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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson, December 15, 2017) Movie • Page 214

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. DeathOrGlory

    Just a friendly reminder

    Luke's short conversation with R2D2 filled me with so much joy. The crust and dirt of Luke lifted away to let Original Trilogy Luke peak through for just a little bit. Mark Hamill killed it throughout.
  2. carrytheweird

    R2-D2 & C3PO felt a little tacked on. I also cringed at Force Luke dusting his shoulder off. Extremely out of character and unnecessary.
  3. jean-luc davis


    What a great movie! I’ve seen so many critiques saying the Finn/Rose stuff was filler/pointless but I saw it as good character development as well as an important piece of the overall Last Jedi message that your actions have both direct and indirect consequences. Also the fact that people are picking apart the storyline that involved 2, and later 3 characters of color with DJ feels a bit too...familiar.

    Favorite shot of the movie though was by far when Admiral Holdo crashed the cruiser into Snoke’s ship at light speed and it goes silent while it shows it breaking. My jaw dropped at how amazing that shot was.
  4. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    The Finn/Rose stuff was mostly really great. It let Finn grow and have an arc, becoming the person who ran away initially to the person willing to fly straight into a cannon. It set up the kids at the end. It had Benicio Del Toro in it. It featured the scene where they learn that the “evil” arms dealer they stole that ship from sold weapons and ships to both the Resistance and the Order. It had all the stuff with Rose giving up her pendant, which is one of my favorite thematic threads in the movie. In fact, Rose is growing into an all-time favorite Star Wars character for me. It could probably be cut 5-10 minutes or so, and I’m not 100% sold on the kiss, but she and a lot of those scenes are great.
    Dr. Phil Jr., Dodger and Anthony_ like this.
  5. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I do hope that one day, after episode IX is released, they tell us what their original, rough outline for what Leia’s story would have been. Looking back now it feels like TFA was Han’s film, TLJ was Luke’s and IX would have been Leia’s, especially since they’ve already said she was meant to have a larger role. I can’t help but wonder.
    Anthony_ likes this.
  6. emeryk3

    Wharf Mice

    idk how people can hype the Finn/Rose/DJ subplot. That was immensely disappointing for me. Just seemed like a complete waste of time.

    They should not have even survived after the cannon suicide run. Like how the hell did they get back to the Resistance unharmed? Did Finn just carry her limp body back? Genuinely asking cos ceebs to watch a 2nd time.
  7. circasurviver


    It wasn’t the first time he got cocky.
    fenway89 and aoftbsten like this.
  8. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    I enjoyed the Rose/Finn storyline and think it did a fantastic job at developing them both and making me care even more for them. I was honestly surprised to see all the hate for it after I got out of the theater.
    Dr. Phil Jr. likes this.
  9. ship90


  10. wordzanddreamz

    and a millions screams...

    He 100% does. I’ve watched the end of the movie 15+ times haha
    fenway89 and Youarcade like this.
  11. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    How lol
  12. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    He definitely force grabs the broom, looked out for it on my second viewing.
    Dr. Phil Jr. likes this.
  13. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    This guy is in so much denial right now, I love it haha

    Also, inb4 IX comes out and he’s proven wrong, and then he makes a video saying Star Wars sucks now. You’d think seeing TLJ would have taught him to stop making Star Wars theories.
  14. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    my thoughts on this movie go back and forth so much, theres a constant battle between what I wanted to see and what I saw... its like your favorite band putting out a record thats completely different than anything they've done before, it sometimes takes a bit to get used to it...

    Are there things I wish i saw in this film that didn't happen? absolutely
    but was I surprised throughout the movie? yes!

    If the movie went exactly the way I imagined it to go then I think it would have been pretty boring. I wish we got to see the version of Luke from ROTJ for just a little bit, calm and serious. I still think his portrayal of the jedi in that movie is the best we've seen so far. I felt like even when this Luke got serious, doing something like that brush off action just doesn't seem to be the action of a Jedi.. and maybe that's the point. Will J.J make Rey a traditional Jedi or something different? Is this the point? I'm still coming to terms with a lot of different things, and this movie makes you rethink the entire jedi philosophy and if that's the point of the movie than I think it succeeded.
  15. wordzanddreamz

    and a millions screams...

    With all the talk of everyone "hating" it on RT and that garbage I just go in at the end to see real audience reactions every show. Tons of clapping and cheering. Some gasps at the force broom moment.
  16. williek311

    Trusted Prestigious

    Benicio Del Toro killed it in this movie I thought.
    carrytheweird and aoftbsten like this.
  17. emeryk3 Dec 18, 2017
    (Last edited: Dec 18, 2017)

    Wharf Mice

    I've never seen anyone clap or cheer in the cinema so it's strange to always see people mentioning that (but maybe it's a geographic thing). Most that happened in TLJ for me was hearing an audible "oh, shit" during the silent ship suicide scene and my friend laughed when the porg hit the Falcon window.
  18. Steve_JustAGuy


    We'll have two Big Bads. Kylo will sacrifice himself taking out Real Snoke to save Rey, thus semi-redeeming himself while making her the last Jedi.

    I hope this doesn't happen.
  19. Barresi Dec 18, 2017
    (Last edited: Dec 18, 2017)

    Spooky Space Kook

    The audience went into full applause during my screening when Kylo and Rey went back-to-back.
    theagentcoma, ship90 and dylan like this.
  20. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Yea people clapped at the end. I’m like, “the actors and filmmakers can’t hear you!” The biggest applause I witnessed was after a screening of American Sniper, and I live in a solid blue state.
    dylan likes this.
  21. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    Will Kyle have a ghost Snoke following him? Or is that a Jedi thing only.
    Dr. Phil Jr. likes this.
  22. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    I think my favorite idea this movie expands on is the idea that the Jedi arent necessary for the Force to continue existing and being a light. I think Luke even calls the Jedi arrogant at one point. Stuff like that makes the mythology so much deeper and the Force even more interesting.

    This movie only deepens my desire to see an Old Republic/KOTOR era movie and I'm not really sure why it just does
  23. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    there was only one guy laughing loudly for my theater experience and everyone else was pretty dead silent. which is how I prefer it.
  24. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    It’s certainly not only you, so if this sounds angry, it’s not about you but rather about a very vocal group of fans online....

    But I could not give any less fucks about old Republic/KOTOR. I have never understood why people enjoy that era so much. I’ve never been interested in it. I am so sick of hearing people clamor for it. It does not interest me at all.

    And at this point for the movies, I don’t want to go back. That’s the most annoying part of the stand alones so far is that they keep going back. I want to move forward in this galaxy. Stop going back and explaining things that don’t need explained. It only muddies the water and raises new questions that won’t be answered.

    That’s what makes me excited for Johnson’s new trilogy. While we don’t know when it will be set, it will be it’s own thing and won’t interfere with what we already know. I can’t wait to see what he does.
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  25. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wasn't sold on this movie, going to watch it a second time next week to see if it hits me differently. Kind of disappointed how bland it was. A lot of missed opportunities, I feel:
    Leia should have died in space
    Leia should have been alone on the ship at the end (that crashed into Snoke's), and died
    Luke should have been killed by Kylo
    Snoke in general
    christsizedshoes likes this.