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Silverstein - Dead Reflection (July 14, 2017) Album • Page 4

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by teebs41, May 18, 2017.

  1. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Nice, hoping this provides a nice little stop gap for Manchester orchestra for me
    DejaMoi and beachdude42 like this.
  2. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    I definitely wouldn't call this Silverstein's best album or anything, but it's definitely a solid release. Just Silverstein doing what they do best, catchy post-hardcore jams.
    truelovewaits likes this.
  3. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Lol i feel like i see that everytime they release a new record. Never really been into this band unfortunately.
  4. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Silverstein fans are really lucky. This band is so prolific compared to another band that formed in 2000. I'm looking at you Brand New
    beachdude42 and js977 like this.
  5. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try. Supporter

    Love this new one, more of Silverstein doing what they do -
    DejaMoi likes this.
  6. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    Can't wait for this release!
  7. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Holy hell this is phenomenal
  8. disambigujason


    Yea that song is terrific. Looks like the album rollercoaster is shooting up real high this time.
  9. Blink182Bouncer


    This song is the one that pushed me to preorder it. Hell, this is stylistically all over the place as far as Silverstein goes but I love it to death anyways.
  10. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    that was good
  11. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    This is the best of the new songs released by a large margin for me
  12. Whiplash is one of my three favorites on the whole thing
  13. Rawrz


    On first listen this album is already fantastic and better then the last album.
    truelovewaits likes this.
  14. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Kinda feel like the two possible scenarios here are that this comes out of nowhere and blows me away, or I listen once and it's unremarkable and I don't come back, haha. Just feels that way to me for some reason. Got this coming up next in my queue
  15. Cmoney86


    this album is amazing. start to finish. they never disappoint its my fave album since a shipwreck in the sand/ arrivals and departures.

    i really liked the songs the afterglow and cut and run
  16. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Guess I'll be in the minority here - this is okay but sounds like the band on autopilot and doesn't come close to the quality of the last two albums. At this point, I think they really need to change up their sound somewhat to remain interesting, because this is an entirely predictable release that breaks zero new ground for them.
  17. tumbleweedterror

    music is all we got

    This is really impressive and way better than I Am Alive, but imo they will never be able to achieve the same magic as they did on TIHTWS. I'm glad they tried some different stuff, though, like on The Afterglow and Aquamarine, and Whiplash is one hell of a song. Solid release.
  18. michael_gatto


    Silverstein has been one of my favorite bands since I was 13 and the first band I went to see live, and I can honestly say this album is a major disappointment for me. The music just sounds boring, it feels like they've regressed since TIHTWS.

    Maybe it's just me, who knows.
    Petit nain des Îles and FTank like this.
  19. Blink182Bouncer


    Of the songs I've heard so far here are my thoughts

    Ghost - Sounds like an "I Am Alive..." B-Side, nothing too amazing, but it's fun and I like it.

    Retrograde - Straight up Silverstein being awesome and sounding as amazing as ever.

    Lost Positive - Eh, it's unique for the band, but sounds super generic in general. The lyrics are a huge let down for Silverstein too. Cool riffing though.

    Whiplash - Strong melodies and riffs and a killer chorus. Probably my favorite.
  20. Blink182Bouncer


    Yeah, Shipwreck and TIHTWS were so lyrically honest and vulnerable and musically theatric I don't think we'll get an album as great as that for a long time.
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  21. michael_gatto


    I think what's disappointing is the fact that Josh and Paul are such talented guitarists and none of the guitar work on this new album shines whatsoever.
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  22. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    very excited to check this out!
  23. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This is great,

    Holy shit mirror box
  24. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Wow. I haven't really paid much attention to these guys since Shipwreck. This new album is awesome.
  25. Blink182Bouncer


    I'm about halfway through the record and my basic impressions are that It's an incredible musically but it lacks a lot of the "Silverstein magic" and idk how to describe. Still will be jamming this all summer though. Incidentally: Shane's cleans are so good.
    michael_gatto and teebs41 like this.