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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson, December 15, 2017) Movie • Page 221

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    I'm definitely generally anti-CGI recreation, in spite of including that in my question.

    But, I think I'd prefer an onscreen, artful Obi Wan/Luke style vanishing scene early in the film to a death between films addressed in the crawl, even if the film opens with a funeral. It'd be more narratively fulfilling and possible without recasting or a CGI face.
  2. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    This is why I think all the people wishing Leia just died in space are crazy. You're telling me the floating scene bothered you so much you'd sacrifice the Luke/Leia reunion? Nfw
    NitrateDawn, Greg and Mrplum5089 like this.
  3. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I don't hate the parking violation, it does makes sense in the context of that world. Because of course some rich a-hole would be a dick about that haha.
    Tim likes this.
  4. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Same. I don’t want to get only one more movie of these characters
    Adrian Villagomez likes this.
  5. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    Think there's any chance they'd be in the new Disney live-action series?
  6. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Its funny. Before this movie I wouldve not liked that idea. I feel like its more important to (to borrow a reviewers words) carry that character across the finish line for Carrie and all the work she put into making that character.

    Now that Ive seen the movie though, I just think she ended up at the finish line already. She got to show her strength in the force. She got to have a final (and beautiful scene) with Luke. She came to terms with Kylo being gone. She passed on the leadership role to Poe. And she got to see the Rebellion live to see another day.

    Carrie played Leia amazingly in TLJ and I now think itd be fine to write her off in the crawl with the movie starting with a funeral for her and maybe laying her next to a ceremonial grave next to Han or something.
  7. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah I like that with series that you get to spend so much time with characters

    Id just be entertained to see Reys studies and training and the back story of Kylo in Lukes school fleshed out, among other things..
    ComedownMachine likes this.
  8. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

  9. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

  10. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    I just love that the alien who ratted them out had a goofy southern accent lol
  11. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    That was Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
  12. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    What!? Haha I like it way more now haha.
    Anthony_ likes this.
  13. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Yeah. Really wish Johnson had found a way to put JGL in front of the camera instead (I'm a fan) but it's cool that he included him at all. They're close friends.
    Adrian Villagomez likes this.
  14. This makes so much sense.
    fenway89, jkauf and Anthony_ like this.
  15. williek311

    Trusted Prestigious

    There are a lot of cameos in this film. Even James Corden is in it.
    fenway89 and bradsonemanband like this.
  16. I read the little alien that shoves coins into BB-8 is Mark Hamill.
  17. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    now we just need Bruce Willis in Star Wars
  18. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    In a way, I feel the opposite. Yes, this film was a great farewell to the character and to Carrie herself. But, I actually was more ok with her being written off between films off screen before seeing this movie.

    Leia has a very major place in this narrative that I think needs addressed in IX with her actually present in some capacity. And, this film's expansion of the Force creates a great avenue for doing so.

    The way I'd do it is by first having some brief moment where orders from Leia are relayed to Poe. Something to establish where their working relationship currently is. Then later, but still in the first act (or maybe the second), have a shot of Leia from behind, cutting between her and Kylo Ren. Kylo would grow emotional, but the figure of Leia would remain strong. Maybe get some incomprehensible voices going in the background to further sell the scene. Then, the sound cuts out, Leia vanishes, and you see Kylo react strongly, with reactions from Rey and Poe, too.

    Something like that would allow her to play one last narratively significant and fulfilling role without CGI or recasting.
  19. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

  20. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    i got to see this earlier today as a late birthday gift to myself since my plans didnt go through yesterday. this is twice now ive seen it and i loved it even more the second time. lots of little things i didnt catch, like a part of Lukes X-Wing being used as the door to his hut, or how the last thing Luke sees are two suns in the sky much like Tattooine, and it sounds like Luke is still bitter about having to lift rocks in Episode V since he says the Force is "more than just lifting rocks" to Rey, and I teared up when Luke told Kylo that he failed him much the same way that Obi Wan told Anakin the same thing. also Luke says "Darth Sidious" instead of referring to him as "The Emperor" which was something that stuck out to me for whatever reason. i just love this movie so much
  21. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I would love an Edgar Wright Star Wars film. Like a bounty hunter style heist film in Wright's style could be soooo much fun.
    fenway89 and Mrplum5089 like this.
  22. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

  23. fenway89 and Anthony_ like this.
  24. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    I’ve only seen this once.
    Went with 4 friends who are all into Star Wars and we all came out with the same reaction.

    Liked what RJ was attempting to do but some of the execution was a little underwhelming.

    Ultimately I think trimming some of the fat in the middle of the movie and giving Rey/Luke some more time together would really improve the overall flow.

    Gonna see it again this week before I attempt to have a final opinion. But right now it’s better than the prequels but not as good as TFA.

    PS- I need to stop having any expectations. No more fan theories for this guy
  25. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    oh and the two references to Rogue One for fucking awesome. I cant believe they set up the Navigation thing already. I also thought it was sweet that theyd name a ship after Raddus. Is it confirmed that the Sullustan we see in Poes squad is Nien Nunb? Because that would be rad.

    Rip Admiral Ackbar :,(
    Adrian Villagomez, teebs41 and Joe4th like this.