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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, & Justin K. Thompson, 6/2/23) Movie • Page 35

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Serh, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Starting to think they were fired from Solo for a reason
    WanderingSquall likes this.
  2. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    Not to downplay Lord and Miller’s shittiness, but that seems like a little too cynical big brain take. I could absolutely see how they saw it as a great PR narrative to spin. But I would be surprised if it came down to that.
    imthesheriff likes this.
  3. brothemighty Jun 23, 2023
    (Last edited: Jun 23, 2023)


    As a TAG member myself, this seems really shady

    Create a separate independent vendor to do most of the manual labor on your "union" project, huh Sony

    Most smaller projects ship the actual animation overseas, I guess this is the equivalent. No wonder they kept the budget down for this (compared to Disney and Pixar)
    Nyquist, Zilla, Tim and 1 other person like this.
  4. Apparently there are slightly different edits of the movie out in theaters.

  5. brothemighty


  6. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    What does that mean? What are the differences?
  7. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    The example they have shows the character point at Miguel in one and take a selfie with a bunny filter in another. Beyond that, I have no idea.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  8. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I assume it’s just small Easter eggs like that. Not like a wild change in narrative.
    TEGCRocco likes this.
  9. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    Insane to me that Sony has learned nothing from the email leaks and the “Sausage Party” debacle when it comes to treating animators right. I guess when you’re openly shameless as Pascal is, you don’t have to worry about accountability.
    soggytime, brothemighty and Nyquist like this.
  10. brothemighty


    Titmouse Canada unionized under TAG, sure would be something if Imageworks decided to pull off something similar right as production on Beyond ramps up...!

    Going by one of the accounts in that article, it sounds like they rely on foreign workers with Canadian visas that need the job to stay in the country. Reminds me of the Elon Twitter takeover thing. Reeeeeeally shady
    Tim, Zilla and Nyquist like this.
  11. brothemighty


    Damn really lmao

    Gusano and Miller
  12. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.
  13. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    Nyquist and sawhney[rusted]2 like this.
  14. soggytime


    Bummer but not surprising considering how good this thing looks and it costing half as much as a Pixar movie.

    Sony sure does love crunch
  15. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    man this is a bummer.
  16. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I hope Lord and Miller address this and take accountability instead of pulling a Damon Lindelof and go from being extremely online to “Whoops! I got caught treating my staff poorly! Time to go offline until this blows over!” I assume they have to in order to do press for “Beyond.”

    Also, just basing off how long “Across” took, who in their right mind on the creative staff thought it was gonna be ready for 2024? I have to think with this piece, they’re gonna have to re-evaluate everything and delay for 2025/26. But once again, it’s Sony and they have a history of sweeping things under the rug.
    Rowan5215 likes this.
  17. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    This ruled!
  18. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    V cool to end on a cliffhanger, I don’t think my kids are used to that at all.
    GrantCloud and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  19. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  20. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I didn't get that scene and now I feel robbed.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  21. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Now the question is, which version will make it to streamers
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  22. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    Hell yeah I got miles riding the horse that was fun
  23. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Honestly don’t remember if I had that scene in my theater or not
  24. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    I definitely didn’t, either time, which makes sense because I saw it at the same theater
  25. soggytime


    I saw the movie twice in 2 different theaters (both an AMC and a Regal) and I can't remember if i saw that scene