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Smashing Pumpkins- ATUM (November 15, 2022; January 31, 2023; April 21, 2023) • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Onlyadirector, Sep 18, 2022.

  1. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    And The Future Embrace.
  2. hollowmines


    spotify is evil and you shouldn't want things added to it is my continued unfun take sorry
  3. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    You don't have to apologize for disliking an amoral corporation, I assure you.
  4. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Saw them live for the first time tonight, on their tour with Weezer.

    They were fucking excellent. Could have done with a few less songs from this, but they played for two hours so I’ll let them off.
    Darthjojo and Maddy like this.
  5. abw123


    Crazy setlist
  6. abw123


  7. Cmoney86


    New album called ‘AGHORI MHORI MEI’ out August 2nd
    Phantoms, Onlyadirector and Penlab like this.
  8. manoverboard365


    1.) Edin
    2.) Pentagrams
    3.) Sighommi
    4.) Pentecost
    5.) War Dreams Of Itself
    6.) Who Goes There
    7.) 999
    8.) Goeth The Fall
    9.) Sicarus
    10.) Murnau

    Onlyadirector likes this.
  9. manoverboard365


    Thankfully we're back to normal album lengths, but urgh they're still doing the lazy ass album art.
  10. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Gotta respect Billy Corgan's steadfast denial that SP is a heritage act. That being said, looking at their subreddit, does seem to be a younger fanbase that is all in on the newer stuff. Still curious as to how long of a set they'll get opening for Green Day.
  11. ragnarokstar


    Hell yeah, love a surprise drop.
  12. Darthjojo

    Holy forkin' shirtballs

    The band seems like they’re in a really good place right now, especially after this most recent European tour with Kiki now in the live lineup. Also, just anecdotally, whenever I’m in our local Newbury Comics, there are always teenagers checking out Pumpkins records, so they’re definitely having a bit of a resurgence right now. Looking forward to the new album!
    Phantoms likes this.
  13. abw123


    Is this the supposed “guitar” album they were making or something else
  14. Azz


    One of my friends saw them in Birmingham recently and he said it was the best time he has seen the Pumpkins live and said they sounded amazing and Billy himself looked like he was having a lot of fun onstage as well.
  15. Azz


    According to the press release it is suppose to be guitar heavy and more in the vain of the first 2 SP albums
    Phantoms and abw123 like this.
  16. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Listened, it's more guitar-heavy but it's missing the crucial piece of SP that Billy doesn't seem to recognize whenever anyone complains about what he's making not sounding like "old SP", melody.
    HueyLewis, Phantoms and Azz like this.
  17. Darthjojo

    Holy forkin' shirtballs

    I just finished my first listen and man, I actually really liked this. Love hearing the heavy guitars and Jimmy is in top form. I can see why they didn’t release any singles, because I agree with the post above that it isn’t a very vocal-hook heavy album. I’d definitely label it as more progressive rock than the grunge/alternative of their early stuff. But I’m really happy, I think this is some of the best stuff Billy has done in a while.
    Phantoms likes this.
  18. manoverboard365


    Did this leak? Or is it up early on streaming?
  19. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Leak from NZ/Aus is what I have but, yeah, set your VPN to that region and you can stream it.
  20. somethingwitty


    This is actually pretty cool, def agree on the prog sound. Kudos to Billy for rehabbing his image/personality and not just turning SP into a catalogue/nostalgia act.
    Phantoms likes this.
  21. hollowmines


    yep, it sounds better than they have in a while (they obviously know they haven't sounded much like a "real rock band" on record of late) but unfortunately I just don't think the songs are going to stick with me at all. the x-factor in his songwriting departed a while back.
    HueyLewis likes this.
  22. Zachary Dresch

    Trusted Supporter

    Every once in a while, there’s a really fucking good SP song but for the most part, it’s all just meh. I loved “Silvery Sometimes (Ghosts)” but the rest of that reunion record in 2018 did nothing for me.
  23. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    Who Goes There is the one. They need a producer so bad lol
    ragnarokstar likes this.
  24. Going in with zero expectation, but if this can at least come close to Oceania aka the last time I liked an album front to back, I'll be happy
  25. ragnarokstar


    this fucking slays. Ive liked everything they have ever done (Cyr rules), but this really feels like a return to the old pumpkins and is probably the best thing thing they have put out since Zeitgeist.

    top 3 currently
    Who Goes There
    Goeth the Fall