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Seinfeld TV Show • Page 5

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by MrRobot, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Morrissey


    The guy is just like the character. Of course he is going to get mad.
  2. iam1bearcat

    i'm writing a book, leave me alone.

    also brought a lot of people to his restaurant / made him money and he seemed to come off as angry that it was able to boost his business a bit.

    i don't know how i'd react if there was a character on a TV show based off of me, but it's not like the character is hated or despised. Soup Nazi is one of the most beloved in the series. he's certainly entitled to be angry, and Kenny Kramer is certainly entitled to make a living off of being "the real Kramer". i'd probably be somewhere in the middle.
  3. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

  4. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I definitely visited Soupman thanks to Seinfeld.
  5. fronkensteen


    The most shocking example of this for me is Puddy being in only 10 episodes.
    MattLikesSsips likes this.
  6. fronkensteen


    And Jackie Chiles only being in 5, whoa!
    Richter915 and MattLikesSsips like this.
  7. inwaves


    George: "Who goes to the Super Bowl with their mailman?"

    Jerry: "Who goes anywhere with Newman?!"
    Richter915 likes this.
  8. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    George Steinbrenner was only in 12
    Richter915 likes this.
  9. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    It goes to show how good Jerry & Larry were at creating and writing for these minor characters. They'd give you just enough of them so there's familiarity, they would put them in scenarios with the main cast so you see how significant they factor into their lives; however, they never wear out the welcome -- you only see the exhaustion through the main casts' eyes. We, as the audience, always want more Bania, more Newman, more Puddy, etc. But Jerry and Larry gave us morsels at a time so we felt like we saw them more often and wanted them to be around more than they were. That's a neat trick they were able to pull on us, and that idea could potentially lend evidence to the fact that the last episode let people down and had negative buzz for so long (I think hindsight has shown us the finale worked better than it was given credit for at the time, with the audiences who connected with this show understanding the joke in context with syndication).
    inwaves likes this.
  10. Morrissey


    The one that really got ruined was Puddy in the last season. He became almost the fifth character and went from being endearing to obnoxious.
  11. Richter915

    Trusted Prestigious

    "Don't you even care? This is your company. It's your name on the outside of the building. Speaking of which, the R fell off and all it says now is K-UGER."
    "K-UGER. That sounds like one of those old time car horns, huh? K-UGER! K-UGER!"
    "You are too much, Mr. Kruger. Too much!"
    "Thank you George, you've been great. That's it for me!"
    "What? No, no, you're not going out on a high note with me, Mr. Kruger."
    "It's K-UGER!"
    inwaves likes this.
  12. TedSchmosby


    It doesn't really come as a surprise that the guy who inspired a character like the Soup Nazi is in fact an unpleasant person
  13. alex

    notgonz Prestigious

    A clear sign that they succeeded in making him come off the way that they wanted
  14. fronkensteen


    Wait, what now?
  15. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    Can't believe how few episodes some of these characters were in. Think I'm gonna pick up the book and do a full rewatch soon.
  16. Morrissey


    Puddy was overused and exaggerated to an even more obnoxious level. It is very typical of the post-David seasons.
  17. fronkensteen


    Can you provide some examples? The Devils thing?
  18. MattLikesSsips

    Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.

    The best use of Puddy was in the finale when Elaine says, "Don't wait for me" and his response is a simple, "ok". Although the devils episode was rather hilarious.
    Richter915 and inwaves like this.
  19. Morrissey


    The entire ninth season is a place to start.

  20. fronkensteen


    I don't know, man, he's always been a bit of a dullard/numbskull kind of guy. I still find him hysterically funny.
    Richter915 likes this.
  21. Signifire

    Headphones blaring three stacks Prestigious

    Sometimes I wish I never found out that Larry David left. Every time I watch the last two seasons I can't help but be overly critical due to his absence. The show is still funny, just in a less intelligent way.
  22. fronkensteen


    Some of my favorites are in those last two seasons. Yeah, it's different, but not radically, in my opinion.
    Richter915 likes this.
  23. Signifire

    Headphones blaring three stacks Prestigious

    I'm due for a rewatch, which is really what it comes down to. I've seen seasons 1-7 at least 15 times each, and seasons 8 and 9 only maybe like 3 or 4 times. It's still better than a lot of other shows out there, that's for sure.
  24. Morrissey


    Season 7's finale is a proper ending to the whole thing. It is always fine to stop there when watching the series.
  25. fronkensteen

