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Star Wars: The Force Awakens (JJ Abrams, December 17, 2015) Movie • Page 11

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. T.J.

    music and baseball.


    Thanks, for the reply.
  2. LessThanTrevor

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm sure a fan edit will come out - but there's a few scenes where you can tell they weren't finished. The snowspeeder chase doesn't really look too great.
  3. T.J.

    music and baseball.

    Yea, I just finished watching them. There wasn't much too them and some felt like they were shot before they had a solid idea of what they wanted to do; like Ren in the Falcon.

    And I was definitely about to comment on the Snowspeeder chase. I am glad they left that scene out. That scene had an Episode I-III feel to it. Yuck.
  4. Nyquist Apr 11, 2016
    (Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2016)

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Kid continues to be adorable and I hope they throw him a role of some sort in the future.

  5. exanctile

    Fight the long defeat.

    That's a great call. I've needed to upgrade my 2004 DVD copy for some time now. The only possibility that gives me pause is Disney releasing the OT in its original form. Anyone heard anything substantial about that?
  6. alexstolar

    Just The Worst

    It's been rumored forever, but I doubt we'd hear anything about it until Star Wars Celebration. That's where the most of the news like that comes out. I'm quite happy with my "complete saga" blu-ray set. I rarely watch the prequels, but the packaging is nice and they're great transfers.

    Besides, I'm sure they're readying the OT print for a 4K remaster anyhow.
    exanctile likes this.
  7. Nyquist Apr 11, 2016
    (Last edited: Mar 2, 2022)

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Over the last 15 years Mike Verta, a composer and visual effects artist, has completely restored the first Star Wars using five 35 mm prints, including the rare Technicolor print. This restoration, called Star Wars Legacy, surpasses the bluray in detail. He has documented his progress on his website and his vimeo channel. He not only shows the restoration process, he also makes comparisons with the official bluray. It is a genuine restoration from 4K scans of original 1977 35 mm prints. Legacy is a combination of several IB Techs and several Eastman prints. It combines the best data from multiple sources to produce a much more detailed, cohesive frame than any one source could ever hope to. It is in a sense what any professional restorator would use if the original negative were no longer available or damaged beyond repair. He stated a while back that he was told by people at Lucasfilm to expect a visit from the FBI should his project ever be released online, which is why he's in the process of putting together a pitch for them in the hopes that they'll see fit to officially release it. Disney has apparently been pretty receptive to it.

    There's also been some evidence that they're working on a restoration now. A few people on the OriginalTrilogy forums who are evidently reliable, longtime posters have heard from various people they know at Disney that a scan was made of the OOT sometime recently. The Library of Congress also answered a query recently that Lucasfilm requested a copy of their scan of the original film, likely for reference material.

    So, let's say for the sake of argument that they have it and are working on a restoration, but they've agreed to hear this pitch primarily because Verta might have a better quality restoration than they do. Let's say he does, and they like it, and want it. They release it. One of three options: They get Verta to do the other two, and they stagger the release of all three films, releasing them as they're ready (unlikely), they hold off and give Verta time to do/oversee new restorations of TESB and RotJ and release them all at once, or they release his Legacy restoration for SW and release theirs for the other two. To be fair, the original film is in by far the worst shape, Empire and Jedi might not need nearly as much work, so I could see that last option being feasible.

    When asked if Legacy has essentially restored the original negative or if there is still more detail that can only be recovered by actually using the original negative, Mike had this to say:

    You can check out this site to see the progress he's made over time (the site is in archive mode currently with the homepage now saying "Coming Soon" which might be a good thing):

    Welcome to STAR WARS - Legacy Edition

    And you can also check out his Vimeo channel with loads of videos detailing this arduous process:

    Mike Verta’s Videos on Vimeo

    Thanks to the heavy amount of time he has spent on this as well as his years of experience, he has actually developed custom software that allows him to stack references on top of each other and then combine image detail together from each print, thus resolving the image back to the original negative. This is possible because every print has it's own unique grain structure, so by stacking different prints he can take the best available data and replace grain with image detail. Here's one of his videos which shows his software in action:

    Really exciting stuff.
  8. I'm sticking with my Harmy edits until Disney produces HD copies of the original.
    Nyquist likes this.
  9. exanctile

    Fight the long defeat.

    This is far more detail than I expected to hear about this process; thanks for sharing! Harmy's Despecialized is the only alternative of which I had previously known. Hopefully the eventual release comes sooner than later.
    Nyquist likes this.
  10. Episode 7 of my Star Wars podcast with @oldbestfriend is up, wherein we discuss who Rey isn't. Full show notes at the Bantha Fodder website. Awesome Libsyn integration by @Jason Tate below.

    Snewt and Jason Tate like this.
  11. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I love my Harmy blu-rays.

    IMG_1133.JPG IMG_1134.JPG IMG_1135.JPG IMG_1136.JPG IMG_1137.JPG
    Davjs, Snewt, gonz (Alex) and 6 others like this.
  12. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

  13. Aj LaGambina

    Hey man, we all can't be like you Supporter

  14. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    ChaseTx likes this.
  15. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Aj LaGambina likes this.
  16. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I would love to have those. I don't have a bluray burner (or a computer, I guess) but it would be awesome to have
  17. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Still need to go download the Target videos. Thought they were gonna be on the actual release.
  18. michael_gatto


  19. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    It's kind of a long and complicated process unless you just choose to torrent them. If you go through the site you would go here:

    Harmy's STAR WARS Trilogy Despecialized Edition - NO DISCUSSIONS/REQUESTS (SEE POST#2, Feb 2016) - tehPARADOX

    You have to create an account to see the links. Once you do that you can download the individual files from uloz. That takes forever though so the best option is to download a program called Jdownloader 2 which will download and extract all the files for you. It still takes a while, but faster than downloading each file individually. Once that's finished you will finally have mkv files of the films.


    You can torrent each one. The current versions are:

    A New Hope - version 2.5
    The Empire Strikes Back - 2.0
    Return of the Jedi - 2.5

    Harmy is going to do Empire 2.5 next and then start on 3.0 versions for all of them to bring them to 1920x1080 resolution rather than 1280x720 which is where they are currently.
    Jacob Tender likes this.
  20. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I refuse to buy the OT on Bluray until it's a version without Hayden force ghost and Vader doesn't say "no" at the end of Jedi.
  21. Tom

    It's way too late, or much too early Prestigious

    Snewt, atticusfinch and T.J. like this.
  22. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

  23. I'm sure this is news to more than a few people here.
  24. LessThanTrevor

    Trusted Prestigious

    t_papaccio likes this.
  25. awakeohsleeper

    I do not exist.

    LessThanTrevor likes this.