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Spiral: From the Book of Saw (May 14, 2021) Movie • Page 5

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by oncenowagain, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Imo, the new Jigsaw is one of the elements of the film I liked the least. Like dude was basically the cop version of Amanda, all revenge and his traps reflected that and honestly, that bugged me a little.
  2. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Link dat shit
    Aaron Mook and oncenowagain like this.
  3. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Triple post but the best trap/game imo was the one with Matthews talking to Jigsaw in II, all he had to do was keep his cool and talk until time was up. It’s so simple but that’s what makes it so good, it’s definitely the easiest one but the hardest one too when you’re in the dark about your kid and you’re desperate to find him alive.

  4. This is the vid for the first film (not the full franchise) and he does at least the original run, maybe Jigsaw too. I'm on VI right now.
    bachna84 likes this.
  5. Part of what makes it the best of the series and a genuinely solid horror movie imo
    sawhney[rusted]2 and DarkHotline like this.
  6. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Just finished a trap compilation on YouTube…absolutely would’ve used the aluminum chair to prevent the venus fly trap from closing in on my dome piece. It could’ve helped somehow.
  7. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Watched Saw and Saw 2 back to back today and I gotta say Saw isn't nearly as good as I remember. It's very long and too drawn out imo. Saw 2 was absolutely fantastic as I remember
    Jbent, Aaron Mook and ChrisCantWrite like this.
  8. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Saw 1 is a solid low budget horror movie, not amazing but it does the job. II is more refined, the concept is better, the traps/games are more intense, the characters have more weight to them, and overall, putting John at the center of everything, watching it unfold calm and collected was honestly the exact thing that 1 couldn’t do over II. Yeah, the twist of him being on the floor the whole time was cool but eh. Him toying with Matthews mere feet apart is so much more menacing and it adds to the tension.
  9. thedrudo

    Trusted Prestigious

    At one point they go back into the previous rooms.
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  10. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I would have to rewatch but I don’t think they do? There’s flashbacks to the rooms.
  11. Jbent


    IMO the smaller scale streaming platforms and the growing popularity and successes of low budget horror movies that have gained more interest and involvement from talented directors/producers able to get decent to very good jobs + character portrayals by unknown actors has deff hurt the excuses around the very bad dr gordon performance in saw 1, I've read he "was under the impression this was a parody of sorts?" (paraphrasing) and then all the legal action afterwards just super odd all around.

    I mean like, bro you were in liar liar and on seinfeld like 6 year before this plenty of time to get ya chops down

    also wife is itching to go to theater and see this so, gonna pick up where we bailed on the series earlier this year with 6 :upside:
    ChrisCantWrite likes this.
  12. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Jbent and chewbacca110 like this.
  13. What was the legal stuff about?
    Colby Searcy and Jbent like this.
  14. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    He wanted producer credit so he could get a continued cut of the earnings. He should've paid all of us for having to sit through some of his dialogue.
    Jbent likes this.
  15. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    If he thought it was a parody that would make sense because the biggest laugh of the whole series is when he says "well.. technically he never killed anybody"

    The second biggest laugh is when jigsaw has Hoffman strapped to a chair and is monologuing and then stops next to him and says "oh and by the way... The blade on your pendulum was inferior"
    Jbent likes this.
  16. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    But I really didn't have a huge problem with either actor in Saw, I wouldn't call it great or anything, but they sold it well enough. It's certainly the most interesting part of the movie.
  17. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Saw has charm. That’s for sure..
    angel paste and Jbent like this.
  18. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    I think if they made another one I would love to see the kind of dynamic in the original play out, just a group of people locked in one location. I think it could be really well done now. Especially if it stills stars Chris Rock doing that weird voice.
    ChrisCantWrite likes this.
  19. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Watched 3 and 4 today.

    3 was much of the same but not nearly as good as 3 and 4 was great. Forget how good that one is.

    My ranking so far

    2, 4, Jigsaw, Saw, 3
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  20. This is in line with my ranking as well, with 6 in the top three and 5 and 3D rounding out the bottom three
    Jbent and Colby Searcy like this.
  21. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Prior to this week's rewatch, my memory is pretty fuzzy on everything 4-7. It's been a long time since I've watched any of these but had a general memory of the big picture. Upon rewatch I knew most things in 1-3, 4 I didn't quite remember where it left off but I think I know where 5 and 6 leave off now. Still couldn't tell you what happens in 7(3D) outside of Chester Bennington(RIP) and the reemergence of Gordon.

    After seeing everyone here's ranking, I didn't realize 6 was so highly regarded so I'm definitely excited to get to that one and start remembering everything
  22. tomtom94


    All I know about 7 is the colour is messed up because they shot it for 3D and didn't correct it for the home release
  23. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    I hated Saw 3D at first but upon rewatch now, when I am no longer a high schooler and don't take them seriously at all, it is one of my favorites. It just is the most silly of them all, and the gore is very frequent and generally pretty good.
  24. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Is 3D the one that opens in that public square area with the love triangle gone wrong scenario?
    Colby Searcy and Aaron Mook like this.
  25. Yep. 3D has one of the dumbest/funniest moments I've ever seen in a horror film when they decide to saw the girl in half at the beginning and she's like "Why are you doing this?" and the guys says "I think we're breaking up with you, Dina!"