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Smashing Pumpkins Band • Page 8

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by airik625, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. NitrateDawn


    Zeitgeist is quite obviously their worst album but it's still a good album by anyone else's standards. I think the 7 years of hype really hurt people's opinions of it. IMO it could have been much stronger if all the b-sides were included and some of the weaker songs came off. But That's The Way, United States, and Neverlost are all top tier Pumpkins.
    Anti-Counter-Culture likes this.
  2. ugman_2000 Nov 14, 2017
    (Last edited: Nov 15, 2017)

    Trusted Prestigious

    I think I've said this quite a few times over the years in this and the old AP thread but Machina is tied along with Mellon Collie as my favourite SP album. Machina was the album SP were touring when I got into them (and was my first ever gig) and I've got so many memories tied to that album. It also has my favourite SP song in Age of Innocence.

    I really wish Billy would finally get round to doing the re-release of Machina as it kills me not have Age of Innocence on vinyl.

    As for Zeitgeist, I liked it a lot when it first came out (and they were so good live on that touring cycle) but as time has gone on my love of it has dwindled a lot, so much so that I hardly ever listen to it. There's definitely some good songs on there though.


    Dude. Alex Jones sucks. It sucked so bad when he went on that show. I catch so much shit from all my friends because I still dig BC's song writing and guitar playing. For me, I've had to kind of find a real deeper reason to still follow Sp and BC since that whole Alex Jones thing. I love the music, man! I love the song arrangements. I love BC's song writing. I love seeing him unleash sonic destruction live on his guitar! He's one hell of a guitar player! one of the best I've ever seen. That dude comes up with the coolest live song arrangements. Yeah, He's a bit out there with his political views. He always has been. He's always been a weirdo in certain aspects. There's been points where he has been really confusing and frustrating with his stances on things. For me, I just want him to be happy. I will take every last ounce of music he is willing to give....Good and bad.
    Anti-Counter-Culture and inwaves like this.


    Yo! looks like BC is tracking a new record with Linda Strawberry? :scream:
  5. NitrateDawn


    Where'd you see that? I only saw that they made a short film together, not an album.
    CSWAPPO likes this.


    Linda Strawberry has been posting some videos on instagram. She is calling it "Secret Project" She flew out to Chicago from Utah, and then they drove down to a studio in Nashville. I'm very interested! Also Pillbox was pretty cool huh? Super Super intense visuals! I got about half way through it last night.
  7. NitrateDawn


    Interesting... and I haven't watched it yet, looking forward to it!


    It's like a silent film with his music from Ogilala.
    manoverboard365 and inwaves like this.
  9. manoverboard365


    Gotta find time later to watch this.
    CSWAPPO likes this.
  10. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    This is awesome.
    CSWAPPO and Preserved Moose like this.
  11. Blaine Ryan


    I like the solo album, but the lyrics are possibly more befuddling than Billy’s interviews.
    CSWAPPO likes this.


    Blaine Ryan likes this.


    Pretty excited to watch this when i get home!

    0:04 - ''Zowie.''
    2:33 - ''Processional.''
    5:59 - ''The Spaniards.''
    9:52 - ''Aeronaut.''
    13:16 - ''The Long Goodbye.''
    15:58 - ''Half Life of An Autodidact.''
    19:16 - ''Amarinthe.''
    22:50 - ''Antietam.''
    26:15 - ''Mandarynne.''
    30:04 - ''Shiloh.''
    33:05 - ''Archer.''

    ''Ghosts From The Past.''
    36:46 - ''Muzzle.'' (from Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness, 1995.)
    40:44 - ''Now And Then.'' (from TheFutureEmbrace, 2005.)
    44:35 - ''Friends as Lovers.'' (by The Djali Zwan, 2003.)
    49:53 - ''Soma.'' (from Siamese Dream, 1993.)
    54:34 - ''Age Of Innocence.'' (from Machina/The Machines Of God, 2000.)
    Show less

    inwaves and amorningofsleep like this.
  14. inwaves


    I’ve been on a Mellon Collie kick lately. I used to think it was bloated but I’ve come to love it all. Such beautiful production too.


    I LOVE Mellon Collie!
    MexicanGuitars and inwaves like this.


    Dudes! There's a new SP record coming. Original members?...It's looking like it!
    <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-permalink="
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    " style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by WilliamPatrickCorgan (@williampcorgan)</a> on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2018-01-04T23:51:59+00:00">Jan 4, 2018 at 3:51pm PST</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//"></script>
  17. Steve_JustAGuy


    Jimmy is such a great drummer. Fits so perfectly.
  18. inwaves


    Please please please. Jimmy is the best.
    beachdude42 and CSWAPPO like this.
  19. NitrateDawn


    Hell. Yes.

    Even if it's not new Pumpkins, Jimmy being involved makes me so much more excited.
    beachdude42, inwaves and CSWAPPO like this.
  20. NitrateDawn


    Looks like they're starting to post a lot more from the studio... wonder if we'll see James and D'arcy show up


    I'm starting to think that D'arcy and James won't be involved in writing whatever they're working on...I guess some things never change.
    inwaves likes this.
  22. inwaves


    I’m so excited
    chewbacca110 and CSWAPPO like this.
  23. ugman_2000

    Trusted Prestigious

    Surely James is going to be busy with APC this year so the timing seems odd for an SP reunion to me. Unless they’re getting in the studio now to hash out an album pre the APC album cycle with a SP reunion at the end on 2018.
    CSWAPPO likes this.


    Yeah, I think you're right. There's some magic happening tho!
    ugman_2000 likes this.
  25. inwaves


    James is in the studio with them. Not sure if it’s for recording or just hanging out, but it’s awesome either way.