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Scott Sellers Releases Another Solo Album

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. Gollyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy this guy's a workhorse!
  3. brentstailing

    Newbie Supporter

    What a legend!
  4. Dog Fish


    jesus christ, did he find a box of old hard drives or something?
  5. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    I wondered that at first as well but after seeing some of the Facebook comment chains, he seems to just power through the writing and recording sessions for these in a couple of months. Which makes these releases that much more impressive because there's not a bad song on any of the three. And some of them are super intricate and technical.
    teebs41 and RazorCrusade like this.
  6. As easy as it would be to say that all these albums are very similar, I'm actually enjoying this album way more than the previous two. Great job, Scott!
    teebs41 likes this.
  7. maxracer


    i love you guys
    Chase Tremaine and teebs41 like this.
  8. morken

    Not everything means something, honey Supporter

    Jeeez, this is just one hit after another. The quality of this three-pack of albums is insane.
    Missing Rufio is pretty easy when Scott's still churning out tunes like this.
    Larry David likes this.
  9. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    Three Rufio albums in 2018. Life is great.
    Larry David and morken like this.
  10. thegreatbenbino

    Be excellent to each other! Supporter

    How does this guy find the time?

    This is a really fun listen.
    Larry David likes this.


    I feel so lucky to still be getting Rufio-esque records from Scott. He is a pop-punk god.
    Larry David likes this.