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Something Corporate Tease New Music • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. Bayside 182

    Wolverine Supporter

    Thanks of the info, makes sense.
    Biko likes this.
  2. Biko

    Newbie Supporter

    Stoked for new music from them. Always wondered where they would go musically after North came out. Hope the songs are a bit more guitar heavy. I love AMITW but it would be fun to hear guitars featured more, like with SoCo and Jack’s Mannequin.
    Bayside 182 likes this.
  3. manemox


    so many people need to hear this
  4. dnaps


    Yikes where da distortion at?
    brothemighty likes this.
  5. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    in the wilderness sounds more major label and mainstream then anything jacks and soco ever did..
    orangehorizon likes this.
  6. brothemighty


    so McMahon went a little commercial. who can blame him. Cecilia was a hit

    why bring something corporate back if you're just gonna do the same thing tho
  7. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    Cecilia was the ONLY hit

    wilderness is technically a one hit wonder, i didn't know it was him when i shazammed it off the radio, i was like oh really? ok.. hahaha thats how i heard about that project.

    4 albums alter, and still one hit..
  8. This thread is off the rails weird.
    Bartek T. and anonimito like this.
  9. manemox


    no one is ever happy on the internet.
  10. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    As a lifelong diehard SoCo fan I'm just grateful SoCo is giving us a tour as I could never get to the west coast one offs or Dear Jack Foundation shows. Hearing there would be two new songs has been exciting AF. I felt emotional just watching the live announcement and hearing the preview teaser.

    This thread though is like that kid who gets the super expensive top of the line brand new gaming PC for the Holidays he's always wanted but knew it was way above the price range of a typical Holiday budget but mopes around complaining because he'd have preferred it in a different color.

    SoCo is back & SoCo is giving us new music so I'm not going to mope around about the color and I don't expect it to sound like they're still living in 2003. Even if Andrew dominates the sound the other guys I'm sure will have their influences on the tracks and without those influences these songs wouldn't be the same.

    I can't wait to listen & also can't wait to catch them on tour. I got Stone Pony NJ tickets and may also try and catch the NY show if possible.
  11. simonbelmont


    Im fine with it, the video plainly states that they are songs by In The Wilderness and SOCO so obviously it’s gonna have a different vibe. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed that the track isn’t piano driven like most of SOCO though. I get that as songwriters times change and as you age you wanna do stylistically different things, but SOCO with little to no piano? Just not feeling that aspect missing from the snippet I heard. Obviously this is my initial take, and it very well may change upon hearing the full track.
  12. Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness (feat. Something Corporate) makes the clip make a little more sense in my brain. Kinda like the two Justin Timberlake (feat. NSYNC) songs. Not a bad thing, but keeps expectations in check.
    dnaps likes this.
  13. Bayside 182

    Wolverine Supporter

    The phrase “You can’t go home again” fits really well here. People love nostalgia and thinking back to high school days or some other time. I’m sure for many of us, that is what we think about when we hear soco, since its been so long they’ve been away. If the new music is different, its still great to have something new from them, but I totally understand the feeling to want it to sound like early 2000s soco.
  14. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    Always saw this as the closest we'd ever get to a new record from SC. Also wouldn't have a problem if they played anything live from it.
    WadeCastle and bradsonemanband like this.
  15. Chris Lei


    EIT 20th Anni Tour next year.
  16. Chris Lei


    Can you confirm if the other song is more SoCo vibes? From my understanding, one of these song is AMITW ft SoCo and the other song Soco ft AMITW.
  17. birdman

    Yes, it's me

    JM and AM&TW always sounded, to me, like a natural progression from Something Corporate. Like if SC kept releasing albums after North they probably wouldn't have sounded much different from JM and AM&TW,

    Home Grown, The Starting Line, and Something Corporate all releasing new music has me stoked though.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  18. Aren't all SoCo songs featuring AMITW if you really think about it? I think both songs have very clear "SoCo (and Andrew McMahon) vibes."
    anonimito likes this.
  19. Chris Lei


    True. But that is the way Andrew described it on Pillar. My interpretation is one song started out as Wilderness first. The other song, a more collaborative band effort.
  20. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    Song sounds like AMITW feat. Something Corporate if anything and that’s even a stretch.

    guess they didn’t learn anything from all the teasing that *NSYNC did last year before dropping a forgettable Justin Timberlake song with *NSYNC on backup vocals
  21. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  22. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    If SC played these, with their own stuff, that's like instantly getting my money to go see.
  23. Chris Lei


    Unlikely we will see SoCo play JM songs. When Andrew performs under Wilderness, imo is when you get to see mix of his whole entire discography. Andrew has basically confirmed a 20th EIT Anni tour next year.

    Andrew's at an interesting point in his career right now. He could go multiple directions with Wilderness and SoCo in terms of new music. JM will imo will never put out new music. Exciting times to be an Andrew fan!