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Spider-Man: Homecoming (July 7, 2017) Movie • Page 16

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by jkauf, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Let's be honest, we are going to get Spider-Gwen and Silk at some point.
  2. Allpwrtoslaves


    Getting Silk at some point would be fucking awesome. Hopefully it wouldn't be until around the third Spider-Man movie, though.
  3. michael_gatto


    P sure it was photoshopped to show comparison for all the complainers, but def looks great.
  4. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I just hated Zendaya's stupid Disney show- just hope what seemed like poor acting was due to cheesey, bad scripts.
  5. KimmyGibbler

    Everywhere you look... Prestigious

    Zack Efron, Shia Labouf, Ryan Gosling, Brenda Song, and Selena Gomez all started on as terrible actors/actresses on the Disney Channel and have gone on to knock it out of the park in other roles.

    No reason to believe that Zendaya can't do the same.
    RyanPm40, Tim and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  6. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Might be stretching a bit with Gomez, but yeah we'll find out in July.
    Davjs and RyanPm40 like this.
  7. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Yeah I definitely am open to her, I just haven't seen evidence of her acting well, but I will absolutely reserve judgment until I see her in something else. Kid's shows are notorious for bad writing and cheesiness anyways, I just hope that was really all it was.

    Not so sure that I think Selena and Brenda are that great after Disney, but good points on the others.
  8. KimmyGibbler

    Everywhere you look... Prestigious

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought Gomez was good in Spring Breakers and The Fundamentals of Caring.
    joe.boy.fresh. likes this.
  9. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    Brenda Song was great in Social Network. Not sure what else she's done.
  10. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    Why would you want it to take that long? Heck, with Civil War already introducing Spider-Man, they could have used Silk right out of the gate (though I also get why they wouldn't).

    I'd say, in an ideal world, Cindy Moon would appear, however briefly, in the first Spider-Man film, and then she'd swing into action in the second one a la Wasp (who SHOULD have suited up in that first film) and War Machine.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  11. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I wonder if Marvel/Disney will ever try to bring Carnage to the big screen. He seems like a villain that would end up heavily censored or else be in a Netflix show.

    Also the fact that Carnage would need multiple stories to lead up to him. Black suit and Venom most definitely.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  12. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    As of earlier this year, Sony still wanted to make a Venom movie. If that spinoff ever actually happens, I imagine Carnage will be the antagonist, and be heavily inspired by Ledger's Joker.

    Though, it'd be interesting to see how that and the Silver Sable film they're still interested in fit into Marvel Studios' schedule, especially if Marvel worked out a similar deal with Fox for Fantastic 4. Maybe two Disney MCU films and one non-Disney MCU film per year? I can't imagine them getting to 4 films per year in the same world without it collapsing on itself, and I also can't imagine live-action films with Spider-Man characters outside of the MCU at the same time as the current series.
  13. KimmyGibbler

    Everywhere you look... Prestigious

    I really hope they don't do a Venom movie.
    Letterbomb31 likes this.
  14. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    I dunno. If done right, it could be great.

    Though, more than anything, I hope someday this Flash Thompson grows up to become Agent Venom.
  15. KimmyGibbler

    Everywhere you look... Prestigious

    Lately it seems to be a trend among studios to over-react to anything that may resemble a hit and start dropping stories like "We are going to make a Harley Quinn movie!" "We are going to make a Loki movie!!" "WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A FUCKING AUNT MAY MOVIE!!!" "WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING ALFRED MOVIE!!!!!!!!"

    Just get the core characters right. Give us a few good Spider-Man movies, introduce some interesting side characters, and maaaaaaaybe we will let you make a Venom movie.
  16. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    *shrug* I'm pretty sure Kevin Feige will have at least some role in any spinoffs they do, and I trust his ability to create a shared universe. Plus, a Venom film probably wouldn't materialize until after the second Spider-Man solo film at the soonest, and would be based on a character with a couple decades of solo stories under his belt.

    And, that Aunt May rumor was debunked and never actually believable, lol. Most of the stupidest stories that leak are constructed by comic book film gossip sites. The ones with more validity (Venom, Silver Sable, Harley Quinn) usually aren't all that crazy. Heck, I'd argue that they should have done a Harley film in place of the Suicide Squad, and should do one before even considering Suicide Squad 2.
  17. carrytheweird

    I still can't decide if I like Spring Breakers. It has a shitty plot, shitty characters doing shitty things, and showcases the epitome of people that give me douche chills.

    BUT, it was unpredictable, edgy, very well acted and honestly believable. It's like, not a bad movie. I just want to fucking hate it I think.
  18. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    It was also absolutely gorgeously shot, with a great score.
  19. KimmyGibbler

    Everywhere you look... Prestigious

    The movie made me feel uncomfortable. Ultimately, if a movie makes me feel anything other than "I am watching a movie right now" I think it's an something of an achievement haha.
  20. carrytheweird

    Exactly my point. The hardest part to swallow for me is James Franco. His character is an absolute P.O.S. and somebody I would probably point and laugh at in public. But he nailed it. The scene of him in the garage talking to Selena's character made my skin crawl, and i'm a dude so I can't imagine what that must feel like when women encounter somebody like that.
  21. Liz

    Ew, David

    I have had guys talk to me like that before and it is so upsetting. But his performance in that scene was so spot on and so was Selena Gomez's
  22. carrytheweird

    It was repulsive, and I watch Evil Dead without flinching.
  23. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    The gun blowjob scene in Spring Breakers is a highlight of cinema. The film is a masterwork.
    Henry, iCarly Rae Jepsen and chris like this.
  24. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    I tell this to anyone who will listen
  25. Allpwrtoslaves


    Just cause characters exist doesn't mean they should come out as rapid fire as possible. Plus a huge aspect of Silk's character is that she was locked away for years after the spider bite. Give Peter some time to be the only Spidey. Bring in Silk and Miles juuuuuust when Peter Parker riding solo v x-villain is starting to get stale/boring to spice things back up with a brand new element. Idk I'm much more of a fan of the slow burn approach so that there's fresh content for a good long time.
    Raku likes this.