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Say Anything Announce the End; Share New Song • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. meekers


    The new single fucking rules!
  2. thescience


    This song reminds me of fed to death from self titled without the glossy production and crunchy guitars.

    Still think ST was his best record.
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  3. reachingfor

    Regular Supporter

    I find myself revisiting ST the most because I can play through the album without skipping. IDOTG has some of my favorite songs though.
  4. Bartek T.

    D'oh! Prestigious

    The song is really good, though I'm not sure how did I manage to read all of that! Seems like a full circle, hoping for the best for everybody involved!
  5. thesollopsist Aug 17, 2018
    (Last edited: Aug 17, 2018)

    Pro Sleeper Prestigious

    Gutted. Really enjoy that new song more than anything from the last few albums.

    Can see why he wants to call it quits if he feels that way, been through that feeling myself recently so I can relate.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  6. silentc


    mail.jpeg Tracklisting:
    1. The Band Fuel
    2. Daze
    3. Pink Snot
    4. Greased
    5. Ew Jersey
    6. Mouthbreather
    7. When I'm Acid
    8. Captive Audience
    9. Your Father
    10. Send You Off
    11. Fired
    12. It's A Process
    13. The Hardest
    14. Sediment