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Slipknot - The End, So Far (September 30, 2022) Album • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Jul 19, 2022.

  1. unbornwhiskey


    lol yes the "warranty" lyrics sound pretty silly

    i'm liking this more and more as i return to it. "medicine for the dead" is dope
    Cameron and michael_gatto like this.
  2. michael_gatto


    I really like this, I think at the moment the only low point is maybe Warranty for the lyrics but it's still a fun enough song.
    T E A L and Cameron like this.
  3. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    difficulty in buying a car? I love relatable lyrics
    jorbjorb and Phantoms like this.
  4. Crisp X Oct 1, 2022
    (Last edited: Oct 1, 2022)
    A couple listens in, and this is definitely a step down from We Are Not Your Kind. I have a hard time telling the traditional heavy-ish to heavy songs apart, and those mostly give me that "I've heard this before" feeling, like the band is going through the motions a little bit.

    That said, the increased amount of clean vocals is interesting, as is the amount of proggy songs. Vermilion has always been one of my Slipknot favorites, so getting an album with more songs in that vein than their usual affair took me by surprise too. Still think I'd put this above All Hope Is Gone and The Gray Chapter overall, but I haven't listened to the second in a few years.
    Phantoms and angrycandy like this.
  5. hollowmines


    I think I like this and WANYK about the same after sitting a while with this and returning to it. I do find that while WANYK has higher highs I do feel like a few of the songs drag on a bit by comparison to the relative economy on most of the new one
  6. helloiamzach


    I've given this a few listens now and think I can settle on my rankings.

    Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses)
    We Are Not Your Kind
    The End, So Far
    All Hope Is Gone
    .5 The Gray Chapter
    Drew Beringer and Phantoms like this.
  7. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Idk after re visiting AHIG recently I think there is some excellent stuff on it. Joey also does a fantastic job on it
    Contender and Phantoms like this.
  8. Spent more time on it this weekend and it really grew on me
    T E A L likes this.
  9. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    feel like AHIG has 2-3 of their best songs, a handful of solid ones and then a whole bunch of really boring dreck. I can never sit through the whole thing, but yeah the drums sound spectacular on it
    Crisp X, amorningofsleep and Mary V like this.
  10. unbornwhiskey


    my recent discog run all hope is gone really clicked for me. still toward the bottom end of my ranking but i enjoy every song
    Drew Beringer, Cameron and Rowan5215 like this.
  11. unbornwhiskey


    perfect ranking, agreed
    helloiamzach and Drew Beringer like this.
  12. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    Kind is honestly my favourite, it does everything I love about this band so well
    angrycandy, Mary V and unbornwhiskey like this.
  13. Phantom Mountain

    Transgender Princess

    I would like this album better if it sounded better. The production sounds pretty cheap/bad.
    sophos34 likes this.
  14. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Hmmmm I disagree personally I think it sounds good
  15. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    We Are Not Your Kind
    Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses)
    All Hope is Gone
    The End, So Far
    .5 The Gray Chapter

    I need to spend more time with the End. There are a lot of interesting choices on it, but it hasn't fully clicked yet.
  16. T E A L


    Unpopular take, but I think TESF is a Top 3 Slipknot album for me. It’s still plenty brutal yet knows when to let off the gas and explore different aspects of their sound.

    Sure, I’d love another Iowa but that’s not realistic anymore. This might be the next best thing.
  17. amorningofsleep

    No Fun. Not Ever.

    Lol I was going to do one also but you basically got my rankings down.
    Contender likes this.
  18. michael_gatto


    Vol. 3
    The End, So Far
    All Hope Is Gone

    There's days where I'd honestly consider switching vol 3 to my #1 just for nostalgia alone since it's the record that got me into the band but the self titled is just so good
  19. manoverboard365


    Just hit play on this and wow, was not expecting Adderall to sound like that.
  20. buttsfamtbh


    bad take here: i've never thought slipknot were much of a full album band. this album really just cemented that. it has a few good tracks but as an overall package it's not very good
    sophos34 and cosmickid like this.
  21. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Vol 3
    .5 Gray Chapter

    I used to LOVE Vol 3 and I admire it’s spirit of breaking the mold of the first two records, but in recent years Corey’s weak screaming has brought it down for me. I understand it was for the best that he went with a new technique after 4 years of touring and recording nearly ruined his voice but it doesn’t compare to the records before and after.
  22. TomG

    Trusted Supporter

    Switch AHIG and Gray Chapter and this is basically my ranking. I think I appreciate vol 3 now more than I did when it came out. I was hoping for Iowa 2 so don’t know if I fully appreciated the production and experimentation
    Nolessthanblink likes this.
  23. mike1885

    Trusted Supporter

    Vol 3
    Self Titled

    I’ve only listened to this one twice so can’t really place it yet.
  24. helloiamzach


    The only consistency I'm seeing in these rankings so far is that .5 is at the bottom.
  25. It's a shame because I'd take it above All Hope Is Gone anytime.
    Phantom Mountain likes this.