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Spider-Man: Homecoming (July 7, 2017) Movie • Page 9

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by jkauf, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Liz

    Ew, David

    Do you think that's deliberate? I can't decide if its a coincidence or not
  2. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    Me neither. I'd imagine w/ Marvel it has to be on purpose. Don't really understand the connection, but that could very well be the point.
    Liz likes this.
  3. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    When they did reshoots they added the Homecoming parts
  4. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    Ohhh, good to know!
  5. Liz

    Ew, David

    Oh wow, that's really interesting--I'm curious now to see where they go with that
  6. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Or they make Peter the new, inexperienced hero, being mentored by an established Miles;). (Doubt it highly)
    Aj LaGambina likes this.
  7. AndrewSoup

    It's A Secret To Everyone Prestigious

    RyanPm40 likes this.
  8. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    Yeah, no. lol. I'm all for taking liberties with source material, especially when it furthers representation, but there should be some thought put into these decisions.

    For example, an adult Miles takes away the idea of him working through being a young POC hero in school, which has defined his entire history so far. Considering that The Prowler could fill the exact same role mentor role suggested here, it'd be a waste of resources to just toss a reinvented Miles there.

    Eh, I want Miles ASAP, but if he and Peter are in high school together, he won't be seen as Spider-Man as much as "black Spider-Man," worse than usual. Plus, he'd be relegated to a War Machine "black friend" status when he deserves to shine.
  9. Dean

    Trusted Prestigious

    Now Martin Starr is in this.
  10. and Logan Marshall-Green. Cast is stacking up.
  11. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    I think they start filming this or next week, so all the casting news makes sense. Read Marshall Green might not be a bad guy but......Uncle Ben in flashbacks
  12. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    I hope Martin is playing GIlfoyle somehow
  13. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I hope Martin Starr is just playing the same character he played in The Incredible Hulk and is in desperate need of another pizza.
    KimmyGibbler and Henry like this.
  14. tucah

    not champ Prestigious

    He'll be playing a caterer for Peter's prom.
    devenstonow, Henry and Nathan like this.
  15. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I hope he's catering pizza.
    Henry likes this.
  16. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    I hope he plays Batman
    RyanPm40 and Henry like this.
  17. Allpwrtoslaves


    Hopefully he's playing Peter's teacher and just acts exactly Gilfoyle.
  18. devenstonow


    maybe he's playing his role from the veronica mars movie.

    And I agree with, if they're gonna use Miles, just jump right into it. I'd rather that than a stupid, "Hey Miles, how's it going?! *winks at camera*"
  19. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    LMG looks like a discount Tom Hardy.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen and Tim like this.
  20. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    LOL so accurate
  21. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    He was great in the Invitation.
  22. Drew Baldy


    Didn't realize the guy directing this also directed "clown."
  23. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    ChaseTx likes this.
  24. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    Well that can't be bad
  25. Nice. Been a fan of every casting announcement thus far.