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Saosin - Along The Shadow (May 20, 2016) Album • Page 24

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by irthesteve, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Anthony liked my tweet, pretty sure I can die happily now..
    softanimal likes this.
  2. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Finally listening now that there is a HQ version available. It's wonderful. First release by Saosin I've enjoyed really.
    teebs41 likes this.
  3. Benjamin Lee


    I'm holding off on listening to the whole thing until I get my CD, but I just got the two bonus tracks and am listening and these are very good. If these are b-side, this album is going to be insane.
  4. pauldunions

    Regular Supporter

    Half way through and I'm enjoying the more melodic songs more than the post-hardcore stuff I'm hearing. Second Guesses and The Stutter Says A Lot stand out for me. Though, I love Circa and I really love Avalon era Anthony Green.
    Lindsay M and teebs41 like this.
  5. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    the melodic stuff still sounds liked third wave emo, which is what these guys I LOVE IT
  6. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Finally listened to the whole thing and overall I enjoyed it. Def need more time with it though. Was hoping it would be more melodic the screams at times get a little tiresome but that might also have to do with the fact that it's late and i'm tired....
  7. Gnarly Charlie

    Good guy, but a bad dude

    Not sure how to balance this with hotelier, let alone pup, soon to be joined by thrice and cassino
    airik625 likes this.
  8. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Just seems dare I say forced in some of the songs. Will have to give it another listen to form a better opinion on it as a whole. But don't get me wrong I def didn't dislike it though.
  9. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Some of the songs don't quite blow me away, like Second Guesses for example. But overall just a super solid album , Racing Towards a Red Light might still be my fav but there's a lot on here to enjoy. The bonus songs are super great as well, def should not be skipped.
  10. pauldunions

    Regular Supporter

    The bridge in Drinking From the Fountain (2:30) is actually super intense and I do enjoy it. It's cool to hear Anthony going off in this style, but I don't listen to this specific genre of music like I used to. Sounds kind of dated tbh. I'm yearning for new Circa after hearing this album.
  11. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    its post hardcore.. so yea maybe its dated.. but they wrote an incredible post hardcore album.. just because it sounds like it could have been written in 2003 doesn't mean that it isn't really well written... They do some really cool things in second guesses.. like the fact that the drums switch to 4/4 in the chorus while the band plays in 3/4 pretty cool
    beachdude42 likes this.
  12. jciswhatis

    Ugh, I hate America. Supporter

    Eagerly awaited this album and it didn't disappoint. I wasn't (and still am not) big on Silver String but Second Guesses, Count Back and The Stutter Says A Lot are my favorite section of it.

    Anthony's voice never sounds better than it does on Stutter, super great track.

    I am shocked that they didn't release count back as the lead single. It has a Bury Your Head type feel to it and the unrelenting drum/guitar work that really won me over in early Sao stuff.

    Anyway, super happy with it.
  13. Fishguts


    Incredible album, I just can't help but wonder FFS how wonderful this album would be IF those idiots didn't kick Justin out! Sigh.
    teebs41 and canvasofwinter like this.
  14. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Bout to start my first listen. Glad I didn't indulge in the stream.
  15. MegT585


    finally just listened to this in full for the first time. oh my god. so good. will be on repeat for me all summer.
    teebs41 and airik625 like this.
  16. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Just curious, does everyone listen to this with the 2 bonus tracks. I don't know why they didn't just include them on the album...
    teebs41 likes this.
  17. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Yeah. They fit on the album too well not to listen.
  18. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I listen to the bonus tracks every time. So good.. Glad people are enjoying this, I was worried I was the only one haha
    DejaMoi likes this.
  19. SweetThye


    Anthony's screams seem really overused on this album, but that was probably in an effort to keep people from saying "this just sounds like Circa" even when it doesn't. There were really only two songs on the album I found pretty weak, but I enjoy the first half a lot.
    DejaMoi likes this.
  20. Richard

    Trusted Supporter

    Sounds so much better than the leak I had, glad I didn't give it a proper go until now. Really enjoying it.
  21. Bartek T.

    D'oh! Prestigious

    You mean the pre-chorus? I thought it's a regular time signature switch, but yeah, it is polyrhythmic or something like that, it makes sense when the guitar right before chorus is left alone for a moment :)

    Well, it could as well sound pretty much the same, he could be in the band, but without writing too much anyway.
  22. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yup! It's pretty cool... Drummer is in 4 guitars are in 3.. Count each separately.. Not sure if I have really heard it done like that before..

    Bands like Emery and circa survive use 2 over 3 a lot but never heard it quite like that
  23. Bartek T.

    D'oh! Prestigious

    Counted and it checks out, especially when it all falls into the chorus it makes up for a cool part. Maybe it's rare in post-hardcore songs, but even bands like Radiohead to that a lot, there's probably some more examples, but it's difficult to put your foot on it if you're not specifically concentrated - even here it normally sounds like a shift to 4/4 at first :)
    teebs41 likes this.
  24. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Radiohead does crazy counting stuff all the time but not in such a straight forward rock setting.. I'm sure it's been done I just thought it was really cool
  25. Steve_JustAGuy


    Never been the biggest Saosin guy, but I'm half way through and really enjoying it.
    teebs41 likes this.