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Say Anything ...Is Committed (May 24th, 2024)

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dog Fish, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. Dog Fish Oct 13, 2023
    (Last edited: Mar 18, 2024)
    Dog Fish


  2. gurpgork


    I’ll say, so far this sounds a lot more like Say Anything than Say Anything has sounded in a long time - from the 3 tracks released it doesn’t have the feel of a Max solo project at all, which is fantastic news

    I’d love to know who’s actually in this band at the moment
  3. Dog Fish


    Some of these track titles give me the same "really, guys?" I feel when reading track titles from recent AFI records ha
  4. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Not a fucking chance lol
  5. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Good lord those song titles.
  6. Dog Fish


    I'm pretty conflicted. This is what I was hoping SA would sound like since s/t. I range from don't love to loath the releases since. But damn, can I not stand Max. It's maybe somewhere around Morrissey annoyance. He is as frustrating and not great to his fanbase as all get out (not the band), but damn I'm sorry - Max can still write chaotic, interesting melodies and vocal deliveries IF you're into his style. Like mwY, I totally get why his style isn't everyone's cup of tea.
  7. No fucking thank you
  8. Matt Who

    Space Cadet Prestigious

    People continuing to enable him should be ashamed of themselves.
    koryoreo and Carrow like this.
  9. unbornwhiskey


    "on cum"
    Dan O'Neill and CAC3 like this.
  10. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Please stop putting Sherri on songs.
    CAC3 and thehumgoesonforever like this.
  11. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Could care less if these songs are good. Max is sick and needs help. Anyone supporting this is enabling Max to continue to hurt himself and his family. Not down for this at all and wish he would get the help he needs.
  12. thehumgoesonforever


    I really want to know how a seemingly stable, nice, talented musician like Fred Mascherino fits into this whole dynamic.
    Shams, Crisp X and RyanPm40 like this.
  13. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Everyone has their reasons for still listening to music, whether that be an emotional attachment or whatever. Nothing wrong with someone still listening as long as they shut the fuck up about it, don't pay them, and don't promote them imo
    TophTheOriginal likes this.
  14. Drewski

    Maybe so, maybe not.

    Feel like we've all seen some shit in this scene but man...what the fuck is this.

    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  15. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    The levels of not cool that is….
  16. Saying what I hope happens to this man will get me banned probably so I will just say he can go fuck himself on the moon
    ScubaSteve182 and koryoreo like this.
  17. This is apparently out May 24th with another single ("I, Vibrator") out this week.
  18. Dog Fish


    You have to be premium to edit titles, right?
  19. I don't think so, but either way, fixed for ya
    Dog Fish likes this.
  20. Allhailburnzy

    Trusted Supporter

    I hate these titles lol
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  21. One song was dropped and another had its title changed. The new tracklist appears to be resequenced. The titles are still pretty much the same.
  22. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    I’m sure woman song will be normal and cool
    Snoblin, SamLevi11, Doomsday and 7 others like this.
  23. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    “On Cum” got the bump to track 2, sure to be a banger
    CAC3 and RyanPm40 like this.
  24. Rawrz


    The 3 songs released have me at least curious about this though im not sure what my expectations are. Oliver wasn't even bad and yet did nothing for me to have any confidence in this lol
  25. Allhailburnzy Mar 18, 2024
    (Last edited: Mar 18, 2024)

    Trusted Supporter

    I have a feeling some of these songs will sound good but then once I pull out the lyric sheet there’ll be a resounding oof that I continue to do throughout the entire album
    Crisp X, Aaron Mook and RyanPm40 like this.