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Spider-Man: Homecoming (July 7, 2017) Movie • Page 6

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by jkauf, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    Interesting. I like those subtle touches.
  2. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

  3. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    His line to Tony about people getting hurt when you have the ability to stop it and choose not to seemed to indicate as much also.
  4. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    This is literally the worst idea ever haha
    Greg and AndrewSoup like this.
  5. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

  6. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    Good talk guys.
  7. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    Maybe Andrew Garfield could come back as Captain Stacy? :crylaugh:
  8. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    Or he could be Jesus in the next Passion ?
  9. The entire plot may have leaked. Saw the headline my accident in my feed reader.

    Oh no.
  10. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    4chan leak. prob fake. still read it tho.
    Raku likes this.
  11. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    I mean those leaks usually end up being totally false or only partially true so with that in mind a lot of the leaked plot sounds promising to me.
    Raku likes this.
  12. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    This fits well with all the current rumors and "leaks," much like the alleged BvS script did. Though, that script did predict Superman's fate, lol.
    Raku and Nick like this.
  13. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    that was obvious since the second trailer tho.
  14. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    The alleged script "leaked," I think, before even the first teaser. Though, there were Doomsday rumors before that, so it was still most likely just a case of connecting the dots, much like this "leaked" plot probably is.
    Raku and Nick like this.
  15. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Oh I got my timing mixed up.
  16. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    If these rumors or true. I'll be pretty annoyed. I don't need shoehorning just to appease people.
    Nick likes this.
  17. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I like movies a lot, and the rampant speculation and rumors and leaks and reporting on superhero and sci-fi movies is endlessly frustrating to me. I get it, I get why it happens, but no other genre of film has this amount of pre-viewing analysis and thought and debate and questioning. No one lets these movies just be movies that we'll see and like or not eventually. The build up seems exhausting and potentially harmful to the ultimate viewing experience.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  18. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    The problem is they aren't just films in the standard sense. These massive blockbuster 'adaptations' are made to appease to the broadest audience available. You don't see things like this in Fifty Shades of Gray because of how narrow the audience is. Star Trek, Harry Potter, Marvel/DC are adapted to transcend the archetype of genre. There are things in there for everyone. Since they are huge franchise, people are going to speculate about accuracy, continuity, and universe building.

    If you think it is bad with these films, don't even google what is going on with the Star Wars sets.
    Raku likes this.
  19. devenstonow


    I'm kinda fond of the leaked plot if it's true, minus the incredibly lame way of integrating Mary-Jane
    Also I wouldn't be surprised if Tony giving Peter girl advice comes out terrible.
  20. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I know, and I get it. I love Spider-Man, I'm really interested to see what story Marvel is going to tell with him in Homecoming. But if I look up rumors or set photos or whatever, what good does that ultimately do me, aside from altering my expectations? Does the movie even have a release date yet? Such fervor over stuff that's potentially over a year away and unconfirmed doesn't do anything. I don't at all buy into the idea that superhero and sci-fi movies are hurting cinema, but if this is the way they're being consumed, I feel like it has the potential to get people set in a certain vision for what a movie might be months before they ever see it, or they could be writing it off months before they ever see it (there could be ugly ties made to the new Ghostbusters reaction from fan culture), it's just like... It's a movie. Hopefully it's great. But knowing this stuff now doesn't really do anything valuable for you as a viewer (general "you", not you specifically), and I think does have the potential to be harmful to the ultimate experience of finally seeing it, for some people.
  21. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    It's 50/50 for me. I love reading spoilers and reviews. Knowing a bit of what is expected gets me so pumped.

    The reviews for X-Men have me so soured on it, but after reading the plot points, I actually want to see it more.
  22. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    The low standard that the internet has for what constitutes as comic book film news is certainly a problem. Every rumor and theory is reported with similar unearned confidence for clicks, and interviews consistently ask questions fishing for a response and then use the response without the prompt for a headline.

    That being stated, I genuinely enjoy the constant speculation and don't think it's ever made me like a film less. I read spoilers before seeing these films, so by the time I'm in the theater, I have a decent idea of what I should expect plot-wise. When I am disappointed with a decision, it's either because I didn't like execution, or because I wanted the source material used different, both of which are separate from the speculation.
    Raku and Nick like this.
  23. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    I'm not a huge 4Chan'r, what are the chances this thing is actually legitimate ?
  24. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    After the fake BvS leak somebody claimed was authentic, which turned out to be false, I don't buy any of these plot leaks or whatever. Most times, I imagine someone is able to get a hold of an old draft and base it all off of that.
  25. therookielot

    Punk, Absolute Prestigious

    Wait Vulture was the one who could drain youth right? That messed me up as a kid.
    Ryan likes this.