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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson, December 15, 2017) Movie • Page 357

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    This is actually a pretty interesting read in the larger societal context too, not just for Star Wars fans.
  2. justin.


    beachdude likes this.
  3. Zilla Nov 24, 2018
    (Last edited: Nov 24, 2018)

    Prestigious Supporter

    I feel like those deeply offended by TLJ wouldn’t accept this as proof no matter how conclusive it is. They’re like 9/11 truthers - can’t let the truth get in the way of their narrative.
  4. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Jason Fry has been doing a breakdown of his TLJ novelization on Twitter. It's been pretty cool!
  5. BackyardHero11


    so I just revisited this for the first time since the theatre, and I was super into it.

    I found the humor to be way more balanced than I initially thought, really enjoyed Luke's arc and appreciated that he was allowed to grow as a character off screen rather than being in stasis. Kylo and Rey were just as great if not better on this viewing. still some weird "Disney/mcu-esque" tension breaking lines that I didn't love, but what surrounds them is so good I move on quickly. adore the cinematography and the score obviously. I still don't know that I love the casino stuff as a whole, but I also appreciated the story of sticking it to the sucky war mongers of the galaxy while offering up hope of the rebellion and change to the "broom kids".

    still think they did ackbar dirty and space angel leia is still weird haha.

    i'll still always be a bit sad we never got another scene with han and luke.

    oh and the "may the force be with you" scene with Laura Dern and Carrie Fisher when Dern is staying behind, kind of broke me thinking about Carrie Fisher haha. stupid universe.
  6. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    man I can't believe we're coming up on 2 years since Carrie passed.
  7. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Has this really only been out one year? It seems like it was longer ago than that. I recently rewatched this as well. Throne room on is some of the best this franchise has to offer.
    beachdude, Dodger and BackyardHero11 like this.
  8. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    the one year mark is coming up end of this week. it's been, how you say, a long ass f*cking year. lol
    beachdude, ship90 and Dodger like this.
  9. BackyardHero11


    hahah for real. I was shocked when I looked up episode 9 and was like what?? still a whole year??
  10. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    The dork outcry and whining made this film feel like it came out a decade ago.
  11. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    My biggest complaint for this film is honestly just that I don't like how Admiral Ackbar's death was handled. I get that deaths like that would happen in a situation such as that one, but I still hate when movies do that. It annoyed the hell out of me in the last few Harry Potter movies that I saw and I don't actually care about those characters much at all having never read any books after the first when I was a kid.

    Like others have pointed out, there are some little things here and there that I find silly but there are with all movies. For the Ackbar thing to be my biggest gripe I think is pretty damn amazing for a film like this.
  12. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Yeah I’m surprised that’s your biggest complaint in a film full of other things peoplehate lol I totally get the complaint and probably would’ve liked a different scenario but in the situation I disagree just because any screen time devoted to him in that situation would’ve taken away from the moment between Kylo and Leia.

    If it were a main character I’d agree but I think needing to give a heroic or poignant for every minor character would draw away focus from the story and main characters and it would get old fast especially in a case like Harry Potter where so many characters died. Have a totally different opinion on the Harry Potter deaths because i love how quick they were handled but let’s stick to Star Wars.

    I love Ackbar and get he’s a fan favorite, but let’s be real the squid dude had maybe ten lines total in the OG trilogy. I think Raddus was a better character, had way more of a role, and died off screen and it was never even mentioned. Nobody’s upset about that just because there wasn’t 30 years to fall in love with him, the novelty and awesomeness of Mon Cala alien design isnt there anymore, and he didn’t give us an iconic line like “it’s a trap!”
  13. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    i mean to be fair we never even got a moment to grieve han solo, the action kept going. LIFE GOES ON!
    Dodger and beachdude like this.
  14. justin.


    I grieved for Han for two years.
  15. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    Everything you say about Ackbar is true. I don't dispute any of that. For me it's the double-whammy of A) Liking him as a character since I was a little kid & B) Having a personal pet peeve for killing characters off screen and tossing in a line of dialogue like "oh snap, _____ just died!" I recognize that it really is a very minor, super silly thing. Once I hit a certain point in my first viewing of TLJ, something clicked and everything about it just worked for me like gangbusters from then on, even to the point where things that bothered me at the beginning of the film evened out to a certain degree, like the way in which Luke's lightsaber toss plays out for example.

    I absolutely love Rogue One, and the biggest groan inducing thing in all of recent Star Wars for me is Vader's line in that about 'choking on your aspirations'. Struck me as such a dad joke, I sat back and was like "Awww come on, no you didn't just say that, Darth."
    BackyardHero11 and Dodger like this.
  16. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I'd still argue that the choking pun is in line with Vader's character from the OT. Dude was always dropping the cheese when force choking.
  17. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    "apology accepted, captain needa."
    aoftbsten likes this.
  18. AndrewSoup

    It's A Secret To Everyone Prestigious

    Star Wars has literally always been cheesy as hell.

    also, i liked CinemaWins video they did on this
    coleslawed and aoftbsten like this.
  19. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I am not saying you are wrong about Vader dropping the cheese in the OT, but for whatever reason it struck me as super out of place in that scene in Rogue One, and I am usually someone who enjoys the cheese.

    I wasn't crazy about Vader in general in that film though. His presence always felt a little tacked on to me, like they were struggling to make that film work and decided to just drop Vader in and have him f--- some people up because that would be cool. Didn't feel completely organic to me. Could be why that cheesy pun always bugs me.
  20. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    i think RO would have been just as successful without Vader, but I think they wanted some seat-filling insurance as it was the first of the spin-offs, who knew how they'd be received.

    But that scene at the end with him is just too perfect. it's the most vicious we ever see Vader.
    justin. likes this.
  21. Counter point: That movie needed Vader and Vader worked.
  22. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    zombie Tarkin bothered me way more than anything Vader said or did haha
    coleslawed, aoftbsten and Dan Quinlan like this.
  23. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    They could have simplified the story a bit by having Vader occupy most of Tarkin's role, but I also really like the Vader's Castle setting and obviously, the Hallway scene is incredible. It's just a question of would Vader work as well as a foil to Krennic's ambition as Tarkin did. I think it could have worked, but it's hard to say.
  24. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I can fully admit that I have a Gareth Edwards fanboy attitude about Rogue One, and have built up his pre-reshoot version of that film in my head to the point where it is this mythical sci-fi war film classic for the ages. I think this is in part due to the fact that he seems like a cool down to earth guy, while in literally everything I read about that film's production Tony Gilroy comes off like a hugely arrogant prick.

    The film is great as it stands and was hugely successful, so I do recognize that all factors point towards Tony Gilroy saving the day and bailing out a turd of a film and making it not only work but making it great.
  25. dlemert


    Vader should've just been a background looming presence in RO at most. Between Tarkin and Krennic that movie was overloaded with villains as it was. Having Vader just show up for his one scene on the rebel ship at the end would've been extra shocking and badass.