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Spider-Man: No Way Home (Jon Watts, December 17, 2021) Movie • Page 90

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Anthony_, Feb 24, 2021.

  1. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    Tobey in the suit is the best part. I felt 15 again

    Not a great movie but I had fun.
  2. TEGCRocco

    Assume It's A Bit

    Overall yeah Daredevil is probably #1, but Jessica Jones season 1 might still be my favorite thing to come from the MCU
    WanderingSquall, RyanPm40 and justin. like this.
  3. justin.


    For sure, my favorite project that Ritter has been in and also her best, imo. I don't know who was in charge of casting the Netflix shows but they did a great job for the most part.
    WanderingSquall and RyanPm40 like this.
  4. Also shout out to Bernthal, Colter, and Henwick
    WanderingSquall and RyanPm40 like this.
  5. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious


    Never watched JJ3 or Punisher 2
    WanderingSquall and RyanPm40 like this.
  6. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    JJ1 was incredible, but I never bothered watching the other seasons after hearing bad things. Same reason I never bothered with either season of IF.

    Still need to watch the last seasons of LC and Punisher... I got kinda burnt out by Marvel Netflix shows for a bit. 13 episode seasons are long.
    WanderingSquall likes this.
  7. Still a firm believer that they should've cast actual Asian people instead of Finn Jones and Tilda Swinton, but Ned translating his grandma's Tagalog in NWH, not to mention the strides made by Shang Chi and Eternals, is the MCU gradually correcting course
  8. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Steven Yeun would’ve been great as Danny Rand at the time imo
    TEGCRocco likes this.
  9. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I still want Finn Jones to return as Iron Fist and team up with Shang Chi, because I think Shang Chi would take the piss out of him and I want to see that interaction.
  10. Dammit now I want that
    Anthony_ likes this.
  11. TEGCRocco

    Assume It's A Bit

    Swap DD3 and DD1 and I can get behind this.
    WanderingSquall and Anthony_ like this.
  12. phaynes12 Prestigious

    finn jones is a horrendous actor
  13. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

  14. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Catching up but LOL at this being nominated for best picture. The Oscar’s are a joke but come on.
  15. phaynes12 Prestigious

    if they’re choosing one from this year (they won’t), it should be shang chi
  16. justin.


    Liu would be much better in every way imaginable if he shared screen with Jones. Liu IS Shang-Chi, Jones is NOT Danny Rand. I’m not sure if it’s the script material or just the look the producer wanted him to go for, but it just doesn’t work.

    I wouldn’t hate Jones getting another role but (and I don’t like saying this because recasting disrupts the entire connective tissue) Rand needs another actor.
    sawhney[rusted]2 and phaynes12 like this.
  17. justin.



    Haven’t watched JJ2/3 or Punisher 2. Henwick deserved better than IF 1 and 2
    WanderingSquall likes this.
  18. Can they just have Rand hand down the mantle of Iron Fist off-screen to someone who's actually Asian? Like oh look here's this new guy he's Iron Fist now. idk I didn't even watch the show
  19. phaynes12 Prestigious

    again, danny rand is the character, not the actor lol
  20. I mean, I was implying they don't even have to bring Jones back...
  21. justin.


    Another reason for a recast. Maybe I’ll stop mixing the names up lol
  22. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I maintain that Jones was better as Rand when they allowed him to be affable and enthused instead of an angsty man-child, and if they allowed him to be that way all the time, he'd be a far better and more enjoyable character.

    I understand why people want Iron Fist to be changed to be Asian, but as a fan of the comics, I'm going to admit that I'm happy they chose to adapt the actual character as is with no changes.

    I also personally believe having Danny Rand remain a rich white kid opens the door for stories between him, Cage, and Shang-Chi and allow dialogue and commentary that would not be possible otherwise.

    But mainly it is just me being selfish and wanting the character I grew up with be brought to life.

    As it stands, if they continue from the Netflix show then Henwick is currently Iron Fist, which I think is great. Or if they chose to give it to someone else, that's fine too, but I would want Danny Rand to still be part of the conversation.
  23. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Just recast Finn Jones if Rand has to be a a white dude in the MCU (he doesn’t). There’s no need to keep him. He’s not good.
  24. phaynes12 Prestigious

    whether it’s rand or not it should be recast
  25. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    phaynes12 likes this.