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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson, December 15, 2017) Movie • Page 220

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. drewinseries


    Man, Kylo freaking out over a haunting Luke sounds amazing.
    SpyKi, ship90 and Mrplum5089 like this.
  2. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit tired of the whole Canto Bight part and was thinking it was a strange inclusions considering the tone of the rest of the movie, but bringing it full circle and ending with the kid at the end almost completely redeemed it for me. Still not completely sold on the whole arc and still probably think it was the least entertaining part of the movie for me, but bringing it back around was pretty well done.
  3. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Wonder what that would be like? Weve established force ghosts can burn down a tree with lightning. Wouldnt force ghost Luke be able to capture or kill Kylo?
  4. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Some crazy talk in here. Lord and Miller were fired from Han Solo when they were like halfway through filming because the vision wasn’t what he producers wanted.

    Colin got booted in pre production of Episode 9.

    There is someone who is steering the ship. It isn’t “off the cuff”. If RJ’s vision wasn’t in line with the producers, including JJ, he wouldn’t have been allowed to make the movie.
  5. drewinseries


    I wouln't want it to be any kind of physical interactions, though maybe seeing it done well would surprise me. In my head i've imagined Luke taunting Kylo, or giving him insight in Anakin, altering his perceived infatuation of Vader.
  6. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Yea, it’s a risk it seems. So far, it has worked. At least JJ did TFA so he probably already has something thought out. and having known what happens in 8 for a couple years, his ideas have had time to change with that information. We shall see.

    I think the one consistent piece is Kathleen Kenedey. It’s clear she is willing to step in if their are issues and willing to stay back if things are going well.
  7. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    A bit... but this made me think of Breaking Bad. One of the best TV shows ever. They admittedly didn’t have a plane along the way and made it work.

    Obviously, this is different, but stuff like that gives me hope this can be pulled off. We have to have hope, right?
  8. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    I personally like that they got caught on a parking violation, lol. The why for their capture didn't really matter that much to me outside of incompetence being part of it, and I'm just generally fond of franchise stories that strike a balance of respect/reverence and disrespect/irreverence for said franchise. And, I'm a big fan of silliness.

    I do like the suggestion of a bumbling gambler Finn, though. Him and Rose struggling to maintain that facade would've been a fun trope to apply to these characters and this world.
  9. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I’d say he didn’t have to say anything at all. The fact that he praised the script means even if he would have done things differently, he still respected it and could enjoy the direction it took.
    fenway89 likes this.
  10. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Exactly. Kathleen Kennedy is more involved than it seems, at least when it comes to keep things on course.
    scottlechowicz likes this.
  11. drewinseries


    Someone had mentioned it may have been cooler if Rose could be a hacker and Finn and her were just sneaking around the First Order ship, never going down to the surface. That would have been cool, but I really did enjoy the force pull on the broom at the end.
  12. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Was the Code Breaker that Benecio Del Toro played the actual one that Maz instructed them to find? But what is really Justin Theroux who was wearing the lapel or was he just a random gambler?
  13. drewinseries


    I think it was supposed to be Justin Theroux, but they had to settle for BDT. I'd buy there would be more running around casinos in that environment, but it it's all still meh to me.
  14. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Theroux was the one they were looking for. They happened to run into DJ and he proved he was capable.
  15. thevheissu

    that's not how the force works Prestigious

    That's why Moz said he was the ONLY Master Codebreaker she trusted. She seemed to hint at the possibility they could run in to DJ.
    aoftbsten and Mrplum5089 like this.
  16. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    That makes sense, considering DJ was so quick to hand them over when caught
  17. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Question about how to use Leia in IX:

    Depending on how much time passes between these episodes, would Leia Force-Ghost-ing off camera (or even showing an extra disappear without showing her face) be something people would like? And if so, would briefly showing her Force Ghost with the aid of CGI be appropriate, or would it better to leave her "dead," one with the Force?
  18. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    In my head, i'd prefer to kill her off in the crawl, and start 9 off in a funeral setting that the first order attacks. That's just kinda what i've thought would be the most respectful way to go about it.
  19. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    I think there's a respectful way to use old footage and force ghost her like a less cheesy version of the end of Return of the Jedi, but I hope they don't do much more than that. I was thinking the ideal way to do it might be to open IX with a time jump and her funeral, which to me would allow for an emotional on screen goodbye for her character without resorting to cgi.
  20. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    I wouldnt want to see her used in any way.

    My preference would be to have some time pass between episodes. Use the crawl to update us on what has happened in between and then open on Leia’s funeral.

    That could help to really drive home the notion that the old guard has passed. The story now belongs with someone else.

    Obviously, if they do use some cgi or something and it works, i won’t complain. But if someone asked me to write it, the above is the route I’d go
  21. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

  22. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Yea... ending her story in the crawl seems like the best choice considering they have said they don’t want to recast or do a CGI version of her.
  23. thevheissu

    that's not how the force works Prestigious

    I think starting off with a funeral would be really appropriate. Not just for the movies sake, but as an actual funeral for the fans too. I think they could make it really beautiful.
    aoftbsten and Jake Gyllenhaal like this.
  24. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    geez Im starting to wish more that this was a series instead of 3 films
  25. NitrateDawn


    Oh man, my feelings about this film are complicated. I know it was brilliant and respect it so much for not being precious with these beloved characters and icons, and the part of me that loves good storytelling loves that.

    Yet the Star Wars fan in me can't help but be a bit disappointed that once again there was so little interaction between the OT leads and idk, I guess I just wasn't ready for Luke to go yet haha. And I'm not sure if those are valid feelings or if it's just me not getting certain things I wanted.

    Regardless I'm thrilled we got to see a new unique vision of Star Wars on screen and there's so many beautiful and emotional moments in the film. I don't quite love it, but I think I could with another viewing.

    Oh, and Rian Johnson answered the question of Rey's parents EXACTLY how I was hoping he would. So many great subversions in this film.
    aoftbsten and Mrplum5089 like this.