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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson, December 15, 2017) Movie • Page 216

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

  2. christsizedshoes


    The Leia stuff didn't bother me as much as most people who had issues with TLJ.

    The Snoke stuff is going to be really hard to get past for me, though. Yes, giving him this treatment draws a very clear distinction between this story and the original trilogy, whereas making him Palpatine on steroids could've been seen as retreading old ground.

    Thing is, it's inevitable that certain plot elements are going to retread old ground. And for me, at least on first viewing, making the top villain expendable and a punchline was much too unsatisfying to be worth the shock value/novelty.

    But I'm still pretty conflicted and unsure about lots of things, whereas with TFA, I felt like I had a concrete opinion right away.
  3. Jesse West

    Cursed by my ancestry

    Kind of weird to say all future Star Wars movies have to take place at some point ABY. I love the idea of an expanded Universe, even though I did think the former EU was a bit of a mess, so saying they can only expand the universe in one direction is like cutting off the creative teams right hands. I want more good stories in the SW universe. I don't really see what about the Old republic/Jedi Wars/Far past prevents those stories from being good. It's not like they would look anything like games anyway, they aren't cannon.
  4. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    It's a very quick reference, Poe (or someone else on the call) asks her whats going on and she says "oh just a little union dispute"
    Dr. Phil Jr. likes this.
  5. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Possibly when rey said “you’ve shut yourself off from the force.”
    Mrplum5089 likes this.
  6. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    That was probably it yeah
  7. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    No we need the origin of the Tusken Raiders and Tatooine when it was a vibrant lush planet as canon, dammit.
    CoffeeEyes17 and Anthony_ like this.
  8. williek311

    Trusted Prestigious

    Now that Kylo is head honcho I'm hoping he calls upon the Knights of Ren, they looked cool from the brief like 2 second clip I've seen. lol.
  9. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Im dumb and dont know what a union dispute is lol
  10. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    My theory is now that Reys vision of the Knights of Ren was in the future. And theyll feature in IX. Kinda seems like the only logical explanation now.
  11. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    Basically workers refuse to work (usually cause of what they perceive as unfair treatment from their employer) so tensions must have been very high and a shootout happened lol
    Your Milkshake likes this.
  12. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    I think so too. Upon seeing again I was paying attention and when Kylo turned on Luke it wasnt raining like it was in the vision. Like at all. when luke was in the hut. when Luke woke up it wasnt wet or anything. Also he and the knights probably wouldnt have been in their mask/gear.

    There is a lightsaber in his left hand in the vision so that may come into play. I thought it was the night he took over and the saber in his hand was Lukes but idk about that now.

    My belief was that he took Lukes green saber after he turned which is why Luke didnt project that one because Kylo wouldve thought something was up. Idk why hed be holding it in the future.
    Your Milkshake likes this.
  13. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Never said they ALL had to be ABY. But so far, they keep going back and the one we have seen was only okay. The next one is likely to be a rushed mess. I don’t need to know about young Han Solo. There is no lore to explore there. I am open to an Obiwan movie as we can have Ewan back and learn more about the Force as he learns from Qui-Gon. The Solo movie is going to be pointless.

    Going back limits creativity, as well. Especially now that they have a story group who controls canon. They could only do certain events and only have certain characters at certain times doing certain things. Where as if you go forward the future is wide open to do whatever you want. Going back is cutting off creativity.
  14. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This is good. Based on everything weve seen this seems correct. This is awesome stuff and most of the audience isnt going to connect these dots until theyre watching IX.
  15. wordzanddreamz

    and a millions screams...

    Last Jedi opening weekend made more money domestically than Justice League has in its entire run.
  16. Steve_JustAGuy


    Was Finn deserting at the beginning? I was under the impression that he was going to find Rey, which is technically deserting, but not in a malicious way (if that makes sense).
    Dr. Phil Jr. likes this.
  17. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    I think it's weird to assume a movie based around the Old Republic would be bad because of two movies, one that isn't even out yet, that were based on stuff from the original trilogies.

    Saying there's no lore to explore in a Han Solo movie is absolutely wrong too.

    I just don't understand the notion that making a movie in a previous time means it's automatically hindered.
  18. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    He says something along the lines of, "and I can't have her come to this ship because it's doomed" so that's probably what set Rose off.
    Dr. Phil Jr. and Steve_JustAGuy like this.
  19. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Exactly. And theres still enough mystery in how the lightsaber plays into it and just seeing the Knights in general that Ill eat it up with a big ol smile on my face.

    I am a little nervous that the intent was that it was Kylos turn and take over and the rain was simply added to make it look more dramatic and we wont see the Knights, but fortunately the KNights were JJ's creation and most of our characters were JJ's doing so I think hell do them justice. (RIP Phasma)
    Your Milkshake likes this.
  20. Jesse West

    Cursed by my ancestry

    This is Star Wars, one of, if not, the most profitable Fictional universes. All the stuff about certain characters, certain events applies to the mainline films as well. Going back 4000+ years would actually probably give them more freedom.

    Also, not really sure how the quality of the other EU movies factors in to what the subject matter going forward should be.
    Adrian Villagomez and Joe4th like this.
  21. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Steve_JustAGuy likes this.
  22. drewinseries Dec 18, 2017
    (Last edited: Dec 18, 2017)


    Yeah an Old Republic film would be fantastic. So much really interesting lore based on ancient Sith and Jedi. I mean, if you liked The Last Jedi force tree, dark side well/cave place, etc, Old Republic lore would/should be a lot of that type of material.
  23. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    The whole thing with Finn was that he didnt care about being a part of the Resistence. He was still running away just like in TFA. Only cared about surviving and Rey. His arc after seeing how selfless Rose was and her dedication to something bigger than her along with DJs reluctance to fight for anything and to just survive, he finally sees he wants to fight for soemthing.

    says the Rebel scum line. ends up trying to sacrificing himself for something bigger. Wants to help Luke. Hes no longer running away.
  24. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    And I still love how Poes was the opposite. He was always facing things head on and not running away in the reckless way. And he learns that running away and just surviving is necessary sometimes. Pulling back the speeders. Then escaping the cave and not helping Luke

    God I love this movie
  25. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Dr. Phil Jr. and ship90 like this.