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Saosin - Along The Shadow (May 20, 2016) Album • Page 74

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by irthesteve, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    the only 2 songs worth listening to off of ST were better on the previous EP too
  2. The Emologist


  3. jciswhatis

    Ugh, I hate America. Supporter

    I've always preferred ISOSG to S/T as well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I think the best Cove songs are the last half of ISOSG.

    But prefer AG Sao over all of Cove.
  4. I've literally never seen praise for ISOSG, ever. This is new to me. Feels weird.
  5. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I was gonna ask if that was the second or third Cove album, then saw that apparently they only released two Cove albums total, so what do I know
    earthlight and Your Milkshake like this.
  6. The Emologist


    I listen to "Nothing Is What It Seems" and "Fireflies" frequently...but I wouldn't miss ISOSG if it disappeared tomorrow.
    mescalineeyes and onionbubs like this.
  7. jciswhatis

    Ugh, I hate America. Supporter

    I guess after searching I have praised the last half of ISOSG a lot in here...
  8. Darth Amory

    Sith Lord.

    "Its All Over Now" was my JAM when my high school GF dumped me.. "Its ALLLL OVER NOWWWW.. What am I gonna do with all this time I set aside for you?" Hit ya right in the feeeeeels.

    Also, Changing and Deep Down are really fun songs.
  9. mattylikesfilms


    I know Cove doesn’t like Changing these days but I think it’s solid and Deep Down is great IMO!
    disambigujason and Chcurry182 like this.
  10. onionbubs


    thread is definitely the most praise ive seen showered on isosg maybe ever lol

    i used to love it in high school and jammed it again the other day. still think its pretty good and quite overhated. not a fan of changing at all but otherwise i still dig a lot of that album and its high points are pretty spectacular. nothing is what it seems and fireflies are an outstanding closing combo and two of the best songs the cove era ever yielded
    coleslawed, jciswhatis and earthlight like this.
  11. Same, those two and The Alarming Sound remain my favorite. I appreciate that a couple Along The Shadow songs harkened back to them ("Sore Distress", "The Stutter Says a Lot" and "Old Friends" somewhat).
    onionbubs likes this.
  12. Steeeve Perry


    I can remember being taken aback by how impactful the production sounded. It's dense and loud but you can hear everything in the mix clearly. Cove's vocals soar through and above the instruments. It is for me the platonic ideal of how a band like that should sound.
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  13. Linton9488


    Just spinning ISOSG, I don't hate it. For some reason I think the production is what makes it sound dull. But I can't point out what exactly it is about it.
  14. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    just gonna drop this here. I remember making a thread on it when it came out but no one really cared. It's Cove's "new" band.
  15. JamesMichael

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    Wow his voice has got so much deeper.
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  16. Richard May 4, 2023
    (Last edited: May 4, 2023)

    Trusted Supporter

    For sure. And Bury Your Head felt old by the time the album came out. The Capitol demos had been around before the S/T too, and those ended up being my favourite versions of those songs.

    Don't get me wrong, I was (and am) a huge Saosin fan. They were probably my favourite band of that time, right from the TTN EP, and so I consumed every little bit of anything that was around. The S/T was a smashing success but it will also always be the Anthony Green-less major label debut. You're Not Alone and Voices was them leaning heavily into needing big hit emo songs for the label.

    ISOSG felt a lot more authentic to me, and as an album, its hooky, its cohesive, and I think its great. It had its flaws, and the whole development of the second album was obviously problematic for the band, as Beau has spoken about a bunch before. In 2023 though, its still one I go back to. I never listen to the S/T even though at the time it was release I would've been super into it.

    I'm glad to see there's some love for it around here though. It's a shame I never got to see anything from it live, since they cancelled the EU tour for it.
    Anthony Brooks likes this.
  17. The Emologist


    I actually really like this album. "Anything Different" is love.
  18. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    usually i prefer listening to good music but you guys are compelling me to skim ISOSG again today out of curiosity to see what its all about i dont remember almost anything
  19. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    I did the same yesterday and I don't regret it. It's not that bad honestly.
  20. jciswhatis

    Ugh, I hate America. Supporter

    Tracks 7-13 are great.
    Linton9488 likes this.
  21. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    yeah its kinda hard for me to say which of their 3 albums is “better”. the guys are musically competent and the worst thing i can say about them is that to me its disposable. theres usually a couple bangers per album. the vocals are kinda hit and miss / not super memorable for me.

    from memory, ST felt a very commercialized product that is pretty homogenous but does what it does fine - boring to me personally. even when the instruments are sometimes firing away underneath a track something else keeps it feeling kinda generic when it all comes together - usually the vocal melodies and every song is very structured. I found it disappointing upon release and cold turkey stopped keeping up with them. ISOSG has a couple tracks that sound basically like the better tracks from ST but with some new tricks, then for a chunk of the albums runtime its pretty generic alt rock for the time but still the tracks arent incompetent, and a couple tracks influenced by some post rock elements which was different for them and break up the monotony a little. ATS again has a couple of bangers and then the rest of the album just kinda exists for me, perhaps written more than a little less competently than the other 2 albums, but also maybe a little less boring? also they try some sub genre tropes here that i really didnt enjoy.
    TriangularDuck likes this.
  22. onionbubs May 4, 2023
    (Last edited: May 4, 2023)


    anything different and reina's song are very good. i was pretty sour on that album when it dropped and i dont think its as good as either saosin cove album but its still pretty solid and i prefer it to cove doing nothing at all
  23. boo7er


    Man, the set from Boston last night kinda sucks:

    Saosin Setlist at Royale, Boston

    I feel like I'm being a bit whiny here, but I have kind of lost all motivation to drive 2.5 hours to see them play 14 songs and nothing Cove-era...
    earthlight likes this.
  24. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    No Mookies :brokenheart:
  25. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    I was never that into this band so Along the Shadow is really my favorite from them since I was more tuned in after Anthony came back. So that setlist would work great for me. Really I just want to see Illusion & Control live