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Sleep Token - Take Me Back To Eden (May 19, 2023) • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by drewinseries, Feb 15, 2023.

  1. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    it's the least-engaging of the six so far, but i do enjoy it. hopefully it's more enjoyable within the context of the album.
    xapplexpiex and R.J. Carlos like this.
  2. Phantoms


    I’m into it! These guys’ variety is a big part of what makes them so good imo
  3. satellitexyears

    Death Touches Us, From the Moment we Begin to Love Supporter

    I love it all. This album is going to be wild!
  4. cosmickid

    Composer, but never composed.

    this is outrageous. how is every track so good?
    Phantoms and Scoob like this.
  5. cosmickid

    Composer, but never composed.

    it's interesting for me because i didn't even remotely enjoy the last album. this is a sudden and significant step up IMO.
    almightykingdom likes this.
  6. Bummer that’s the one I ordered too lol
    almightykingdom likes this.
  7. drewinseries


    I originally ordered the egg too, the opulent gold looks nice though
    almightykingdom and Michael Belt like this.
  8. drewinseries


    I love their variety. "The way the you were" is one of my favorites. Simple songs with Vessel are always great in the grand scheme of things.
  9. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    update: this one is really growing on me
  10. almightykingdom

    post RADICAL

    DYWTYLM reminds me of Flume and I love that.
  11. MathiasGeleyn


    Listening to the singles back to back and this last one is the weakest imo. It just lacks some of the power all the other ones have. Still not a bad song though.
  12. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    definitely a grower. I've always enjoyed the Vessel-front-and-center tracks
  13. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Never heard of this band until like last week and now I feel like I see their name everywhere. Listening to the singles from this album though and I'm digging it
    Phantoms, Scoob and xapplexpiex like this.
  14. Scoob


    Started up YouTube Music and they played The Summoning. Never heard of this band before but I instantly liked it. I kept it on repeat for a few days lol. Somehow I also like everything else released so far.
    Phantoms, zsoty27 and xapplexpiex like this.
  15. satellitexyears

    Death Touches Us, From the Moment we Begin to Love Supporter


    Phantoms and Michael Belt like this.
  16. gurpgork


    Aqua Regia is such a jam, I gotta learn those jazz piano chords
    tvck likes this.
  17. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    honestly, vibe wise, my favorite of the new singles
    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.
  18. Cr0akz


    This one sounds like a whiff on first listen but hopefully it'll grow on me like most of their music does.
  19. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    I'm a little bummed about changing the egg vinyl to plain gold because I would've picked a different variant had I known that then, but also first world problems.
    almightykingdom and Phantoms like this.
  20. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter


    Linton9488, Scoob, Phantoms and 2 others like this.
  21. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    I seriously can’t get over how great DYWTYLM is
  22. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    I could not get into anything of theirs previously. I tried. Didn't work. I tired twice on the middle album with the blue cover and It just annoyed me.


    All these new songs are hits. I'm going to wear them out before the album and I'm going to have to show restraint.

    (I threw on the Sundowning on a drive back from a show the other day, and I luckily made it through it. I almost changed it a couple of times during my listen. The "slow stuff" didn't hold my attention at all. I don't think they do that type of song well enough (yet). Moody for the sake of being moody. Basically for me it was "get to the distorted guitars please". )
  23. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    DYWTYLM is absolutely a breakthrough on the slower stuff. Have a good feeling with this album.
    Supernova and Phantoms like this.
  24. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    Phantoms likes this.
  25. satellitexyears

    Death Touches Us, From the Moment we Begin to Love Supporter

    At least wait until the band kicks in before rippin' one FFS! Hahaha

    Jackson Balling and Phantoms like this.