TFA at least 7 times. I think I saw TLJ one less time, so 6, I think.
  14. williek311

    Trusted Prestigious

    I would also omit the PT
  15. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    I’m torn between agreeing TFA is hella flawed and by being like literally no the first hour is legitimately perfect. Everything through Rey touching the lightsaber is exactly what I wanted from Star Wars coming back.
  16. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Likely controversial take: TFA gets weaker from the “Chewie, we’re home” scene. Legacy characters start taking over and overshadow the incredible new characters a bit. I still like it, but I often think what a sequel trilogy which next to no legacy characters could have been.
  17. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    yeah its the last act and the han solo stuff that was a bore
  18. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    As flawed as TFA was, I felt like TLJ made it better. I’ve said it but with TLJ, the potential for the subversion of what legacy characters are, how they’re flawed humans who were made to be heroes based on the the stories that permeate through hope and rebellion. Going back and watching a Hans arc, with the context of knowing where Luke turns out, made his arc more powerful and integral to the “trilogy” than I initially thought. Having our new character be the ones to learn from their mistakes and become something more, for better or worse, was the story that I was HOPING they’d bring home. But TROS wasn’t concerned with that at all, and it was right. there.

    in my mind TROS isn’t canon, as much as it’s “official”
    Nyquist likes this.
  19. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    Yeah, the first half hour of TFA is mostly pretty good, and then Han shows up.

    I’m not even opposed to the classic characters being there. It’s honestly a pretty natural choice for an “Episode VII,” and should’ve been executed a lot better! Like, the whole hermit thing TLJ critics hate is more of an Abrams thing that Johnson just spun into the most narratively satisfying next step possible. It’s wild that the nostalgia-obsessed made a dull fetch quest that killed Han before introducing Luke, instead of writing a scene where the three of them have a conversation in one room.

    The same thing kinda happened with IX, where he gave C-3PO a surprising amount of screen time, but didn’t put R2-D2 with him. At the same time, he introduced multiple new characters we truly did not need, who took up oxygen from both sequel trilogy and older cast members who could’ve used it instead. As much as he moved Han backwards in TFA, and dragged the Emperor back in TROS, and did a Death Star, and rehashed Rebels vs Empire, and gave Chewie a medal, etc… Abrams didn’t seem to understand the kinds of tips to the past that actually would’ve been satisfying while still moving forward.

    As poorly as TFA has aged for me overall, I still think a good Episode IX would’ve made it work as a thematic whole. There was a chance for a real compelling thesis-antithesis-synthesis trilogy, with all sorts of threads organically weaves together and brought to fruition. Even with Fisher’s death, a satisfying basic outline really shouldn’t have been that hard to develop and build on.

    Alas, the corporate, pop cultural behemoth of Star Wars, its parent company, and its fandom… just isn’t built for satisfying storytelling to be its norm.
  20. I disagree on that last point. Rise, book of boba Fett, resistance and solo are not good but mandalorian, bad batch, andor, clone wars, rebels, tfa, tlj rogue one are all good to great.
  21. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Solo was good.
    disambigujason likes this.
  22. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    Solo was indeed Fun and Good
    justin. likes this.
  23. I disagree but I'll allow it to further my point
  24. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    justin. likes this.
  25. justin.


    Solo is a fun watch. I’d take more of those actors portraying the characters.