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Sleep Token - Take Me Back To Eden (May 19, 2023) • Page 5

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by drewinseries, Feb 15, 2023.

  1. almightykingdom

    post RADICAL

    There's so many left turns on this album I have no idea which song is which (from the unreleased ones at least) and I get lost, in a good way. So much to digest and chew on. Record sounds so damn good.

    Also, we may not of gotten the egg variant but the gold nugget variant looks damn nice in person.
  2. satellitexyears

    Death Touches Us, From the Moment we Begin to Love Supporter

    I was doing the dishes after dinner and Ascensionism was playing. My wife says "what is this Imagine Dragons sounding band?" I just looked at her and was like "NO."

    We've been married 12 years and have 3 awesome boys. I love her to my deepest core but NO.
    zsoty27, Phantoms, Scoob and 2 others like this.
  3. IMG_0069.jpeg
    r0m4n44, zsoty27, Phantoms and 6 others like this.
  4. almightykingdom

    post RADICAL

    Blasphemous. Unimaginable. The nerve!
  5. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    After my first listen I think I love this. I feel like they finally took that big step that I've been hoping for since Sundowning, and this is unquestionably their best album. So many twists and turns!
  6. gurpgork


    I don’t use this term often but I am floored by Euclid, on an album full of great pieces of music that is probably the best song in their discography immediately

    The musicianship from this band continues to amaze me, what an album
  7. Seen a lot of hype over this band in the past few months, about to click play
    Phantoms likes this.
  8. Crisp X May 20, 2023
    (Last edited: May 20, 2023)
    Interesting mix of sounds, even though I find the djent and alt pop/R&B moments too standard. I prefer when they either go full blown heavy or simply have some minimalistic instrumental playing. I slightly get where the Imagine Dragons comparison comes from. I hear it in the parts where an anthemic, thumping beat or gospel-ish background vocals come on, which combined with that particular singing style sparks an instant disgust reaction out of me, but... they're so few and far between and they're not the only band with those tendencies. Couldn't people use another, more flattering frame of reference lol

    I actually get post-grunge vibes from the vocals (stuff like Breaking Benjamin, Starset, or 10 Years), whereas the style, especially the contrast between soft and heavy, reminds me of Agent Fresco and recent Leprous albums at times. I strongly recommend both bands to anyone in this thread.

    Don't know if I'm going to revisit it because while I found the whole thing pleasant, it's way too long and the singing makes it a bit one note. Dude should totally make use of his upper range more, as I feel like he's singing the same melodies over and over again with very little variation in the style or phrasing. As a consequence, nothing really stands out besides Are You Really Okay? and I feel like I've heard it all before. I'm intrigued to see how they build on this on future releases though.
  9. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Someone explain this band to me
  10. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    a mix of different genres with one of the most versatile vocalists I’ve heard. They wear masks and black robes when they perform and the vocalist goes by “Vessel”.
    SteveLikesMusic likes this.
  11. TriangularDuck

    Regular Supporter

    two fantastic bands, can't wait for the long-teased new Fresco stuff and Einar's solo album (feat Agent Fresco's drummer)
    Phantoms and Crisp X like this.
  12. LightWithoutHeat


  13. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I dunno about this. I just wish he didn’t sing like *that*. He’s obviously a good singer, and the melodies are good, but it feels like he’s trying too hard. Just not on the hype train with this one, even though on paper I should love this as a modern pop fan and fan of most things metal.
  14. LightWithoutHeat


    Outside of Vore and a few tracks on the last record, I feel the same way.
  15. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I will say though, the main melody in the title track is one of the better ear worms I’ve heard all year.
  16. drewinseries


    Phantoms and zsoty27 like this.
  17. Linton9488


    Euclid ❤
    gurpgork, drewinseries, Scoob and 3 others like this.
  18. zsoty27

    "I am the patron saint of lost causes"

  19. Scoob


    Now I see comparisons to Dayseeker . I just don't get it lol.
    T E A L likes this.
  20. whitenblue88

    The rivalry is back on

    Them sounding like what I’d imagine a more severe/harsh Agent Fresco would sound like is what brought me in on the singles
    Crisp X and Phantoms like this.
  21. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    Really though… DYWTYLM gives me big The 1975 vibes.
  22. DeviantRogue

    Take arms, it'll all blow over Prestigious

    Lol yes, that was my first thought hearing that song as well.
  23. hollowmines May 22, 2023
    (Last edited: May 22, 2023)


    Giving this a spin. They don't sound like them really but the genre-blending makes me miss Arcane Roots....they were so great. I haven't turned this off yet.

    I don't hate the vocals, kinda think cleans in metal get treated unfairly on the whole. (Moon Tooth seem like victims of this phenomenon, popularity-wise.) Most of the bands on the front page of this forum have worse vocalists really

    Edit: OK, I did finish the album...they're an impressive band but the overall impact was kinda muted just from being so long and hopping between a few very specific modes rather than blending them for the most part. I could see them making a great, focused record with some more discipline but this turned to mush after a while for me.
  24. The Emologist


  25. The Emologist


    I’m obsessed with this album. Early contender for AOTY.