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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, & Justin K. Thompson, 6/2/23) Movie • Page 31

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Serh, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I think he is clearly hiding something or not mentioning something on purpose. My current theory is he is at least casually leaving out how that universe’s Spider-Man died. My theory is Miguel killed him. And THAT is what caused it all. Or something else entirely. Either way, I think he was an unreliable narrator.
  2. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    Nyquist and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  4. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    Yo, Miguel is the original anomaly and is trying to cover it up by focusing on the second, Miles. There were multiple jokes about him being unique and he just seems to be in a hurry to get it all over with
  5. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I dunno, that sounds like it would get convoluted. I think it makes more sense if there's just more than one Spot doing the same thing in other universes. Hey, maybe that's a canon event!

    Or it's Morlun, ha!
  6. justin.


    Miguel just wants to get rid of Miles because he wants Gwen. Miguel is an incel. Sorry.
  7. brothemighty


  8. Marx&Recreation


    If Miles’s entire identity is an anomaly, then how can there still be any sort of “canon” event for him? All the canon events are supposed to be about his universe’s spider-man, who was never supposed to die for him in the first place
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  9. Marx&Recreation


    The twist reveal at the very end is good, but at the same time it feels like a too many cooks-Spider-Man 3 situation where we have too many antagonists running around at this point
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  10. Saw a theory that Earth-42 Miles is more of an anti-hero than an antagonist
    AgonizingFir and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  11. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    A 40 year old man in love with a 16 year old girl, but Hobie is the one in a punk band
    Greg and GrantCloud like this.
  12. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    This is where I have a feeling it’s going to lead to as well. If nothing else, Earth-42 Miles will probably end up taking positive lessons away from his time with Miles and be the hero his world needs even in the absence of spider powers. This would undermine Miguel’s theory about the supposed order of timelines because this universe will have not only found a way to correct itself by still making this Miles a hero, but also by using OUR Miles as an influence, thereby proving that it was Miles’ destiny to be Spider-Man all along because with great power, you know…

    I also think it’s interesting how many parallels Miguel’s story and motives has with Kingpin’s in the first movie.
  13. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    It’s not possible that Miguel’s whole concept of cannon events and everything are a result or course correct caused by him being an anomaly? Like maybe Spider-People’s rigidity towards cannon events is only necessary because Miguel already disrupted everything? Hypocrisy is a pretty popular trait for antagonists. Unless we think he’s just gonna go “oh damn I was wrong” at some point
    Nyquist and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  14. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Zilla and AgonizingFir like this.
  15. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    In case my last post seemed completely out of nowhere I totally misred this lol
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  16. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Yep, had this thought too. Wondered if a lot of it isn’t all due to Miguel’s projection. If his taking over another universe led to the destruction of that universe then that’s because Miguel’s disruption was a willful one. Miles wasn’t even aware of the circumstances around his origin. Miguel, however, took the place of someone who died a death that was meant to be. Miguel lost people of his own he was meant to lose. Ultimately he could accept the reality of neither universe and crossed those lines. One thing leads to another and now he’s created a whole business operation devoted to maintaining timelines that would never be interrupted by himself had he never inserted himself where he didn’t belong in the first place.

    Edit: I think what it’s getting at here is the acceptance of loss and the pain that comes with it without demanding it.
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  17. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    This person gets it. And is way more eloquent than me lol
  18. MCU talk in case you'd rather skip

    Miguel takes a dig at MCU Peter and Doctor Strange for almost causing their universe to collapse. It's funny in the trailer because the Sony-verse is referring to the MCU. But once I thought about it, Miguel is full of shit. Miguel wants to call out a Doctor Strange who actually managed to contain his Peter's incursion, whereas Miguel himself destroyed a universe, and what other character's variants have we seen do just that? Doctor Strange.

    The only other two instances I can think of where a universe collapsed were the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness when he tried to kill another Stephen (someone's dead that should be alive) and the Doctor Strange in What If...? when he tried to resurrect Christine (someone's alive that should be dead). Miguel trying to replace a dead version of himself falls into the latter category. But so does Miles saving Pavitr's girlfriend's dad. Pavitr's universe supposedly begins to collapse But at the end we see Pavitr on Gwen's team, which probably means that incursion was contained. Maybe Miles wasn't the cause of it. Maybe it wasn't an incursion at all but something else entirely.

    After Miguel caused an incursion, he tries to prevent others from happening by recruiting other Spider-people to contain disruptions to canon events. Sound familiar? The TVA contained disruptions to the Sacred Timeline. The TVA started by a version of Kang, and we all know what happened to that guy. He Who Remains claimed his motivation for erasing all branching timelines was to prevent other, worse Kangs from popping up, but Sylvie wanted none of that shit. Only after Sylvie killed Kang did the multiverse expand in the first place, and now Miguel wants to be the new Kang, controlling the narrative of the Spider-people.

    But if every other Peter's Gwen dies, why is Gwen's universe still intact after her Peter dies? If Peter's supposed to be Spider-Man, why is Miles' universe still intact after his Peter dies? Some variations to the timeline don't cause incursions, Miguel's whole canon-event theory is a load of crap. With great power comes great responsibility? Yeah, well, with an infinite number of universes comes an infinite number of possibilities. Why is it that in Miguel's spider-society, Gwen is the only Gwen and Miles is the only Miles? Why does Miguel get to choose who to let in and who to keep out?

    And no, I don't necessarily think Miguel will share the same fate as Kang. Miguel's motivations, however misguided and hypocritical, are still benevolent, he's still trying to be the hero. I don't think he's lying or hiding something. He truly believes in what he's doing, I just think his understanding of the multiverse is wrong and there's something else at play.
    AgonizingFir, Penlab and Nyquist like this.
  19. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I'm deeply worried that the story's going to work so hard to save Miles' father that his mom becomes the one who dies. There's precedent for this too in the comics, although she got brought back eventually.
  20. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I was pretty worried about that too, especially with how much emphasis was put on her in the trailer and making him promise that wherever he goes from here, he has to promise to take care of that little boy for her. And then her being the one to send him off with the promise that he’ll be right back which is almost never a good sign lol. I’m hopeful that they don’t kill her in the third one because a.) it’s another dead female character to serve as motivation for the male hero and Rio’s a great character, and b.) I feel like if someone in Miles’ life does die then it’ll almost be reason enough for Miguel to be like “see? I was right.”
    Penlab and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  21. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I really want this series to stick the landing on the message of "fuck you, canon."
    Greg, SpyKi, smowashere and 3 others like this.
  22. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Also really like how we’re circling back to the first movie where Miles had to help these strangers from other universes get back home and now those same strangers are returning to help their friend get back to his.
    Greg, smowashere, Serh and 4 others like this.
  23. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

  24. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    Finally saw this today and holy shit, they actually managed to top the first one. Frame for frame this might be the most visually stunning movie I've ever seen, and the story and writing are even better now too. I'm really, really attached to these characters already, the cast really brings it

    And I made an audible noise when Donald showed up lol
    TEGCRocco, Zilla, Nyquist and 4 others like this.
  25. blast0rama

    Internet human. Supporter

    I'm pretty confident that this is where it's going. Miles already blew up canon in his universe when he became Spider-Man, and got another multiverse's spider bite.

    And yet his verse didn't collapse. How about that.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.