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Spotify App • Page 32

Discussion in 'Technology Forum' started by Supernova, May 6, 2016.

  1. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    i don’t notice much difference between DJ and autoplay when a playlist/album ends, other than the ai telling me what just played every three songs.
  2. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try. Supporter

    I’ve seen mixed reviews but it’s just played me 5 songs, I’ve liked each one and none of them were songs I’ve listened to before or seen in auto play. Complete opposite to others experience, I thought it would be very rock/punk orientated but it seems to have taken my love of The National, Phoebe Bridgers and combined it with some of the pop acts I listen to every so often but not a lot and chunks artists in that vibe in.

    Generally I’m very album focussed but this has definitely ticked the “cooking with my wife” vibes and she’s Shazammed each song. :crylaugh:

    For a gimmick, I’m a fan of this versus the TikTok feed that suggests I discover pop punk hits from the early 2000’s.. as if they don’t already know I play that music to death.
    Phantoms and coleslawed like this.
  3. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    I always get Soccer Mommy songs on auto-play, and the first time I fired up DJ, it intro’d the song with “here’s another from an artist you listen to a lot” and went into Circle the Drain. not complaining, I love Soccer Mommy, but like, I listen to her a lot because the algorithm pushes her a lot.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  4. you vandal


    The Now Playing view is extremely annoying.
  5. devenstonow


    I'm only using the DJ for the first time right now but he said "closing out with The Starting Line" and I'm really hoping that wasn't just a coincidence lol
  6. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    "Spotify had 210 million global paying subscribers (a 15 percent increase year-over-year) and 515 million monthly active users as of March 31. Yet the audio giant has been operating at a loss and has been looking for ways to cut costs amid what CFO Paul Vogel called in late April a “very modest underperformance in advertising” revenue in its first quarter of 2023."


    "210 million paying subscribers, yet I operate at a loss....somebody help, I can't run a business*
  7. MrCon

    I was trying to describe myself to someone

    They've announced price rises for the UK now. Nothing drastic, but I wish they'd get on with higher res audio. Feels like they're really lagging behind on that as an option now.
  8. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Price rises are good, but doesn't sound like that will result in any increased revenue towards the artists/bands themselves.
  9. Yeah I think I got a message the other day that my premium account is going up $2. Whatev
  10. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    as long as I keep my hulu bundle I'll be fine paying an extra $2 a month
    coleslawed likes this.
  11. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    TBH, for the ability to listen to just about every song released in history, on demand, the monthly price they charge is dirt cheap.
    macbethfan and bradsonemanband like this.
  12. you vandal


    Why are price increases good if it isn't going to artists?
  13. MrCon

    I was trying to describe myself to someone

    They can't operate at a loss forever...

    I'm not sure whether Spotify itself can even solve the artist payment problem. Obviously they can help, but my understanding was that the deals they sign with the labels/publishers leave it in the hands of the labels to decide how that streaming revenue goes out to artists. Whole business is a mess.
    coleslawed likes this.
  14. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    My recently played section is just gone
  15. Mister Lyrical

    Forging Clarity Supporter

    Is this pre-save feature slowly being rolled out? Just noticed the upcoming Beartooth album is showing up weeks ahead in advance of the release.


    Honestly found the lack of this feature being built-in one of Spotify's biggest shortcomings compared to Apple Music.
  16. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try. Supporter

    I think artists have to opt into it/set it up, so it will generally depend on them. Normally larger bands/artists that have used it so far.
    The Lucky Moose likes this.
  17. Has anyone else tried the new AI DJ feature? It’s kinda cool
  18. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Wrapped is now available
  19. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I listened to a lot of stuff my kid likes again this year
    Ferrari333SP and jorbjorb like this.
  20. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    Mine checks out but honestly haven’t listened to drain much the 2nd half of the year. Top 0.5% for Narrow Head is spot on though. I haven't put down Moments of Clarity much this year.

  21. bradsonemanband Nov 29, 2023
    (Last edited: Nov 29, 2023)
    Here's my Wrapped 2023 playlist, if anyone is interested:

    It's funny. Green Day was apparently my #4 most listened to band this year, but not a single song of theirs shows on my top 100 haha weird.
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  22. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Nice. Page Not Found is my favorite band.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  23. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Weirdly, its showing songs from my playlist, haha; must be a coding issue on Spotify's end

  24. Ferrari333SP likes this.
  25. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    my Spotify wrapped from someone who switched to Apple Music in February

    Ferrari333SP likes this.